
Reading Your Own Old Posts

Sitting in my truck watching rigs chew stone is boring so I spent some wasted hours re-reading my old posts on tuscl. OUCH!! When I started posting on tuscl I was so naive it was painful. Then I was pompous and arrogant. I was also drunk much of the time I was posting here so some posts were just plain incoherent. Occasionally, I would put up something that was interesting or funny.

So, apologies to all you guys who have put up with reading my gibberish.


  • gsv
    13 years ago
    No worries. I can say that in the relatively short time I've been here I've learned a lot too. Some of the my earliest posts may be pretty naive too. That is what the community is all about.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    The typical evolution seems to be from nice guy wanting to treat the women with respect to just another dude look to fuck some whores.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Nothing to worry about, or apologize for. It is what it is.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Don't worry, my posts are'nt exactly stellar. You are able to enjoy all the finer things in life. A real player. Oops, should'nt have used that word. lol
  • Maverick100
    13 years ago
    I have to agree about my earlier posts and to learn don't drink and type (or dial for that matter). Whatever happens, STFU, think about it and post the next day, even with a major hangover. At least you've had some time to think to try and be objective so you can post fair and reasonable opinions about your experience, not a drunken rant (of which I'm guilty).
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    My posts were high quality right from the start. Sometimes I look back and I'm like "wow, I knew that even back then". I am always careful with facts and presenting a consistent position.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    farmerart, your prose is great. I consider my reviews a success if I can get them done without too many embarrassing typos.

    I especially enjoyed TUSCL_BRO's reviews, back when he was posting under a different screen name, and trying to set some sort of record. They read like crime scene reports (not surprising, actually). What you would expect from Joe Friday ..."I arrived at 9:57 pm; there were 9 cars in the parking lot; the cover was $5; I ordered a Red Bull and observed 6 girls...." and so on.

    I have only one request, though, for all who post reviews. Since brevity is close to godliness, keep 'em short.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    harrydave, that isn't always possible. Founder wants detail. I have my format for reviews, things vary, but I want to give an accurate and experienced clubgoer's view.

    farmerart, I wouldn't worry. Typo's, slips of tongue, and personal flavor establish your character. I am glad we met, it confirmed what I had surmised from your posts and as I said to you in Bogarts that afternoon. You were a lot slimmer than I anticipated. That's a good thing. There are many times I am glad to be wrong (I know I am going to get flamed by Clubber) LOL
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    farmer, your posts are almost always entertaining. Also, when you came into the site new you immediately contributed to the knowledge base before posting or asking for intel/advice. You've got nothing to apologize for.
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