It used to be that this was almostr a sure fire sign that a girl was going to be fun in a LD/VIP area. Nowadays, however, I'm noticing an uptick in the number of girls that will do this at the bar and then give a less than inspired dance.
Shit, a couple of times in the past year I got more action at the bar than in the fucking back with the same girl. Now I limited my damage in both cases, but wtf?
Also, in SEVERAL other instances, I have had girls rub my penis or balls at the bar, but I declined dances anyway as I already KNEW that their lapdance/VIP areas sucked and that the rubbing I was getting in my seat was the most action I was going to get.
I agree that this practice is on the upswing but the good dances for me far exceed the bad ones. I think this is another one of those "depends on the club" things.
So far it has been a good sign for me. The trip to the LD area following a pleasant rub down at the booth has lived up to expectations. We'll see. Hope my good luck continues.
Never thought of it, but thinking back, you are correct. But there are those that still deliver. From what I can ascertain, if they allow mutual fondling at the bar, upstairs and down, the LD area is a go for me. Works pretty well.
I've seen it both ways. Whats for sure it's not a precursor to repeat business if the performance doesn't live up to the promise. Those dancers don't realize the most basic fact in a ongoing business that is; a satisfied customer will return.
Yeah, I am surprised that dancers don't understand that basic premise. The dancers I know that make the most do it because of regulars/returning customers.
I am also seeing this as an increasingly common practice. It probably caught on that girls who did this had a higher success rate of selling LDs.
rick: I can't say that I've really noticed an upswing in that type thing and then *not* delivering. Of course, being a local guy, and hanging at the same few clubs all the time, my "game" is different than yours, so that I just don't see that trend.
gmd, in the past year it happened to me in two clubs in Charlotte, and one-off clubs in Wisconsin, Greenville SC (PP), Scandals in Queens, NY, and the list goes on. Oddly enough it has been happening more in the nicer clubs.
Fortunately I don't usually fall for it as I know these clubs well enough to realize that the LD/VIP payments are not worth it, but I am seeing more of it now.
Most of the time for me it is a good sign. The action isn't always off the charts, but it almost always includes at least more of the same. Usually it has meant that she'll go as far as my money and the club will let her. Of course, I haven't always checked her out on it; and some of my best experiences have been with ones who didn't even get close to me on the floor.
During one of my first ever lap dances, the dancer whispered in my ear that she wanted to blow me. I got so excited I came. I don't know what I would have done back then if one would have started rubbing on me.
Last trip into the Inner Room the sale was made at the bar, hot black MILF, hand on the knee, hand on the thigh, then hand up the shorts. 2 $10's at the bench and I was taking her temperature. Luv the IR. in the afternoon.
Most of my clubbing is done in my home town of Phoenix, where dances tend to be pretty tame. Here, nothing has changed. An OTP grab is a clear signal that she's one of *those* dancers.
@newmark: Actually, I think you know exactly what you would have done.
I agree at PP in South Carolina that this is common, but the key is to never assume anything. I always ask what is allowed and how much do you charge, then I negotiate from there. Let's face it - this is a business transaction - once past that, then the fantasy can begin.
I met a great dancer in Pompano Beach who could sit on my lap and stroke Mr. Happy at the same time. Not sure how the geometry worked, but she delivered in the private area. OK, it's not a sure-fire measure of what the lap dance will be, but it sure helps the odds.
I always say" The more she does on the floor, the less she'll do in the VIP". The girls that rarely touch you on the floor can be the best ones in the VIP
The ultimate: she crawled under the table, pulled my dick out of my short pants leg and began sucking on it. vincemichaels was there. She got the dance. LOL.
In my experience, the amount of hands-on at my table is indicative of what I'll receive in the backroom. But, like Stiletto25 mentions, sometimes the dancer that never touches you during the sales pitch is the one that is all over you in the back. Hell, I've seen it all - nothing surprises me anymore.
Clearly, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the above comments is that there is no direct correlation between rubbing the package in the public areas and what happens in VIP. Almost as many respondents report poor LD experiences as report good ones. Thus, it's just a marketing tool, not an implied promise.
Getting my package touched or grabbed through my pants (it's really more like brushed up against) is something I've gotten used to and almost seem to ignore. It's only when I'm not expecting anything and they suddenly move their hands up my shorts under my underwear to start grabbing and pulling that I really notice. I haven't had that happen in a long time. I remember in one town the strip club I wanted to visit was surrounded on both sides of the street with Korean massage parlors. Those girls would not leave me alone. It was like if I wanted to visit the strip club, I had to wait at least 10 to 15 minutes as girls on either side would physically drag me into their clubs and then put their hands down my pants and then they would start arguing about why I should buy them an expensive drink. One time I was really stubborn and endured about 10 minutes of hand stroking before I agreed to buy them a drink. You could easily lose $100 before you even made it to the strip club. What I experience nowadays seems like nothing.
At different clubs I have had the occasional dancer run their hands under my shorts to suggest that they were willing to go further than other dancers. At a couple of clubs, I've even had some dancers occasionally do some gentle or not so gentle biting down there. I really do not like it if they bite and pull at only my clothes. I remember in one club a dancer slid down over the main stage and bit my cock through my pants (nothing real hard). Then another dancer said, oh she's just horny tonight. I've heard about dancers getting fired from PP in SC if they were putting their hands down someones pants so I don't think too much of that is going on anymore.
last commentNever thought of it, but thinking back, you are correct. But there are those that still deliver. From what I can ascertain, if they allow mutual fondling at the bar, upstairs and down, the LD area is a go for me. Works pretty well.
I am also seeing this as an increasingly common practice. It probably caught on that girls who did this had a higher success rate of selling LDs.
Fortunately I don't usually fall for it as I know these clubs well enough to realize that the LD/VIP payments are not worth it, but I am seeing more of it now.
During one of my first ever lap dances, the dancer whispered in my ear that she wanted to blow me. I got so excited I came. I don't know what I would have done back then if one would have started rubbing on me.
@newmark: Actually, I think you know exactly what you would have done.
Last time, a dancer I had been talking with noticed how I managed to play some of the other girls this way. She thought it was pretty funny!
Hell, I've seen it all - nothing surprises me anymore.
a marketing "tool"? You can do better. :)
I would have agree had he mentioned a tool for marketing. The phraseology was incorrect in my book.