Platinum Plus got raided. I got busted.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
It was last Tuesday night at 1000PM. The raid was conducted by the "smoking police". I had just returned to my seat from the mens room and lit up a cigarette. I noticed a 40ish women in street clothes standing near by with a clip board in her hand. I wondered at the time "who the fuck was she?". Too fugly to be working there. A minute later a female customer came over to my table and put her cigarette out in my ash try. That was odd and then I looked around. All of the ash trays were gone except mine. Then a bouncer came over and said that no smoking was allowed and that I had to go out front. I did and the woman with the clip board advised me that I was in violation of the smoking ban and wrote me a citation.

I knew that smoking was banned in South Carolina but the club's policy has always been to say "fuck it" we'll pay the fine. I know that club got fined as well but I am not sure how many other customers got citations.

After things calmed down, I told a bouncer that I wanted to talk to the manager about it. I should have had a little warning. A short time later I did see the manager. He apologized saying that they got surprised by it. He took me to his office, made a copy of my citation and told me that he was going to give it to the company lawyer, who had already been notified. Said that the attorney would try to get it over turned and would handle my citation as well.

Now I am not holding my breath. That could take months or years. I am to appear in court April 12 or post bond. The fine is $25. Of course I am just goning to mail in. It would be a 250 mile trip to appear in court.

Good news: I got a chit for a free drink. I got to see the cameras in the manager's office. There are 16 or more cameras recording the parking lots and main room of the club. None of them were on the dressing room or private dance rooms. I went back to the club on Wed and Thu. The ash trays were back and it was smoking as usual.

Odd note. I had two dancers tell me that the club had a cigar license that allowed them to sell cigars and allow them to be smoked ITC. WTF? cigars but not cigaretts.

$25 is not gonna kill me. I'll keep smoking there until if and when the club puts a stop to it.


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avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
PHEW! I thought from the title something far more serious had occurred... to the point that I would be watching my back all day today!

I think it likely a customer was agitated by the smoke and complained to the authorities, which brought forth the woman with the clipboard.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I'm sure the non-smoking advocates will say good for the authorities as your secondhand smoke is killing everyone around you...and its the law!

I say that a business should be allowed to decide on how it is run! All the non-smoking freaks can get together and start a non-smoking club! The rest of us can choose to go to a club that allows smoking or go to the non-smoking club if we choose. To say that smoking inside is illegal EVERYWHERE is riGODDAMMEDdiculous. Let people choose how to run their establishments (they're the ones risking their money). If you don't like it, open your own business that is smoke free. By most people's logic, it should take all of the customers, servers and other employees away from the smoking clubs and you'll win the financial battle.

I just glad that in your case it was only a $25 citation. I believe it is much higher in other places.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
Yeah, they should have warned you. They knew the police were there since the ashtrays had been taken away, and so somebody should have given you a heads up. From your discussion heading, I was afraid you'd been arrested on some sex-related charge.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
There is a club here in Columbus that allows smoking after 6pm. Their logic is that the department of health is not going to be open that late but I guess if this bust happened at 10pm the health department workers do not all have banker hours.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
Your title about gave me a heart attack!

I was there a few weeks aqo (still haven't written a review, though) and it was smoking as usual. I hope they don't knuckle under. The last time I checked, their web page still advertised their selection of cigars. I just checked again: the cigar bar link is gone from PP, but is still there for Heartbreakers as well as the PPs in Greenville and Lexington, KY.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
On two recent visits to Temptations patrons [but not employees] were smoking. KCMO has a no smoking ordinanace that applies to Temptations.

Employees say Temptations should be 'no smoking' by law but the owner allows patrons to smoke. It's restricted to around the stage area, farthest point from front door.

Explanation is that owner is said 'to have arrangement with KC Fire Dept to receive advanced notice of inspection' ???

Given Temptations rather decrepit condition, perhaps this is more of a fire safety than health issue. lol.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
Which PP were you in? Sounded like PP got busted for alowing the dancers to trade sex for money.
avatar for crecat03
14 years ago
Trying to scare us?
That's pretty amusing.. Glad it was something trivial.
avatar for snowtime
14 years ago
Looks like your post got everybody's attention. I wonder why.
Glad the fine was only $25, maybe the club will make it up to you. Hard to believe you were the only one in the club smoking at 10pm.
I hope the raid by the "smoking police" does not bring other unwanted attention to PP. I could see some of them pressing other agencies of LE to take a closer look at the club.
I am a non smoker but have never been bothered by the smoke in PP. They seem to have a decent ventilation system.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I don't understand why the title would scare anyone. I just thought some dancer stuck her breast in his mouth.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Shadowcat - a little early for April Fool's, isn't it?
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Michigan's smoking ban does not apply to gambling casinos. If banning smoking is a public health issue for the benefit of all why should casinos be exempt. Money controls the political agenda.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I hate to rain on Shadowcat's parade, but if it's illegal to smoke at the Platinum Plus, they shouldn't have been smoking. Were they dumb enough to think the Health Department was going to avoid the Platinum Plus forever? I wouldn't be surprised in the future some time that they get busted again and smoking ends there.
avatar for ezcaddis
14 years ago
You should have been busted. $100 fine would have been more appropriate.
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
Illinois has a smoking ban that most clubs seem to comply with, forcing customers to go outside to smoke. However, on a recent visit to ESL, smoking was allowed at the club. A cop even walked into the club and didn't seem to care.

I got a $25-$35 ticket for not wearing a seatbelt a few years back. I paid the fine and still don't wear a seatbelt.
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