
avatar for CTQWERTY
"Showplace Go-Go Bar • Dover, New Jersey
February 20, 2011 • Ratings: Physical Club: 1 • Dancer Quality: 1 • Dollar Value: 1 • Overall Rating:
Visited on: Saturday After Midnight • Dancers on Shift: 1-5
BadBusiness • DANGEROUS HAVEYSET OWNER. Last Saturday, 02-19-11 at 24:30 hours, two friends wanted to go here and so we did. We sat at the bar. Purchased 3 beers at $18 with $2 tip. I was the only dressed well in the establishment. 3 minutes later, 2 staff strippers approach me only to get $80. Told them to go away and for 5 minutes after, they kept pulling me off my chair begging me for money. I waived the owner over and told him to teach his hookers English “the word: go away” and he and other staff got aggressive with me.<p>

Your lucky I did present my badge, video taping your actions, arrested you, kicked you around in back of my company squid car and charged you with "attempted assault on a public law ......"!"<p>


last comment
avatar for troop
14 years ago
LMAO! no doubt a product of our current public school system!
avatar for troop
14 years ago
btw, i always wanted my own company squid car! i can only dream now, but maybe someday..............."!"
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Some wild and crazy guys out in the Twilight Zone @ 24:30 hours....
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I have a company car, but not a squid car. That might be nice to have. No residual leftover "fishy" aroma from in car "activities" that could give one away.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Were these the same guys that like to pretend to be cops?
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
hablo espanol el fucko offo puta
avatar for winorhino
14 years ago
"company squid car" Is that a Spongebob reference?
avatar for troop
14 years ago
clubber, does that mean that you're dreaming of a squid car too? :)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I prefer my vehicle to remain smelling like a car, nothing more.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
As opposed to the car smelling like 3 day old snatch.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Correct! You know, that nasty gator type smell.
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