
avatar for jackslash
A few weeks ago, after an OTC session, my dancer friend Delilah asked if I had ever thought about manscaping my private parts. I replied that I thought only gay guys did that. Delilah said that I was completely out of touch, that a lot of young men manscape, and that less hair down below made oral more pleasant. Delilah herself is clean shaven.

So this week Delilah brought her scissors to our OTC meeting, and she gave my balls and pubic area a trim. She did not shave me; she just gave me a close haircut. I'm willing to sacrifice some hair for better oral sex.

It feels okay, but it looks a little strange when I glance down in the shower. Of course, no one is going to see it except girls giving me head.

Do any of you guys manscape? Am I on the cutting edge of male fashion, or have I just reached the first stop on the train to Gaytown?


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avatar for troop
14 years ago
i sometimes trim mine a little bit but it's not even close to being stubble.
btw, i've heard that it makes your dick look bigger so if georg shaved maybe he wouldn't be known as microdong anymore, lol
avatar for nengneng
14 years ago
I think for those who have SO, they can hardly explain...
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
I shave "the boys", and trim around "The Associate". I appreciate when a girl doesn't have a wild bush (prefer clean shaven), so it's only polite to reciprocate, right?

The downside... I am a runner, and for those of you that don't run, there is a LOT of friction going on down there, when you run. Soo... if I don't keep up with the manscaping and let stubble form, it's like running with sandpaper in my shorts. (leads to a scream or two when the shower water hits that area after my long run... seriously, OUCH!)

As for my SO.. I started manscaping about the time when I started adding miles to my long run a few years back. I told her that I'm not shaving, that it's just worn off from running. (she hasn't questioned it, and it's SOMEWHAT believable, I guess)
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
Also shave the crack, too... One of my OTC girls was into rimming, and she refused if there was hair down there. If you haven't received that... you don't know what you are missing (it was WELL worth the effort to shave that area clean, believe me - I maintain it, in case another girl is so inclined!)
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Well after looking up the term rimming to find out what you guys were talking about and getting grossed out I read something funny.

"Term used to describe the so-called "special relationship" between the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Implies that while one part is basically happily eating shit, the other part is receiving.
The late Tony Bliar is in favor of rimming

A majority of Brits are in favor of rimming"

No offense intended for the Brits.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Norelo has an electic shaver with heads for the desired trims.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
...that's Norelco....
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
About 2 years ago, I deceided to give myself a shave. I knew that the growth was too full to just start shaving. So I started with a cuticle scissors. Well I stabbed myself in the balls and that ended that. I mentioned the incident to a couple of dancer friends. After they stopped laughing, they said to use an electric beard trimmer first. I now have a beard trimmer and give myself a trim once in awhile but never shave. That stubble is irritating as hell.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
Yeah, you have to trim it nowadays. Girls in their 20s are not into dudes with unkempt pubes. I shave my balls, trim the pubes with a number 1 guard on my clippers, and shave the base of the cock. Ass crack, too. Kinda gay(ish) but it makes for better oral, so it's worth it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
jackslash: You let somebody named "Delilah" cut your pubes? You know what's gonna happen now, right?

troop: While "millidong" may be a few orders of magnitude better than "microdong", it's still pretty small.

That said, I do shave, and not because of the negligible enhancement effect. I like the way it feels, and the girls are generally willing to go down farther without hair tickling their noses. Plus, the feel of a tongue swirling over my bare nuts is mildly incredible.

My "date" Saturday night was both pleased and embarrassed by my two hour old shave. Pleased because the hair wasn't in the way, and embarrassed because *I* was smoother than she was. :)
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I've trimmed (not shaved) my chest for the SO. She says it's easier for her to sleep with her head on if the chest hair isn't so long. I guess I could pass for a saquatch. The problem is that the hair seems stiffer and itchier when I do this even though I'm nowhere near stubble. I can't imagine what it would be like in the pubic area if it itched anywhere near as much.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
always be careful not to cut off your dick
avatar for winorhino
14 years ago
Well, I use to not do any manscaping until about a year ago when I got on a kick of screwing 20somethings. So, yes I trim and shave down there, and yes, you have to be very careful. I have nicked myself and it's unpleasant.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I could give a shit what they like. My hair is mine, and I'm not about to let some dipshit dancer wield a pair of scissors anywhere near my dick.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Trim it up, come on, you will recieve better bjs if she isnt pulling hair from her teeth
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Likely just me, but it seems pretty damn gay!
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Gay would be asking your barber to do it. I do think this is probably not the best area to be playing with sharp tools.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Just make sure you aren't trying to use scissors down there while in the shower..


avatar for how
14 years ago
Trimming, fine. Shaving bare, no thanks.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Would braiding the pubes answer? Perhaps some hair gel and slick it down? Or are these too gay also. LOL
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago

Unless you're getting fucked in the ass by a man while you shave your pubes, it is not gay
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Saying it is not gay would be like be saying it is gay, which I did not say! I said to me, it seems pretty damn gay, and it does!
avatar for RickWood
14 years ago
Hmmmm...let's see.... Hot Chuck spends more time with my dick in her mouth because I trimmed. Doesn't seem gay to me, especially when she tells a hot girlfriend that wants to suck my dick and try it out since her dipshit boyfriend won't trim things.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago

"HOT CHUCK"?!?!?!?! Typo or slip of the limp wrist?

avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
GAY! :)
avatar for how
14 years ago
Who is this "Hot Chuck" who sucks RickWood? Charles Nelson Reilly II?
avatar for RickWood
14 years ago
Lol... damn I hate these smart phones. That's hot CHICK not chuck....
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
What we won't do for 20something chicks! It is worth it and I will continue doing it (and them!).

Heck, I've even tossed around the idea of getting a tat or two, 'cause these girls are all into THAT, too. (nahh... I will draw the line there.. ain't gettin' no fickin' tat!!!)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

One of my recent favorites just had a tat taken off her ankle. Lots of scabs for awhile. but basically back to normal with minimal scaring.
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