Snail Trail's

avatar for djscotti
Most club's in So.Flo are Full Nude but only a few get away with giving the full nude dance's & Recently after getting a few and pay'n up . I went to sit back down by the stage and noticed Snail Track's all up and down my black pants. - NASTY- of course I left the club promptly, complaining to the door man on my way out who got a good laugh as did i later in the night but DAMN I don't mind a little Perfume or Glitter getting on me but this experience turned me off to the full nude dance. Hell Some of You old Bicycle seat sniffer's might even like this but not me ! Good thing I wasn't wearing shorts. Anybody else ever have this problem


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avatar for troop
14 years ago
just be glad that she wasn't at the peak of her period ;)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
As one in South Florida, I've never thought of that as a problem, and black is what I wear mostly, or blue jeans.
avatar for djscotti
14 years ago
Yeah Blue jeans woulda been better. I guess like troop said it could of been worse
avatar for sanitago
14 years ago
.....and to think I always wondered why they have the dancers put a towel on the customer's lap before they start grinding! guess you could think of it as a compliment, as in you got her hot enough to leave 'sign' behind.
A couple of years ago I was getting a totally nude 30 minute VIP dance in a private room at the Crazy Horse Saloon in Atlanta from a good looking bitch for $150, including the house fee. She suddenly stopped grinding and got this strange look on her face. I asked "what's the matter?". She pointed to the mess on my pants and said "sorry. It happens some times". I was wearing black shorts and it dried into a white strpe right down the center. What bothered me the most was, she came and I didn't.
avatar for choppedliver
14 years ago
haha...that same scenario happened to me a couple of months ago. Like Sanitago posted, think of it as a compliment!
I've related this one before. I was in VIP with my ATF, and was behind her. I hadn't pulled my shorts past my knees, and when I got up, there was a definite definite damp spot where she'd...spilled. It dried by the time I left the club, but there was a white film where it had done so. I pulled my shirt out to cover it.

To make it even more amusing, I went home and dropped the shorts on the floor next to the bed. The next (actually, not much later that same) morning, my wife is doing laundry, and she picks them up, notices the damp spot and says, "Spill your drink?" and before I could stop her, puts them up to her nose, and gives a sniff. This funny look comes over her face, and she yells, "Hey, that's pussy!" at which point I start giggling. "Oh funny is it? Here, you want some too?" and shoves them in *my* face.

I told my ATF what happened; she was mortified, and always made me take my pants all the way off after that.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I never really gave this that much thought. I tend to wear older clothes if possible because they always get dirty in strip clubs and reek of smoke if not perfume and pussy or whoever has been grinding on me. At one time I used to wear white shorts. One night, a porn star feature entertainer ended up making me part of her show when she grabbed part of my anatomy with her teeth (lucky bite on her behalf) and the entire front part of my white shorts was red with lipstick after I left the club. The worse part was when she was backing up on the stage without letting go. I wanted to grab her or tell her to let go because I just expected her to let go. I think she wanted me to look uncomfortable before she let go. Fortunately at that time, it didn't bother me a tremendous amount to have red lipstick covered shorts. I wouldn't care for it too much now. I wear dark shorts in the summer now though.
avatar for dennyspade
14 years ago
Got me at the infamous Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN. dancer opted to forego the handtowel on my lap and I stopped her after the 2nd song of the three-for-$55 lapper package. I smelled her sex in the air and paid the piper. As I walked back to my seat; the smell continued. I now realized that my dress pants had been marinating in her juices and I was on my way home. "Danger, Will Robinson !"

I stopped at the local BP station and bought gas, cigarettes and the Christmas Tree air freshener. I rubbed some excess gas on my hands & pants, started blowing smoke in my car, and hung the tree o the mirror. Woulda thought about Febreeze, if I had been schooled in Home Ec. I just wanted to pass a quick inspection by the Missus and the pants were on their way to the Dry Cleaners bag.

I have been queried about perfume and glitter in the past. Not at all prepared to discuss the tell-tale trail of snail tracks and its accompanying aroma. Scared me shitless. Although, that may have covered the smell a bit as well.
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