One dancer likes to sit, talk, get me to buy her drinks and then pay her money to dance. I'm ok with that since she is hot. Well as long as the amount she tries to get out of me isn't too much. She even claims she lives just a short distance away from me. But then she keeps inviting other dancers over and wants me to buy dances from them too. Would this bother you? I wasn't at all interested in getting any dances from the one dancer she had sitting at our table last time. It seemed a bit awkward because I did not want any dances from the other dancer but the dancer I was sitting with invited her over. Somehow she sensed my lack of interest and excused herself. I probably said I wasn't interested in buying any dances from her. I guess it is that easy.
Yeah, I've seen this game a few times and it is never good. Usually when they are doing this to you they view you as an easy mark and they use you to hookup other girls that they like You are NEVER going to get her alone for anything fun anyway.
Best thing that you can do in this situation is to flush the dancer that is doing this to you and to start fresh.
I have done some double dances before. Not any better than a good one dancer dance. I would prefer the one dancer because it is cheaper than a double team.
i recently had 2 sisters double team me. they were both obvious robs, offered me 2 hours of private at home dances (and i stress dances only) for only a thousand dollars lol. i bought a dance from 1 of them and she didn't come through with her great dance guarantee so i shut her off.
Yeah - one of my ATFs did this to me, claiming her 'friend' was new, shy, and not getting much action. I could see why. My ATF is, well, my ATF for all the right reasons. Her friend was mousy, sullen, overly tatted, small chested with nipple rings, and facially pierced. I honestly couldn't see why my ATF (who's none of the above) would even be hanging around with her.
Me being the nice guy, I bought a double-dance with two of them, and kept challenging myself to take my eyes off my ATF and watch the other girl on occasion. I then hustled both off without spending my usual 20 minutes chatting with my ATF and then buying a few dances - bummer.
I don't have a good answer, other than maybe to sharkhunter's last point - just to say if it's alright with her, you'd just as soon spend your time as a couple. I'm sure the other girl would get the hint.
It's an immediate No when two dancers come up to me. When I'm with a dancer and she mentions bringing in another, I let her know without being rude about it that I'm not interested in doubles.
Sometimes I'll sit with a dancer and another dancer decides to come over. Typically the dancer I'm with knows her, but she didn't invite her over (unless they pre-arranged it in the locker room). When that happens, I do like sharkhunter and focus all of my attention on the one I'm interested in and sort of pretend like the other isn't even there. But if the subject of doubles comes up, I let it known i'm a one-on-one guy
My worst experience in a SC involved being double-teamed by a pair of plump ROBs in West Palm Beach. I protested that I didn't want two dancers but they said I would only have to pay for one. Once in the VIP they were all over me and apparently lost the whatever math ability they may have had. They insisted that I had had twice the number of dances I really had and that I had to pay EACH of them plus a ridiculous amount for "extras". I refused until they brought in their pimp/bouncer who made me pay $500 for the rip-off. Since then I have avoided that club and any two-on-one activity.
I don't mind when they attempt it, as long as they don't mind when I say no. At PT's here locally, there is no dancer drink hustle, so I'll occasionally buy a couple of the dancers there a drink at the same time when it's slow. The first couple of times, they pitched the two girl thing, along with the requisite pouting when I declined, but they were good natured about it.
Other times at other clubs, it's been an obvious attempt to separate me from my money with as little effort as possible.
Someday, maybe the right combination of girls, price and action will come along and I'll go for it, but until then, I've only got one dick, and not much of that one. More than one girl is likely a waste of my money.
No...generally always a rip off. If I don't know either of them, I just say no, not interested. Gets tougher if you know and like one of them. I'll hang and talk awhile, but when you refuse the double dance/double $, one or both will leave.
Gee, I almost feel sorry for those of you that have the "it never ends well" mentality -- maybe I'm just lucky, but I'd put it at about 3/4 of the time, it works for me.
Granted, much of those times, the first dancer is a fave who knows my tastes. Usually, she's just trying to throw a frickin' bone to another dancer who's having a lousy night. It's understood that I'll get a dance or two from dancer #2, and then she is to shove off, so I can spend a lot more money on dancer #1.
And then there's C, who is very bi. If the #2 dancer doesn't appeal to me, I'll buy a dance from her, anyway, *if* she'll do the dance for C.
I think my problem is I like the one dancer and she looks good. Maybe I should just tell her I'm more of a one on one guy and don't care too much for two girls at the table. However I did not buy the other dancer any drink or dance the last time she invited someone over so maybe she got the message last time. The one dancer is good at milking stuff out of me for a little while. She often gets one or two drinks and at least a couple of table dances. She mentioned what city she lives in which is close to me and mentioned the name of a regular bar she sometimes hangs out at. Most of the other dancers are lucky to get one table dance out of me and almost nobody else gets a drink. Of course with her taking up much of my time, the other dancers aren't dancing for me very much anymore unless she's off.
I guess I have trouble telling a hot friendly dancer no right away. Oh well, she is not there every night I visit and I only visit a few nights a month tops.
I do not like any situation where dancers are trying to force themselves on me. The biggest mystery to me is how often club reviewers complain about a club because the girls just sit by themselves and don't come up to you to ask for a dance. I hate that! I would rather sit and watch for awhile and not be bothered by dancers until I find one that I like. Then I just tip her on the stage and ask for a private dance when she is done. It is just that simple.
I heard an ad for "Manwich Monday" at columbus gold. Buy a dance and get two dancers instead of one for the same price. They call it two girls making a "manwich" sandwich. Good idea but the lap dance chairs at cols gold are too small for two girls to be dancing for you.
I was about to leave a club the other night and as I stood by the exit getting close to leave, I noticed one hot dancer looking at me. It seemed like in only 3 seconds I suddenly had two hot dancers standing right in front of me wanting me to get a dance before I left. I was going to leave soon but decided if they were game, I could not pass up the chance for a double table dance with these two dancers. It worked out well even though it was hard to watch both of them. After that, I decided I like to watch one at a time better. I expect I may be in trouble if these two dancers both want to sit at my table at the same time. It could be much worse. I saw some guys had no girls at their table and here I have 2 out of the 3 hottest girls in the club at mine.
I might not be too thrilled if I was talking to a dancer and she suddenly excused herself to go dance for some guy who was about to leave. Nothing like a dancer seeing some money about to walk out the door to get their attention. I was pleasantly surprised.
i've never had this happen to me, the first time it does if they are hot i'd probably try it just for kicks but im a one stripper at a time kind of man
vince, I don't mean that I feel sorry for guys that don't want to do it -- whatever floats your boat. But I do feel sorry for guys that did it and had a bad experience.
last commentBest thing that you can do in this situation is to flush the dancer that is doing this to you and to start fresh.
Me being the nice guy, I bought a double-dance with two of them, and kept challenging myself to take my eyes off my ATF and watch the other girl on occasion. I then hustled both off without spending my usual 20 minutes chatting with my ATF and then buying a few dances - bummer.
I don't have a good answer, other than maybe to sharkhunter's last point - just to say if it's alright with her, you'd just as soon spend your time as a couple. I'm sure the other girl would get the hint.
Sometimes I'll sit with a dancer and another dancer decides to come over. Typically the dancer I'm with knows her, but she didn't invite her over (unless they pre-arranged it in the locker room). When that happens, I do like sharkhunter and focus all of my attention on the one I'm interested in and sort of pretend like the other isn't even there. But if the subject of doubles comes up, I let it known i'm a one-on-one guy
Other times at other clubs, it's been an obvious attempt to separate me from my money with as little effort as possible.
Someday, maybe the right combination of girls, price and action will come along and I'll go for it, but until then, I've only got one dick, and not much of that one. More than one girl is likely a waste of my money.
Granted, much of those times, the first dancer is a fave who knows my tastes. Usually, she's just trying to throw a frickin' bone to another dancer who's having a lousy night. It's understood that I'll get a dance or two from dancer #2, and then she is to shove off, so I can spend a lot more money on dancer #1.
And then there's C, who is very bi. If the #2 dancer doesn't appeal to me, I'll buy a dance from her, anyway, *if* she'll do the dance for C.