My wife is going to...Amsterdam!?

avatar for steve229
For her Christmas gift I told my wife I would pay for her annual vacation trip with her BFF. Last week she announced that they had decided to go to Amsterdam later this month. My son, who was home from college, and I exchanged incredulous looks. Amsterdam? Damn!

So anyway, a question for all you married guys -- if your wife was out of the country for a week, what would you do?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
The same thing I do every night, Pinkie, try to take over the world!
avatar for djscotti
14 years ago
If Amsterdam was what it used to be I would say Follow but it's not and neither is Vegas so go rock out wit ur cock out in Tijuana best bang for your buck.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
read the ebook I just will give you advice on how to pick up strippers and take them home lol....
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Father-son bonding at the ... oh, nevermind!
avatar for londonguy
14 years ago
Amsterdam is still ok gmd, you just have to go to the right places. The RLD is smaller than it used to be but some of the girls are incredibly good looking.

avatar for trojangreg
14 years ago
Since your wife is going beyond 50 miles. Invoke the 50 mile rule and do whatever you damn well please.
avatar for metaldude
14 years ago
What wouldn't I do is probably a shorter list.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Visiting European capitols for art, music, literature and history is always a good thing.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
My wife and daughter went to London for a week in December. I hit six SCs while they were gone.
avatar for skibum609
14 years ago
I've been married for a long time to my best friend so whether my wife is home or travelling I can pretty much do as I please within our agreed rules. If she minded my strip club hobby I simply would give it up rather tahn lie.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
skibum609: "If she minded my strip club hobby I simply would give it up." That's crazy talk!
avatar for yndy
14 years ago
New movie that is more or less about this topic:

avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Didn't Eddie Murphy do a bit on this when he used to be funny? Something about Jean St.Jaux swingin his cock around and sweet talking your lady while she's away on vacation?
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
An inauspicious start to my planned week of revelry, as the huge "Thundersnow" snarled DC area traffic to a standstill. I need some of those snow shoveling strippers to dig me my driveway now.

I had a special evening planned with a dancer but we had to cancel. We did spend a couple hours sexting back and forth - I wonder if she's going to charge me for that?
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