Clash of the ATFs

avatar for spudd
I met Old ATF around right before Summer of this year. She does a good BBBJ every time I see her, for just the normal $30/song, without expecting much extra tip. However, Old ATF lives far from the club, and she has sort of a drink problem (don't they all?). Also, our interactions are only ITC, she wouldn't give me her number.

Three months ago, Old ATF disappeared from the club. That's when I met New ATF. New ATF does the same like the Old ATF, with the same price. New ATF is like the mother hen of the club. She knows everything and anything about the dancers (or so she says). Every now and then, she kept me updated on Old ATF, saying she works at this and that club.

Even though New ATF gave me her number, we doesn't always respond to text. We talked about OTC, but when I text to ask the next day, she would simply ignore me. When we talk again, she always have some family issues (or excuses). That's fine with me, as long as the ITC activities were good.

New ATF and I were getting close these past few weeks. Last week, we even talked about spending XMAS Eve together, depending on if she has her kid with her or not. We even advanced our relationship to beyond BBBJ. During this time, she told me that Old ATF has been back to the club, but she's never there when I visited.

Once again, I inquired about the OTC on Xmas eve, but she reply back her kid is sick. So on the day before I wanted to see her ITC, I texted her, making sure she'll be working that day. When I got there, Old ATF was there. New ATF wasn't to be found for the 1st hour I was there. So Old ATF and I sat together and reminisce. She told me that she was in jail and house arrest, for getting her 3rd DUI.

Finally New ATF showed up, and all three of us sat together, joking and drinking. New ATF said she was late because she just had some dental work being done, and she still has some pain. She was called up for the stage dance.

After New ATF was done, Old ATF and I decide to "reminisce" some more with lapdances. As we were walking, New ATF confronted me, getting all angry. I told New ATF that I would see her after I'm done with Old ATF. New ATF said that she's leaving. I even asked her if she would be working later this week, but she said no.

After done with Old ATF, I texted New ATF. She said that she went through great pain just to come to work to see me, and this is how I treated her? I told her that she kept talking about Old ATF, giving me updates and such, that I thought she wanted me to see Old ATF. I didn't get a reply.

So my question, should I pursue New ATF again? Will she be mad forever?

(Part of me wants to get rid of the whole thing, since I've been spending too much $$ on these girls.)


last comment
avatar for kingcripple
14 years ago
This sounds too weird, man. How is it the stripper becomes obsessed with the customer? i figure its always the other way around.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Just remember these girls see probably dozens of guys in a single night. After several nights of dozens of people, her anger has to subside a great deal unless you really ticked her off. I did that once but she was completely being disagreeable for no good reason. You know she's ticked off if she quits the club because she knows you'll be there. Even in that case, she came back to the club after 3 or 4 months and was all nice and friendly as ever.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Two ATFs? Typing that long story for use over such a trivial situation? Think you are too wrapped up in all this. Just forget about it for a while. They'll be back and acting nice again when they need money.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
My father, who will be 90 on Dec. 27, is a retired dentist. He always told me to watch out for people who go to work after a procedure. When the Novacane wears off and soreness kicks in, a few folks can't handle even the little pain that lingers. Sounds like your new ATF transferred the pain in her jaw to your ass. Dump 'em both. Start over at another club. Come back after six months, if you're not cured, and see what happens. Don't let them run you. It's your money.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"How is it the stripper becomes obsessed with the customer?"

Dancers can, and do, become attached to their "regular" customers, or more specifically, to their regular's wallet.

If you visit the same dancer often, say once a week or so, even if you're not spending that much each time, you may come to represent a significant % of her income without realizing it.

The drama starts when she sees you with another dancer and thinks she may be about to lose a reliable income stream.

avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
My second ATF felt that I was her property. I moved on when she cut me off, but she still campaigned hard, trying to get in my good graces-but what she wouldn't do is give me a warm wet place to put Mr. Happy. The last couple of times, she's tried real hard, but I still wouldn't go to the back with her.

Here's the kicker-she's really gained weight over the past two years, like fifty pounds, at least, and she's now 32-no spring chicken. You'd think she'd be doing hotel dates to keep her customers.

Finally, she's become a joke to her peers at the club. It's really pathetic and sad.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I still say, one can only have one ATF. In your case, one is a former ATF.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
spudd, one of your favorite dancers gives you a blowjob everytime you see her for only $30.00 per song?

WOW, I really need to get to some better strip club's.
avatar for spudd
14 years ago
Thanks for the advices, guys.

Yes, I'm a little wrapped up into this, only because this is my first time having one ATF, let alone two. Also, like GoVikings mentioned, this is a great deal I'm getting.

I probably go one more time to see if new ATF has calm down, and things can go back to normal. If not, I'll probably follow the advice of just avoiding the place. It'll be my New Years Resolution.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Strippers become obsessed with the regular customers money never the customer.
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
Quote - How is it the stripper becomes obsessed with the customer? - UNQUOTE

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