
I gotta change my ways???

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

From a recent review of my favorite club

"The average cost of a dance is still $25, and I think there is nothing wrong with that. I do believe however that there is something insanely wrong with my fellow patrons who believe in "two for 20s" and pressure the girls go beyond their comfort zone; because of you all, I get stuck with girls who have bad attitudes."

I just pass on the girls with bad attitudes.


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Avatar for harrydave

I've got a bridge he could buy.

Keep the pressure on guys! It's a beautiful market, with keenly developed supply and demand.

Avatar for samsung1

I went and read the review and was surprised to see it was an afternoon visit and not night shift.

At a club here in Ohio, Living Room it is ranked as the highest strip club on the top 100 list for ohio club (spot 30 I believe). The one great thing is that the dancers can set their own dance prices. Typical price is $20/topless or $40/nude but negotiable. Some dancers will do the deal of $20 for the first song and $10 for each additional one you extend it to. I enjoy these deals and two of the dancers there were grouches with me for wanting them. One call me "cheap" and another call me "stupid". Oh well it is their loss not mine!

Avatar for trojangreg

Having spent a few afternoons and evenings at PP solo and in the company of the old guys. What is the problem. Some dancers will give 2 for 20 or 25 and some won't. Nobody is forcing them to. The best times I have had are early Saturday afternoons when the dancer customer ratio is 2 to 1. You can name your price as long as it isn't ridiculous. By the way the old guys are pretty loose and have a ton of fun. They (me included) probably spend more money on 2 for 25's than the average patron and the dancers seem to have a good time hanging out with us. Maybe the reviewer needs to loosen up and have some fun. Otherwise why go?

Avatar for vincemichaels

Gee, this guy must be a communist or something. They are still around aren't they?? What's wrong with the supply and demand program? I've paid various prices at various times while at the club, Shadowcat knows. I find that the dancer's attitudes are fine whether I pay them list price or lower. I've had shitty dances from both price ranges. I've had fantastic experiences with deal makers. Perhaps the reviewer is the problem.

Avatar for shadowcat

Btw, I posted a reply to his review on the club discussion board and PM'd him to bring his attention to it.

Avatar for Ironcat

I'll lay odds that this "guy" isn't a patron at all, but one of the bad attitude dancer posing as a customer. Think about it, when would a customer feel like the dancers aren't making enough?

Avatar for arbeeguy

Ironcat makes an excellent point, and I totally agree with him. Plenty of the reviews on this site are phony in one way or another so you always need to keep your bullshit detector turned on when reading them. Remember Founder's admonition "consider everything you read on this site as a work of fiction". (Even tho most of it is true.)

Avatar for samsung1

It could be a dancer bitching but this person has a couple other reviews. I agree it is a bullshit review but Platinum Plus has been slipping a bit in the top 100 list. It used to be around spot 5 now it is spot 19 so this guy is not the only guy complaining about PP.

Avatar for yankee428

ShadowCat, if you think $20/5 min is not enough, quit dancing and go be a waitress.

Avatar for LoneLurker

The only "bad attitudes" I've observed at this club are from known ROBs who object to the fact that they're known ROBs and from a very few girls there who just shouldn't be dancing.

Avatar for kuteechaser

I like it when the clubs offer 2 for 1 lap dance specials various times during the night. It is a win win situation. The club is actually promoting the dancers and encouraging even those with the tightest of budgets/wallets to open them up. All the strippers go on stage and it gives the patron a chance to see them all at the same time. The dancers walk among the patrons, with massaging of the little head done by some during the process. About 75% of the dancers end up with a customer. With the economy being crappy(lay offs, reduced hours, reduced pay), there is less money walking into the club door available for the dancers. The stripper that remembers this will go the extra mile and radiate a positive attitude so that customers will prefer to spend their hard earned money on her.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

LoneLurker: Ding, ding, ding!

At a local club I recently paid much attention, in the form of $1 bills, to a slightly chunky redhead with perfect freckled boobs, simply because she let me play with them all I wanted while she was on stage, and wasn't shy about showing the kitty and playing with it a bit, either. The slim, busty, toned, simply gorgeous young mixed race girl (normally a very attractive combination for me) who had previously danced was looking on with a petulant look on her face, because she got exactly one dollar from me.

The reason? When I asked, asked mind you, not just reaching up and groping, if she minded me putting it between her boobs, not even using my mouth, she leaned back like I had the plague and lifted her garter for me to put it in. I did, but then when she came back around (this is a place where you can't avoid sitting at the stage, as it's the only place to sit), I simply leaned back in my chair and watched. She lifted her garter again, but I didn't even say "no thanks."

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