avatar for RapturousOne
We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." says Obama

The most racially divisive President in memory


last comment
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Wow, just a bit outside (and off-topic!)

ZERO reviews.

Welcome to ignore!
avatar for RapturousOne
14 years ago
Aw shucks I thought so highly of these 2 fellas
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Some one at least learned how to use "ignore", if he so wishes.
Well, you should, Rapturous, I write in depth reviews of the clubs, provided a public service, unlike you who only has posted his rant. This is a strip club site, baby.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
if ur gonna post political comments I would recommend the blog section as it carries much less risk of offending people.
avatar for emmett
New Jersey
14 years ago
I wish he had them sit in the back of the bus. Or under it.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Anybody interested in Canadian politics? Believe it or not you Americans have not cornered the world's supply of that breed of creature.
Go for it, farmeart. We need exposure to things not American.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

THAT is a major part of the problem in the US today. Worry about "offending" someone! You, of course (I hope), know of freedom of speech. Well, there is a flip side to that. If you enjoy that freedom, you have to respect others right as well. And what that means, you may hear someone say something that offends you. Deal with it!
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
There are frequent off topic postings on this board. People only complain when they don't agree with the topic or when the discussion strays from what they want it to.

The same goes for reviews. There are usually only complaints when soneones favorite club is mentioned. So much for free speech on an unmoderated board.

It appears to me that Founder set up TUSCL as a free board for the exchange of ideas and open discussion. Each participant has the ability to self regulate what they can comment on or read using the "ignore" function or by not participating, yet they still need to impose their need to censor on others.

My main concern with the participants on this board is how some appear to be so wrapped up in this culture that their behavior is is maybe a little to deviant. (TUSCL BRO comes to mind).

avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I don't really get either side of political parties.

Dems - Seem to want people to live they way they want to but at the same time try to increase government in ways that seem to infringe on they way people live their lives.

Reps - Talk about smaller government but seem to want to get into people's private lives all the time.

I'm all for a smaller government that stays the hell out of my life and let's adults live the way they wish to...even if I don't personally agree with the lifestyle. I can't image the people at the DMV running any aspect of life well.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
Perhaps offend was the wrong choice of word. I should have said respect as in respect for the fact this is site for strip club issues not necessarily political discussion. I'm a strong supporter of free speech and civil liberties. Also I was under the impression this guy was a newb so I meant it as friendly advice. I forget who does the song but it has a lyric bout "the pledge of alliegance and if that bothers u then that's too bad" that's the way I feel about my speech.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
My own take of the political parties

Dems/socialists- wish to transform America into a socialst "utopis" as envisioned by Lenin, Mao, Stalin, and I think u get the idea: in short have the government in total control of people's lives

Repubs/(most) conservatives- instead of a socialist control system the Repubs will have us all bowing down to the interests of corporate America because that is where the R draws their power from.

Conclusion- It's all about control and screwing honest hard-working Americans over!!!!!
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I assume that you are self sufficient and have no use for corporate America, correct?

Me, I need them to provide for me and mine what I can not do myself. As for "screwing honest hard-working Americans over", that is mostly a bunch of BS. Competition controls that. Problem is, government almost always gets in the way of competition!
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
I have nothing against a business selling its product in the USA; what I take issue with is when businesses use their money in order to lobby/bribe politicians so that they can gain influence in the law-making process.

Granted this Nov. might be very interesting if the,as seems to be likely, Tea Party candidates are able to unseat many powerful democratic senators. The hope is that this new generation of conservatives will be able to get this country back to common sense fiscal policy.

The way I see the problem: During the Bush administration the Republicans got away from their conservative fiscal principles, spent money on two wars (Afghanistan being necessary; Iraq not 100% convinced), encouraged deficit spending, pushed legislation that required banks to lend money to less than worthy clients, essentially during that time period the Republicans became the Democrat lite.

Obama,Pelosi, and Reid pushed through a near $1 trillion stimulus (yes I know it happened at the end of Bush's term) changed the health care laws to give us a system like Canada, created czars in order to oversee the auto industry and they ae responsible for adding $5 trillion to the deficit so far.

More to your point: I agree with your last 2 sentences and by screwing people over I was referring to the politicians of both parties during the last ten years and not the corporatons.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
@Clubber after Nov. we should chill and find us some nice asian strippers
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Two reasons I don't like election time:
1. politicians cracking down on prostitution/strip clubs to appease the church voters.
2. political rants on TUSCL
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
What choices do I have for a smaller less intrusive government? I think we need a stronger third party that is not way out there in left field. I don't want to run for office even though the pay would be better.
I thought about running as a joke but that's as far as I went. If elected I probably would never hear the end of the story if I visited a strip club and said something like "so what?". I'd probably have to act secretly like Bill Clinton and hire "interns" to have private strip club parties. I could even put some stripper poles in a basement entertainment room for special guests. That would be expensive though. I would need to see how much politicians get paid first.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I think we are basically of like mind, but not 100%. Now as for the Asian stripper part, I am completely on board!

Yesterday, I walked into a local watering hole. On TV was what I thought an auto race, but it wasn't. I inquired of the bartender as to what was on. She said it was drifting. Now, I had heard of it, but had no idea what it was. Turns out the show that was on was from Japan, and they kept showing these lovely Asian women. I guess they were like auto show models. To bad they took up so much time with the cars. :)
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I am biting my tongue not to jump into this debate. Personally, I find political discourse to be fascinating. But I am Canadian and have no right to engage you Americans in debate about your politics.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. You just can't vote yours.
HEYA Clubber. I'm all for the Asian babes too. I'd like to put some of them into office so they can fuck us too just like our good buddies in office already.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Who here's familiar with Maria Ozawa? I'd love to have her as my live in geisha! She's hot and does a pretty good job in the movies I've seen.

I think what's happening in the US is what's happened to every powerful nation. The government gets away from working for the people and becomes corrupt. I don't buy that many (if any) politicians actually care about us. They just want to be in charge and make some money for themselves. We might be better off if individual citizens were randomly picked to take the posts of president, senator, etc. Like with juries, who would actually want those jobs?
avatar for how
14 years ago
Want smaller and less intrusive government? Support a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits.
avatar for LeeH
14 years ago
* If you don't like what you see on TV, change the channel.
* If you don't want to see naked women, don't go to SCs.
* If you don't want to read a political post on TUSCL, move on to the next post.

You'd think frequenters of this site would appreciate freedom. I guess that's what I get for thinking.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

Term limits are a good idea, especially when you consider Congress was expected to be a part time job. There is a down side, however. Suppose, and I know this is a stretch, but a truly good Congressman is elected, then you have to get rid of them??? Easy to solve. They may continue as long as they pull a super majority of the vote.


Well said.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
@how couldn't agree with you more about term limits

@primo funny you mention that bc thats what the ancient city of athens did and their democrarcy never collasped (at least not because of politics).
avatar for RapturousOne
14 years ago
In a Univision interview on Monday, the president, who campaigned in 2008 by referring not to a "Red America" or a "Blue America" but a United States of America, urged Hispanic listeners to vote in this spirit: "We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."
Cool beans.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
bigdude012 says:
[ignore]Posted: 10/30/10
@primo funny you mention that bc thats what the ancient city of athens did and their democrarcy never collasped (at least not because of politics).

Then again, Athenians were just a bunch of "boy lovers" weren't they? Maybe not the best example. LOL
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