
Intellectual Strippers??

Monday, October 18, 2010 1:07 AM
I do the New York Times Magazine crossword puzzle every Sunday. During a recent SC visit on a slow afternoon I strolled the back booths chatting up the three bored dancers. One of the dancers is doing the same puzzle I like to do so I hit on her immediately. I say "Hi, my name is Will Shortz (the name or pseudonym of the guy who sets the puzzle) and what is your name?" The stripper looks at me gape-jawed, takes my hand, and leads me back to the private dance area. I get, by far, the best mileage I have ever received in an Alberta club. Any other guys do good with dancers by stroking their intellects? (She was doing the puzzle in pencil; I didn't tell her that I do it in ink.)


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I met a dancer recently who said she took 6 months off work to write poetry. I called her out on it and told her to recite one of her poems to me. She then leans in and whispers to me for about 5 minutes reciting one of her poems. I lost track about what the poem was all about but it did flow and sound good.
  • bang69
    14 years ago
    I have met many strippers that have masters degrees in enginering,bisness,accounting. They just do it for some extra money. Strippers are very inteligent.
  • JackKash
    14 years ago
    I've met a few ex-sales reps. Figures.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I've met some faux intellectual strippers, they have a degree or two, but really can't carry on an intellectual conversation (Soviet Union, what's that ? ).
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i met a stripper who could say wazzzzz up? problem is that's about all she could say :(
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I met a stripper who was into art. To my surprise she had some paintings at the club and asked if I would like to see some. After I said yes (it was slow that night)she brought them out. Then the next thing I know she wanted to date me and have babies and start a family.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    About 8 years ago I knew a dancer (stage name Tyra)that DID put herself through college stripping. She then got tenure at the school (University of South Carolina) teaching theater and public speaking. She still came back occasionally to strip. Said that she missed it. Last I heard was that she is now teaching at Clemson.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I've met a lot of dancers who claimed to be studying this or that. When asked about the topics, they usually had no idea what they were talking about. All I really ask of them is to entertain me. They don't have to be great conversationalists to do that, just rub my junk a little!
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    I have met several strippers that appear to have more intellect than a lot of the posters to TUSCL.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    A CPA, a lawyer, a social worker with a Master's degree from Univ. of Michigan, a medical student and magazine writer are all dancers I've met. Their background checks confirmed their credentials.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    While it's nice to occasionally meet a stripper who can speak intelligently on the subject of warp drive physics, and yes, I have met one who could, in the long run, I don't really care. Give me a good dance, some titties in my hand, and a tight, hot pussy or mouth sliding up and down on me, and you can keep the conversation. If she can't do any of those, it has to be *really* scintillating conversation to keep my interest for an extended period. Having both is great, but if I can only have one, guess which I choose?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I have run into a number of law or nursing students who enjoy stripping.
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    The answer is clear; the stripper is going home with the cash! Intelligent and wise we are ;-)
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    About a decade ago I traveled to the NE for a business seminar and on a Thurs nite I hit a SC about 30 miles away from the hotel/seminar site. The next morning I muddled through the morning sessions and dimly thought one of the presenters looked familiar but it didn't really register with me. Until midmorning when this very professionally dressed presenter quietly asked to speak to me during a break. It was only after she begged me not to say anything that I recognized her as one of the dancers I paid for several lappers the night before (they were very tame dances by today's standards). Some of the dancers we encounter really DO have valid educations. Her MBA was from an Ivy League school (info provided by seminar) and she was a well paid business consultant. She also enjoyed dancing with most of her clothes off. Unfortunately, seeing me in her seminar scared her enough that I got nowhere plus she assured me she would not be back to that club in the near future. That said, most of the dancers I encounter think they are smart and try to convince me they are in school/grads BUT it doesn't take much conversation to reveal rather extreme limits in their education. Yes, I do stroke their ego's and try to listen to their claims and opinions. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Often I just end up feeling sorry for these undereducated young women, and that can ruin the fantasy.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    They shouldn't talk with their mouths full!
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    And they should ALWAYS have their mouths full!
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Soviet Union, what's that ?" Well, it ended in 1991...likely before some of them were born at this point. ------------------ Nice striptease pics manuela.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Manuela: Just read your profile and saw your photos. I agree with misterguy's opinion. You are a hot woman. Working any clubs near Cote d'Azur in Dec/Jan/Feb?
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    Thanx for the complements;with the right clothes and light everthing is looking a bit better, but I did my best as amateur at a rainy afternoon... I wished to be there in the winter, it's warmer then in here! ;-) Manuela
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