
VIP visits/Drink minimum?

Breathe, breathe in the air
In most clubs is the drink minimum mandatory? If you like the idea of doing a VIP visit and you say to the girl you'd accept without it will she get it waived, or is this a non-starter because the club won't allow it?


  • pdxtom
    14 years ago
    If this is regarding your impending trip to Vegas then the answer is basically no for most of the big clubs. Some of the clubs even require bottle service for VIP dances. And we aren't talking regular liquor store prices either.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    No, just a general question.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    I don't drink and it hasn't been an issue for VIP, that being said I don't have alot of varied club experience. If it is an issue I don't see where it's anything an extra $20 couldn't smooth over.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    lg: It depends on the club. I've been in clubs with an ostensible drink minimum and never been bothered. I've also been in clubs where they've "suggested" I leave if I didn't want to conform. As for a VIP, if they have a drink minimum *while in* the VIP, and the cost isn't included, I think I would decline unless the requirement were waived. I suppose that depends on the costs involved, and the girl i was taking back. :)
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I have never had a club enforce it, if there are any left with drink minimums. I think this went out of style in the early 90's.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I know of one club in my local area that has a two drink minimum posted. It's rarely any issue at the local club. I go there to drink a little. If I don't buy a beer, I'll buy a bottled water and get a cup of ice with that since I'm often thirsty anyway. I'd rather buy a bottle of water since soda doesn't do anything for me. Once or twice I only bought one drink and no one either noticed or said anything to me. One time I drank 4 or 5 beers and cut myself off so as to be sober in time for when I was planning on leaving later. A new waitress came over and told me I needed to order something because the tables were reserved for drinking customers. She was new and ticked me off slightly with her comments. I did not order a drink from her. I moved to a different table and got one more beer myself from the bar and drank it slowly. As long as I remembered her working there, I never ordered a drink from her afterwards. All the other waitresses knew the type of beer I drank without even asking me but they also knew not to say the wrong thing to me.
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    Even where there are "drink minimums" the club, or more likely your waitress, will likely cooperate with you. In Vegas a few years ago I twice declined to buy anything after I returned from a lap dance and my not-quite-empty glass had been removed. A few minutes later the waitress set on my table a glass of iced liquid with lemon and a little umbrella in it. She leaned in a shouted in my ear (the only way to be heard in that club) that the club requires everyone have a drink in front of them so she brought me a glass of water. Interestingly, she then trotted off without asking me for any money! Many clubs combine a bottle with a private VIP room because on their books you are paying for the booze not the room. If that's the case and you don't want the drink - give the bottle to the girl.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I've seen many signs, but never any enforcement. As for the VIP, all I've visited just included a drink or two for us both. I would never go to the back in one of the $200 bottle clubs, unless waived.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "In most clubs is the drink minimum mandatory?"

    It varies. Most of the strip clubs that I've ever been to never had a drink minimum, and only one strip club (which is now loooong gone) enforced one. Usually, clubs are happy if you have some kind of drink in front of you at almost all times.

    "If you like the idea of doing a VIP visit and you say to the girl you'd accept without it will she get it waived, or is this a non-starter because the club won't allow it?"

    I guess you're asking if you can have a VIP visit without getting a drink of some kind, to which the answer is, again, it depends on the club. I rarely drink alcohol, so the lure of champagne, mixed drinks, and the like do nothing for me. Whenever this subject was brought up before a VIP visit, I just asked for a non-alcohol drink or nothing at all, and I've never gotten any trouble for it.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have heard Deja Vu Cincy charges you $5 at the door for a drink.

    3 times (all at Kahoots), I was told asking for a glass of ice water is not allowed and you have to order a $6 bottle of water instead. The waitress told me that since the general manager was working, they get in trouble if he sees customers with glasses of ice water. I never have had a problem with getting an ice water at Club X when I ask for one, not to mention when I do order a bottle of water there it is only $3.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^^ I should mention that all 3 times this has happened at kahoots, I just decline a drink and leave to go to Club X. Restaurants create such ill will with some of their policies that they lose money and customers for the night.
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