
Bunch of mug shots

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Mug shots of strippers from the smoking gun. Sorry boys, no phone numbers.



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Avatar for harrydave

There is a publication called SlammerNews that publishes in Columbus Ohio and a few other places. Weekly roundup of mug shots. After a recent LE raid at a club there which I frequent, I looked through some back issues posted online and found a few of my stripper "friends" there. My best guess is that a majority of strippers have been in jail at one time or another.

Avatar for arbeeguy

My best guess is that a majority of strippers have NOT been in jail at one time or another.

Avatar for troop

at 1st i was surprised to see guys pics, i was expecting females only.. lol

anyway, along with the usual skanks, there are a few cute chickies that i would spend some money on in that group.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

bhunter: your avatar pic is classic college coed... right down to the mini fridge!

Avatar for bhunter5252


Don't I wish I was there in the dorm room to take that pic!!!

Avatar for steve229

Tuition & Dorm Room - $15,465

Mini-Fridge & Microwave - $194

Bed loft kit - $110

Hot, slutty coeds - Priceless

I envy my kid!

Avatar for CTQWERTY

WAIT! How did I miss it?!? She's standing in front of the lap dance chair. She sets up the Ipod to play the music and for $10 per song boys have a seat. All revenue falls straight to her bottomline!!! Ingenious!

Avatar for Prim0

Din't recognize a single face...dammit!

Avatar for potheadpl

The strippers holding placards in front of them were all busted in my stomping grounds of Pasco County, FL. I have to say the talent level has improved since the bust, especially at Bare Assets and Brass Flamingo.

Some of those chicks were ROUGH. Looks like the bust must have taken place on a weekday afternoon.

Avatar for bhunter5252

Her bottom line indeed. I did notice her bottom line in the pic....

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