Brazil is overtaking Thailand as a destination for sex tourism...
"The country's erotic reputation has long been attracting an unwanted type of tourist. Every week specialist holiday operators bring in thousands of European singles on charted flights looking for cheap sex. Now Brazil is overtaking Thailand as the world's most popular sex-tourist destination."
"The country's erotic reputation has long been attracting an unwanted type of tourist. Every week specialist holiday operators bring in thousands of European singles on charted flights looking for cheap sex. Now Brazil is overtaking Thailand as the world's most popular sex-tourist destination."
The HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate in US is 0.60 and in Brazil it is also 0.60. US is ranked 70th and Brazil is ranked 66th. Although maybe Rio has a lot of problems with it, it seems that Brazil overall is similar to US with HIV/AIDS rates. fyi, South Africa is 18.10 and 4th ranked (wow).
And from personal experience banging Brazilians in the USA wearing a condom works for me.
Child prostitution is disgusting but Brazil has a lot of other crime problems too. From co workers that have been there, the streets are NOT safe after dark for tourists. I doubt that Brazil has the resources to clean up the venues.
Before the ATL Olympics the city and surrounding municipalities did a massive clean up of strip clubs and street walkers. Even the infamous Stewart Ave got it's named changed. That lead to the down fall of the ATL strip club scene.
In all of my years of strip clubbing, I have only met one Brazilian dancer and she is still working at my favorite club. She does a great High mileage dance but is only one of two dancers that I have met, who did not shave the kitty. It was neatly trimmed.