
you know whats funny...

forgive me and I mean no direct insult, but actually, both the "assholes" that you refer to and the actual statement that you followed thanking them with, I think you are both outta line. They may be insulting the dancers, but you are sitting in your chair capitalizing off of their mistakes thinking that because you have tipped that should buy you the right to conduct yourself in a more intimate manner. roaming tongues and and hands, oh please. you sound like you are waiting to "console" entertainers with hurt feelings waiting for them to fall into your predatory arms, and what I mean by that is that you are operating under a sense of false pretense yourself- why not just pay the girl for the fact that you like her style or think shes beautiful, smart, or funny, or... hold on, stop the presses... maybe shes a good entertainer/ performer! Holy shat, the things people come up with! lol


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    No, it doesn't buy me the "right" to do those things, however, being nice almost invariably leads to a higher occurrence of those things. Not always, but IME it's a practice with a fairly low cost:benefit ratio.

    "Console" them? Not at all, at least not in the "hey baby, did that mean ol' custy call you bad names? It's all right, I'm here now" kind of way. I seldom reference others directly, I just let my obviously enlightened behaviour stand in stark contrast to the jerks and assholes. If my attitude reflects a belief and acknowledgment that she's a person and not an object, and simply treating her as a person tends to reap rewards, then so be it.

    My pretenses aren't false; I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not, nor am I offering anything I'm not prepared to give, nor asking for anything for which I'm not prepared to pay. I *am* a nice guy, if not a particularly nice *person*, and being so pays benefits in how *they* treat *me*; benefits the jerks don't see. I'd be a fool not to avail myself of those benefits.

    If someone doesn't reciprocate, well, I lose nothing by saying "thanks" even so, and maybe someone else will notice and decide to do so in her place.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Sweetie, I just read your review for my favorite club. Your first review. You described it as awesome. If I found a club to be awesome it would rate higher than a "7". I know the club better than any other poster on here and I know Asia. She is not that hot.

    You make your review sound like you are a customer but your post on here just sounds like a jaded stripper.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Hey southernsweetie, great to hear input from you. Do you have a pic you could post?

    I think some strippers tell guys that they are "great guys and everyone else here is a loser" in order to make the customer feel special and unique, which leads him to buy more dances.

    As for going into a strip club and only tipping with $1 bills and only buying 1 or 2 drinks, does not make you a cheapskate. In most cases, it is the lack of quality in the strip club. I have plenty of money and will spend plenty when I find a hot or high mileage girl...but don't expect me to spend a lot if the strip club sucks on that particular night. It seems that mostly the ugly/loser strippers are the ones complaining about "the cheapskates" (ie guys that don't find you attractive enough to spend money on you).
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Samsung 1, you are correct that most of the dancers that complain about a customer's lack of tipping are usually less attractive or have a terrible personality or both. The dancer should only be concerned with putting herself in the most attractive light for any potential customer. I am in sales and so are dancers and they should realize that the only way to succeed is to be nice and show respect to all potential customers. I have often seen guys in a strip club who rarely tip but will spend hundreds on lapdances. You never know who the big spenders will be. It doesn't cost anything to be nice and will usually result in a good day(financially).
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    I think she missed the point.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    txtittyfan: Missed it? I don't think she was even in the same ballpark.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    gmd was far from out of line on this one.

    He doesn't sound like he was manipulating anyone - the dancers are all grown up woman that can make decisions concerning their bodies all by themselves - last time I checked no one was holding a gun to any dancer's head and making them do the things that they choose to do.

    If it turns out that any dancer is so naive and gullible as to perform certain acts due to consolation, gratitude (or any low self esteem issues) that she wouldn't normally do, she's gonna have way bigger issues down the road if she continues dancing.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lopaw is abolutely right. I don't think gmd was trying to pull a "wolf in sheep's clothing" gimmick per se, just trying to make himself a nicer option for the dancer to interact with. If he then tried to do anything that the dancer didn't want, I suspect that he would back off if she just said so.

    I'm with shadow in that this does smell like a bitter dancer post.
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