
New girl in club

Cute new girl in club, nice stage show, very “friendly” when I tipped her. Came over after her set, we chatted, then went for a lap dance. Disappointing results.

So, nothing ventured, nothing gained? Or do you have a better way to handle new girls?


  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I think watching how many dances they do with other guys first is a fairly reliable indicator of how good they may be.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I think getting a dance from a girl is the only truly reliable way to determine whether or not you are going to like it. Watching her dance for others may be a clue, if you can see such things as how much contact she allows, speed and bumpiness, grindage factor, etc, but many places have a dance area that makes voyeurism difficult. And frankly, how would *you* feel about some perv watching *you* get a dance?

    As for how often a girl dances for other guys, I don't think that's reliable at all for determining anything other than her popularity. It has no bearing on whether or not *you* are going to like her dance, unless you know that you lime the same kind of dances those other people like.

    I generally just come out and ask a girl what kind of dance she gives. Works out most of the time n
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Respectfully, george, my point on watching how many dances they do for others meant that if they are repeatedly doing multiple dances for others tend to indicate whether they give good dances. Most of the clubs here have private VIP areas, and thus, one can't be a "perv voyeur" LOL. I agree a dance with the gal in question is the best way, but far too often, the newbies don't have a clue, and give crappy dances, IMO
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    VM: Oh, I get it. I interpreted your comment to refer to her popularity, when you really meant how many repeat dances she gets from the same guy more than how many guys she dances for. In that case, I don't precisely disagree, though I think it still only *really* tells you that the other guy likes it, not that you will. Now, if lots of guys are getting repeat dances, I'd be much more inclined to take that as a good indicator. If *that* was your point, I agree.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Sometimes, you don't know till you know.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    "And frankly, how would *you* feel about some perv watching *you* get a dance?"

    Happens all the time. At one club I was spending time in this year (call it semi-regularly) it got to the point where customers would buy dances from other girls so they could sit there and watch. The cheap ones would camp out at a table where they could see into the LD area. Not cops. Not bouncers or managers. Just customers. I'd like to tell you it's *all* an ego problem that I have, but having sat through "hey, man, wanna trade?" enough times to laugh about it there's a point where you know when a guy is just looking and when he's doing recon. You get used to it.

    But to the point of the thread, sometimes you do just have to spend the money like the others said. There are guys on here that could write a book about what they do to get the most bang for the buck, but just because you see a guy getting the dance of his life doesn't mean she'll do it for you. And by listening to the table campers back around the bar it can happen quite a bit ;)
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Yes fuck them before they learn all the rules.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I have about a 50% success rate with dancers new to me. I agree that you cannot tell tell how good a dancer will be based on observing her interaction with other customers. Those customers may have completely different expectations than you. My best source is my TUSCL buddies. We share a lot of information. In person and by PM's and emails. It works.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    "And frankly, how would *you* feel about some perv watching *you* get a dance?"

    I would feel like I'm at Bogart's. The VIP is totally open. Don't think the dancer can hid you, the walls have mirrors on them up to the chair rail. About the only type of lap dance that doesn't exist as Bogart's is a 'private dance.'

    You can time your dances to see other dancers in the VIP. As Vinny says, you can get an idea what she might be like. Certainly better than guessing by her lack of pole dancing skills.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    yep, PAS, just like at Bogarts, it was fun yesterday, now I gotta go back and get dances from Samantha. LMAO
    14 years ago
    Would that be Samantha, the HJ princess??? Long, dark hair, implants. If so, she was seeking a premium last summer. But this past March when I saw her for the first time in a long time, she just wanted $20 a song. Fyi: she is very *skilled*.

  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Sometimes you can ask them how long they have been working and what other clubs they have worked at...for example, I was at Cheeks recently and the dancer told me she worked at Diamond Cabaret for the past 5 years (Diamonds is well known for expensive no touching air dances and nearly every review of the place mentions it).
    Then when I assumed it was 2 for $25 like nearly every review of Cheeks mentions...she says "no it's $25 per song, but I"ll give you a deal of 3 for $50"....once again a typical sign of Diamond's and their rip off prices. Finally the DJ announces a 2fer1 so she agrees for the 2 for $25 price. We go back and I get the bullshit about no touching and she freaks out about it.
    The 2fer1 was not only a waste of my money, but of my time, after the first song (song was like 4-5 min long and I'm used to the 3 min clipped songs at kahoots) I told her to just stop and paid her the $25 and moved on.

    Moral of the story, if I ever meet a dancer again who says she used to work at Diamond's then I am going to decline getting dances from her. However, if they only worked at Diamond's for a short period of time and mention how much it was a rip off then yes I will give them a try. (I had another dancer at Cheeks who was decent mileage and she did mention she worked at Diamond's and how I should avoid it because it is a rip off)
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Yes CT, that Samantha. You obviously know her sincere devotion to customer service. She even came and talked to Vinny.

    Speaking of new to the club, I talked to Sage a few minutes before I left. I think she'll be a lot of fun.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    yes, george, that's pretty much what I meant.PAS, I'll have to check out Sage now, also
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    You can walk around a new car parking lot eying the new models forever, but until you actually test drive one you'll never really know if it's the car for you. Same principal with dancers.
  • Dain
    14 years ago
    New girls I push for all I can get. There are usually hesitant but compliant. When I whip out Junior, they are almost always interested because of my looks.
    14 years ago
    Sage I don't know. Did either of you meet Paradise? She was a true-blue rookie when I met her. I turned her down because she sounded waaaay too green. I wonder whether she's still working there?
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Sage is new to Bogart's but not to dancing. She's a young black girl, small boobs. Long legs and nice ass. She also has a trimmed but full beard. Bad thing is black girls don't seem to last long at Bogarts. Damn shame too cause they get some awesome brown sugar.

    I don't know about Paradise. If she worked nights, I wouldn't know it, I'm only in during the day.
    14 years ago
    Thanks for the scouting report. Paradise was on nights. I doubt whether she's still there because she was too green to interest most guys.
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