
Married clubber ramblings...

I always make plans to visit a club when I'm out for a night doing errands, or going to a business lunch. But I find myself often chickening out, driving past the club. It seems to take real will power for me to turn around and pull into the parking lot.

During the day, I always look at the cars in my rear view mirror, or worry about being seen walking into the club. Even when visiting at night, this fear is only slightly tempered.

I'd say about 50% of my plans come to naught, I come home early to the wife with a wallet full of 1s and 20s (and quickly return it to my stripper stash).

Is it guilt? Perhaps part of the appeal is thinking I'm doing something "wrong", although I fully rationalize it in my mind and would do so to my wife.

But when I do force myself to pull into the parking lot, as soon as I'm in the club, I quickly forget my hesitation. I LOVE FUCKING STRIP CLUBS! The smell, the vibe, the sights. Nothing beats seeing naked women and for a buck at the tip rail they will part their "lower lips".

Even skanky clubs have their appeal. There is something appealing about doing things that society deem "dirty". I have always been enamored with the idea of prostitution, although never engaging out of fear for my wife/family. This is as close as I can get to it.

And even without a release in the club, I always leave with a serene smile on my face. Even the smell on your clothes is a reminder of the beautiful women that just danced in your lap. I suppose it is just cheap perfume (or any perfume, other than what my wife uses), but "stripper smell" is the best. Reminds me of my teenager years and smelling my finger hours later after reaching second base with a first girlfriend.

I've gone 3 or 4 times in a week, and I've gone 6+ months between visits. But it never gets boring and I'm always excited to visit a new club or even an old favorite.

Tomorrow? Plans have been laid for an afternoon visit....


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Hey somebody has to entertain the married men...the wife will take care of you but she won't entertain you. if you give her a pair of clear heels she'll be like "what the fuck is this shit, get this hoe shit out of my house"
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Personally, the thought of SC's being "wrong" and "dirty" holds no appeal for me. I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of them, nor do I care who sees me enter one (except my "wife", of course!). I suppose the "naughty" aspect could be a turn on for some, but not for me. The excitement for me begins once I enter that room and encounter that ever-so-distinctive "stripclub smell" - home at last!!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I'm mostly with lopaw on this one. I go because I, along with my wife sometimes, like to look at naked women, and have their boobies in my hands and their butts in my lap. And sometimes more.

    I do keep my more...questionable activities from my coworkers and a few of my more straitlaced friends, but the wife knows what I'm doing.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    We all need a little sleaze in our lives now and then to break our day to day routines.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    My wife would cut my balls off in my sleep if she knew what I did on the side. She is a good woman ;)
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    Part of the SC experience for married men is the excitement "exploring" other women. The idea that the "grass is greener" has a certain thrill to it. There is also an element of the first-time experience with a women that is also exciting and available at the SC. And then, when the night is over and you are satisfied, you can leave and not take any emotional baggage with you. The SC experience is like having an on-going affair, but you do not have to put in the emotional energy to keep the relationship going. In the SC scene, all you need it $$$.
  • Ironcat
    14 years ago
    I agree with Drippy - I never give my real name or tell dancers what I do for a living because I want to keep this fantasy life separate from my real (married with children) life. I enjoy the "hunt" for just the right dancer as well as the physical contact. I never go over the line and do anything that could come back to haunt me, but this secret part of my life is something I look forward to. On the otherhand, I would never trade my real life for this fantasy life if given the choice.
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    Ironcat wrote: "...but this secret part of my life is something I look forward to. On the other hand, I would never trade my real life for this fantasy life if given the choice."

    I agree. Good point.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    rick, I thank whatever gods exist every day for the fact that I don't have to worry about that. Her libido might not match mine, but dumping my load down some other chick's throat (prophylaxis notwithstanding) isn't going to change how I *feel* about her.
  • b0ssh0gg
    14 years ago
    What my wife does not know can not hurt her but I am careful not to cross the line and risk bringing something home that could damge either of our health or relationship. I truly enjoy having beautiful women pay attention to me that I otherwise would not have the confidence to approach in a social/nightclub setting. I think it does wonders for self confidence and actually makes me want more intimacy at home which can't be a bad thing for my wife. All told I think SCs are great therapy and well worth the investment if you can stick to a budget.
  • mr_33
    14 years ago
    Just to be clear, I certainly don't think there is anything "wrong" or "dirty" about strip clubs, and I would strongly defend my hobby to anyone, but all the same, I would prefer a co-worker, neighbor, or other friend of the family did NOT see me entering (or my car parked outside).

    It's just a conversation I don't even want to get into, especially as the father of young children who often supervises playdates of other children at my house (the whole "strip club = pervert" view that some religious folks may have).

    My wife knows I love strip clubs (and porn), but she doesn't know how often I visit the clubs (I believe her view is it's fine with "they guys" but weird if you go alone). Porn she is fine with and figures it makes for a happier marriage.

    I strongly believe this makes for a better marriage, for the reasons others have cited above. I get the excited of being up close with other naked women, with none of the marriage-destroying risks that come with real relationships. It's just fantasy. I also make sure not to cross a line (much tougher in the more liberal clubs with extras).
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I have not problem going to them. For me its an exciting way to explore other women without getting caught up in a bunch of relationship crap.

    My only hangup is knowing I am going to drop some money. At the club where I am VIP extras are easily had. One evening I simply planned to have the buffet and possibly a couple of dances. I ended up with a hot 20 year old blonde in VIP who immediately went to work on me with BJ then sex. I got off with her like crazy. Spending was $450 that evening. $40 for 2 dances, $310 for sex, then in a state of post orgasmic euphoria I caved into her request at the ATM for a $100 tip. So much for my plan or any kind of self control.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    maybe see if any of the local clubs have "couples night".

    In Columbus, Dreamgirls has it tuesday night, cols gold has it sunday night...
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    What pisses me off is when a woman is willing to go the a SC with you when you are just friends but once you become a couple, she says your not allowed to go anymore. Funny, it's not like she was willing to make it up to me with free lapdances at home. And forget about everything once you are married!!!
  • curiousgeorgefun
    14 years ago
    SC is fantasy. .... not real... then again i dont have sex with strippers. A previous president established what is sexual relations and what isnt. Hj or BJ OK. Not "sex". No emotional connection or responsibility. Just don't get caught up in SS.

    Affairs are relationships gone to far and real. There is the line. I don't cross. Women get funny when you sleep with them. I've seen a fuc buddy change her mind on the Guy. Starts thinking about leaving her hubby and marrying other Guy... kids... total psycho like fatal attraction.

    Establish your line and don't cross it
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Lots of comments in here about fantasy and crossing the line. With all due respect, fuck that - lol. I like strip clubs for one thing: finding and fucking hot strippers. As I have said before, where there are strippers there generally is takeout.

    I am married with young children but I do what I want on the club front. I travel alot for work and own the companies, which gives me cover on the time and money front (and of course my business cell phone). I have a wife to to change diapers, run play dates and all the other domestic stuff.

    Guilt and paranoia are not a part of my vocabulary and I have no interest in acting like a woman with a penis. Sometimes you just have to be a man.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Well said Rick. My life is not a fantasy, it is a reality. I'm not guilty (though I am paranoid) because I'm not lying about it, at least not to the only person who matters in that regard.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Thanks georg. Damn nice pics btw.

    Well said by you also. I was not built to sit on the sidelines and want something but be too afraid to act. What kind of life is that? Not my gig.

    I may bet burned from time to time, but I (and others here) have done some ridiculous things with girls almost half my age. When I die I want to have a Jack in one hand and a young pussy in the other, not in a hospital bed regretting everything I never did but could have.

    As the old quote goes, "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."
  • Player13
    14 years ago
    @rickdugan - you are my fuckin' hero, man. I want to be just like you when I grow up, dude!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lmao player13 - thanks man - busting my balls and all the while doing so with a really disturbing basement bedroom pic ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Rick, re the pics. Thanks. I like 'em. As for the quote, I'll paraphrase Lazarus Long's response to a similar quote about live mice and dead lions: I'd rather live on my feet than either of the alternatives. :)
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I'm also married (no kids thank god) and do what I do in the clubs because it's who I am. I apologize to no one, and I try to be discreet in terms of not bringing any of it home to the SO. It's a sort of "don't ask don't tell" in my house and so far it's working out just fine. So far.

    lol and rick...about that "just being a man".....sorry, but I'm not willing to give up my girlie parts for that.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol lopaw - you are more dangerous than almost any guy. Hunter instincts of a man but the sensitivities and understanding of a woman. You're discreet in your postings but I strongly suspect that your game puts us all to shame ;)
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