

South Carolina
Anybody know what's happened to Shadowcat-no reviews, no discussions, no replies to private messages-nothing. Has he exited this world?


  • rob0411
    14 years ago
    No idea. I'll be at PP on Friday and see if I can get some info.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Is this the first time in 10 years of him being a member of tuscl that he has been absent from tuscl for over 1 month?

    I remember clubber started a topic asking about him a couple weeks ago as well.

    Both him and tuscl_bro I would be curious to hear about.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Yeah, where is that dude? Long time for him to be silent. He mentioned his SO, Gridget, was facing some health issues. Hope they are both OK.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    I brought the same topic up a few weeks ago. No one had any concrete information.
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    As I mentioned on the previous discussion of this topic he had been very sick, no specifics. I got a message from him on 3/31 saying he was very sick and that he had spent 3 hours in the doctor's office that day with no answers. He mentioned that he was going to the hospital for more extensive tests. That is the last I heard from him.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I don't know about the rest of you, but I hope he doing well.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Like wise Clubber, I've never met him at PP, but I like SC. Thanks for the information, snowtime.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I don't know, but the post count in these discussion topics and Platinum Plus reviews have dropped 30% as a result of his absence.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I'm sure someone here knows his real name, maybe you could Google it. On the other hand, I hope it don't turn up an obituary.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I googled shadowcat:

    Kitty Pryde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaShadowcat as member of Excalibur with Lockheed and Widget. ..... Shadowcat appeared as Sprite in "The X-Men Adventure" episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitty_Pryde - 13 hours ago - Cached - Similar

    Pryde, Kitty - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source ...Shadowcat, Cat, Kitten, formerly Ariel, Sprite. Identity .... During the course of this adventure, Kitty took to calling herself Shadowcat. ...
    marvel.com/universe/Pryde,_Kitty - Cached - Similar

    Shadowcat Systems LimitedShadowcat Systems is an open source developer and software consultancy, it is the brain-child of Matt Trout and Mark Keating.
    www.shadowcat.co.uk/ - Cached - Similar

    ShadowcatDuring the massacre of the mutant Morlocks by the Marauders, the Marauder called Harpoon injured Shadowcat with his energy spear. It also adversely affected ...
    www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/s/sh… - Cached - Similar
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    shadowcat is back. Where have I been? In 2 hospitals. 5 weeks ago I was so drunk that my daughter had to take me to the emergency room. I left a trail of blood all over my house. My alcohol level was 4.00. I spent 48 hours in ICU. I almost died. Then another 5 days in the medical hospital with an IVU, cathiter, and heart monitor.Much of that time was spent strapped in bed. On discharge, I had my daughter drive me straight to Anchor hospital in Atlanta for alcohol rehab. I just got discharged after a 28 day stay. I hope I have learned my lesson and stay sober.

    TUSCL_Brother is in prison. I have known for a long time what the charges were and have been keeping them to my self. I had been hoping that he would just get probation. I got an email from his business partner with his mailing address but no mention of his sentance.

    Gridget has been released from workers comp and is back to work as a paramedic. I have a lunch date with her next Tuesday to celebrate her 34th birthday. I will be in PP next Mon, Tue, and part of Wed.

    My daughter, a therapist at Anchor and my M.D at Anchor are trying to get me to stop going to strip clubs and give up my TUSCL buddies. I will not. It is in my blood and has been for 10 years. None of you caused me to drink and I have made it clear to my daughter that I am not giving up this hobby. After 5 weeks in 2 hospitals, I am ready for a club visit. A sober one. Come and join me, if you can.

    I will try to answer all the emails and PM's asap but right now I have a mess to clean up at home
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    Wow. Glad you are still with us here in the land of the living, SC. Best wishes for continued sobriety. Perhaps we'll finally get to meet at PP in Columbia one of these days. If so, I'll buy you a soft drink of your choice.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    The bad that may have turned out good. Excellent and welcome back.
  • rockie
    14 years ago
    SC: Glad to hear that you are all right. I've never found alcohol enhancing my club visits - hopefully with your recent issues you find the ability to enjoy your visits without it. Be well!
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Glad to see you are alright. Here's a toast(of WATER) to your return
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Glad to here you are still with us. I believe you meant to say your blood alcohol level was 0.40, which is still remarkable, since that level usually results in a coma or death.
  • LoneLurker
    14 years ago
    Glad to see you back, Shadowcat. Good luck in your contest against the demon rum.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Shadowcat, that sounds like a close call. Please take it slow and take care of yourself and Gridget. We should all send e-mails to the manager at PP in Columbia, SC and ask him to stock non-alcoholic beer and wine for Shadowcat. Maybe some of us can pre-pay by credit card for his welcome back party.
    14 years ago
    Good to read you're back on the saddle, Shadow!
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Welcome back. You have been missed and we are all glad to have you back in the fold. I think you can enjoy your visits to PP just as much without the alcohol.
    Glad that you decided to keep going to the clubs and maintain your relationship with your TUSCL buddies. I suppose the medical people think you will be too close to alcohol at the strip clubs. Seems to me you will have just as much opportunity to drink at a restaurant, a Braves game, or at home for that matter. I think the decision not to drink will be based on your determination not to do so, rather than your choice of entertainment venues. Hope you can prove them wrong and resume a long series of alcohol free trips to Columbia.
    Good luck and welcome home.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    .4, wow. Didn't you recently get arrested one morning for being stumbling drunk coming out of your hotel?

    I donno dude, I think I would listen to my doctor and get my head on straight before even thinking of entering another strip club.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Welcome back, Shadowcat. I hope you stay sober; just consider alcohol to be poison to you...
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I want to thank all of you for the kind thoughts. As a rule I do not drink in strip clubs. Ruins the pleasure. My problem has always been drinking after a club visit. I did not screw up my health. even had an endoscopy. My liver is undamaged. Yes, that was a typo. my blood alcohol was .40. At 68, I am amazed that I am so healthy. Thanks again.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    As I recall, weren't you a pilot for many years? Doesn't that require relatively good health?
  • dustyshoes
    14 years ago
    Welcome back Shadowcat. Probably the worst things SC does for any of us is to allow us to drink too much. Let's let this be a lesson to all of us. Good luck in the future.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Clubber, no I was never a pilot. I was an aircraft dispatcher for 42 years. IT required random alcohol and drug testing. I was tested about 15 times and never failed. I had it under control then. you are right.PIlots have to have a rigerous medical exam yearly. I had a pilot in my rehab unit. He lost his medical when he acknowledged his drinking problem and though he is going through rehab that is no guarantee the he will get his medical and job back.
  • dennyspade
    14 years ago

    Let me add my welcome back to join the other Club Enthusiasts on this Board. Your passion for Platinum Plus, your loyalty to your ATF and other friends at your favorite club, is something we all measure ourselves by. I know that I appreciate your candor about your kids, your exploits, and your disdain for the ATL clubs, made us all wonder how you could be so lucky to be the "candyman," and the loverman.

    Thank God, that you are still with us. Moderation, sir. Moderation.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Welcome back shadowcat!
    Too bad about T Bro.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Thanks for the updates shadowcat, and welcome back.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I am back. My latest review for PLatinum Plus (my longest ever) was just published. Had a great time. Will be back next month.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I enjoyed reading your recent PP review even though I have never been there. I am surprised to hear the kitty is off limits for many of the dancers. Usually when I find a slutty enough dancer willing to let me grope her tits and ass she is fine with letting me play with the kitty. It is those ROBs I have to watch out for here in Columbus that don't allow any touching whatsoever.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^^ Also I don't mean to use "slutty" in a negative way. That was probably the wrong word used to describe high mileage dancers.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    Sam..don't believe a word Shadowcat says... he's felt every kitty in the place. Now you or I may not get that option, which I guess was his point.
    Just messing with you 'Cat...good to see you yesterday..one day at a time man.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Just as an fyi, I have been tracking the top 10 clubs on tuscl list (because Cheeks in Dayton, OH has been on and off it recently). Anyways, before shadowcat and magicrat's recent reviews on PP it was ranked 5th in the nation, now it is 4th.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Shilling still works samsung...
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    sam, under founders formula, it would be impossible for magicrat's review and mine to influence club standings. snowtime also did a review.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    In fairness, a club like the PP that has a lot of reviews or reviewers (which is most important for the ratings) will likely have many reviews dropping off the tail end of the moving window (2 years or so?) of when they can effect the club's overall rating. All the recently mentioned TUSCL members (and many more that aren't mentioned) have been openly shilling for the PP for many years now, and that's one of the main reasons why it's rated so highly.

    I'm not saying that it doesn't objectively deserve the rating that it has, since I've never been & likely never will go there, but that's the way that cookie crumbles.
  • LoneLurker
    14 years ago

    Your last post prompted a reaction and question.

    First, the question: In your last sentence you seem to be implying that the only way to determine whether PP objectively deserves its rating is for you to visit the club and evaluate it. Is that what you meant? Or, did you mean that the only way to determine if you AGREED with the rating was to visit?

    I also started thinking about your use of the word "shill." When I use the word shill in the context of TUSCL, I'm referring to someone connected with a club monetarily, as in an employee or someone else with something to gain from artificially inflating ratings. When I look up the word "shill" (noun) in Webster's New World dictionary, this is what I see:

    shill (shil) [slang] n. a confederate of a gambler, auctioneer, etc. who pretends to bet, bid, etc. so as to lure others.

    I think that's pretty much in line with the way I perceive and use the word.

    So, when you say that Shadowcat, myself, and others have been "shilling for PP for many years" you're implying that we gain some benefit from our high ratings of the club or are otherwise some kind of "confederate" of the club. What do you believe is that benefit or the nature of that confederate relationship? Or, are you using the the "shill" in a different way?

    As for my ratings of the club, I concede that they are subjective. I'd argue that all such ratings are subjective based on the experience of individual reviewers in the club in question and their experiences in other clubs that they use for comparison. However, for what it's worth given that we're on an internet message board, I am not connected with the club in any way and can assure you that, though my ratings are subjective, they are completely independent. I also believe that is the case for Shadowcat and I'll tell you why. He's never been shy about being critical about certain aspects of the club and specific employees; that's not the way shills generally operate.

    I'll close by asking if the Founder has ever revealed the method he uses for calculating ratings. Is there a previous discussion or link?
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    LoneLurker, let me give you the basic formula. I review a club 10 times. I give it a 10 in each review. My average rating is a 10. You review the club once and give it a 2. Your average rating is a 2. To get the club rating you add up the two average ratings and divide by 2. 10+2=12 divided by 2 =6. The club gets a 6 rating. Founder has revealed this in the past. He does have some secrets to adjust the formula. If you send him a PM, I am sure that he will post a topic. Maybe it is time for a refresher for the newbies.

    MisterGuy has accused me of being a shill many times in the past. He just dislikes me. Jealousy?
  • LoneLurker
    14 years ago
    Thanks Shadowcat.

  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I reviewed Misty's Show Bar in Columbus and gave it a 1.

    Two other tuscl members gave it a 2 and a 3.

    The overall rating is a 1.01...I guess my review holds the most weight at the moment.

    This is what he means by founder's adjustments to the formula.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    Here's a question- its been a while since I've delved into it, but does founder plug in the total # of reviews, OR the average score per reviewer. To further elaborate: Lets say Club X has 20 reviews. One reviewer has 10 visited reviews to club, the remaining reviews are 10 different single visitors. The 10 visit guy thinks Club X is great, and grades each visit a 10. All 10 of the single visitors think club sucks and give it a 2. So, would all reviews be tallied (10x10) + (10x2) for total points of 120, divided by 20 ( number of reviews) for average score of 6.

    OR..... would 10 visit guy get same weighting as each single vist, thus 11 reviewers, (1x 10) + (10x2) = Total score 30/11 reviewers= Average score 2.73

    I suspect that founder has plugged in a formula, perhaps giving more weighting to reviewers with more reviews under their belt, and/or more recent reviews submitted (eg- reviews submitted in last few mos would get weighted more than those submitted over 2 yrs ago???)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    minnow. my understanding is your 2nd score. 2.73 would be the club rating. But like I said, founder has some secrets to adjust this.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "In your last sentence you seem to be implying that the only way to determine whether PP objectively deserves its rating is for you to visit the club and evaluate it. Is that what you meant? Or, did you mean that the only way to determine if you AGREED with the rating was to visit?"

    Basically, it's the latter. Different people see the same thing differently. Like I have said before, I have no way of knowing whether the PP deserves its high rating here on TUSCL. All that I know for sure is that old scat & his "followers" (his words, not mine) have been shilling for the PP for many years now. Scat has spoken about this openly for many years now. Whether you are one of scat's "followers" LoneLurker is between him & you.

    "When I use the word shill in the context of TUSCL, I'm referring to someone connected with a club monetarily, as in an employee or someone else with something to gain from artificially inflating ratings."

    Here's the thing with that...scat actually believes that the PP is "his club". He (and his "followers") have taken it upon themselves to shill for their favorite club with the sole purpose of promoting their favorite place. It's weird, but true. Again, scat has spoken about this openly many times before.

    "So, when you say that Shadowcat, myself, and others have been 'shilling for PP for many years' you're implying that we gain some benefit from our high ratings of the club or are otherwise some kind of 'confederate' of the club."

    Hey, I can only describe what I have read in these forums many times before my friend. I can't say that scat's way of thinking makes *any* objective sense (because it rarely does...lol...), but it is what it is.

    "What do you believe is that benefit or the nature of that confederate relationship?"

    Practically speaking, IMHO, there is NO tangible benefit. However, scat has shown again & again that he apparently has a desperate need to be at the "top" of things as they relate to TUSCL. For example, many, many times before he's touted his personal relationship with Bones (who has or did have the largest number of reviews on this website) as if to say, "I'm important through my association with 'great' people."

    Again, none of this ever made any real sense to me personally. Bones was a nice enuff guy when he used to post here, but old scat pretty much dumped him like a hot potato once he got himself into some deep shit with the law. That's not what I personally would do for someone that I thought was "a brother from another mother", but oh well...

    "As for my ratings of the club, I concede that they are subjective. I'd argue that all such ratings are subjective based on the experience of individual reviewers in the club in question and their experiences in other clubs that they use for comparison."

    I agree completely.

    "He's never been shy about being critical about certain aspects of the club and specific employees; that's not the way shills generally operate"

    ...and yet he's been giving the club the same basic numerical high ratings despite those occasional unkind words for dancers that don't play his cheap LD games or for the apparent excessive loudness of the music at the club.

    "I'll close by asking if the Founder has ever revealed the method he uses for calculating ratings."

    All I know about the rating system on TUSCL is from the personal communications that I've had with founder over the years, what I've observed myself in the numerical rating system, and from the very few things that have been posted about it here & there over time.

    "I review a club 10 times. I give it a 10 in each review. My average rating is a 10. You review the club once and give it a 2. Your average rating is a 2. To get the club rating you add up the two average ratings and divide by 2."

    Nope. This was the way that things were done loooooong ago. founder added the ability to change a reviewers weight in a particular club's rating based on that reviewers length of TUSCL membership and/or how many total reviews that reviewer had written so far.

    "He does have some secrets to adjust the formula."

    I'm sure there are many more things that we'll likely never know about, since founder is keen on not having people easily game the ratings system here.

    "If you send him a PM, I am sure that he will post a topic."

    I kind of doubt it, but who knows?

    "MisterGuy has accused me of being a shill many times in the past. He just dislikes me. Jealousy?"

    LOL...sure, I'm really "jealous" of an old fool drunk that can't hold a job because of his drinking problem and can't help but be arrested for drunken behavior in the middle of the day...sure, sure...not...keeping dreaming scat...

    Sure, I have a general dislike for scat...earned over many years by watching his self-centered behavior on here & his past behavior running female members of TUSCL off of these boards. But those are old scores that we'll never settle. I don't post in scat's topics as he doesn't need the encouragement IMO, and I've encouraged others to do the same. To each his own...

    "The overall rating is a 1.01...I guess my review holds the most weight at the moment."

    ...again, because of your length of TUSCL membership and/or the total number of reviews that you have under your belt samsung.

    "does founder plug in the total # of reviews, OR the average score per reviewer."

    It's the latter, but only reviews that have been published recently (within the last 2 years or so?) count towards the club's overall rating.

    "I suspect that founder has plugged in a formula, perhaps giving more weighting to reviewers with more reviews under their belt, and/or more recent reviews submitted (eg- reviews submitted in last few mos would get weighted more than those submitted over 2 yrs ago???)"

    Exactly. The only one that truly knows all of the ins & outs of this website's rating system is founder. It's his site, and that's the way that it should be IMO.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Cheers to founder
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Hey, I've shilled my new favorite club up to #26. Going for top 20 now, baby!
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