
Drunk in a Strip Club

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To start, I'll admit that I enjoy drinking liquor while seeing naked ladies. Hell, if I can I also love to mix a few smokes or a cigar into the night. The more vices the merrier on club nights :)

Along with that, however, comes times when I have had a few too many. I usually know when to leave, but will readily admit that on a couple of instances I spent a lot more than I would have sober, and chased girls that in the cold light of day were feeding me blatantly obvious SS.

Anyone else with good drunk stories to share?


  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Since the vast majority of my visits were on business trip or via a company car, I tended to limit my consumption. There were times I went over the line, but so far, knock on wood, I've not done anything to stupid.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I don't drink for medical reasons and at times really want a drink in a club instead of the usual diet coke or sprite. Drinking alcohol is not good for fucking and can make you spend a lot.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I saw a guy vomit all over the stage the last time I was at a strip club. He had too much to drink and couldn't hold it in. The staff did a halfass job of cleaning it up, and the dancers that came in later had no idea what they were dancing on/in. Do these clubs honestly expect this not to happen when they practically force you to keep buying and buying drinks?
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I drive a long way to the SC, so I moderate my drinking. One time there was a bachelor party @ the SC, and the groom was HAMMERED when they put him onstage. Typical SC stuff ensued---multiple girls danced for him, he took shots from them, and then they encouraged him to dance.

    He took his pants off. Dude had the smallest dick in the world. The ENTIRE club laughed at him. Luckily, he was too drunk to understand what was going on.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LOL, ph, that's a classic strip club story. I only drink maybe 2 beers at the most, so it's never been a problem for me. I've seen plenty of bombed patrons being assisted to the door.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    I am a (proud?) member of the "Two Beer Queer" club. After 2 drinks I always tell the waitress that if I have another one they will have to carry me out of the club. (Oddly enough, several have responded that they wouldn't mind doing so).
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I do not drink at all in a strip club. I have enough trouble anymore without mbibing a depressant in the mix. That, and I get even stupider than normal after too many. It gets too expensive.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Gee, steve229, I wish I could be that lucky. LOL, I can think of several waitresses I'd love them carrying me out.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Damn, I'm starting to feel like a drunk at a church convention.

    I am far from an everyday drinker, but I won't go to a SC where I can't get alcohol. It has just become such an ingrained part of the experience for me that I would miss that part of it too much. Booze, tits, more booze, more tits, all equal a great night to me.

    In a lot of cities that rules out the nude clubs, which sucks, but I love nothing more than a nude BYOB club - three chears for Dallas, which is full of these places. I always bring a BIG bottle of Crowne to ensure that I can also get my stripper target good and drunk :)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    having sex while drunk is like shooting pool with rope
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    samsung, I don't really agree with that. Buzzed sex with a girl that is also buzzed can be a blast. When I take a girl OTC she has usually been drinking wih me for a chunk of the night. Good times all around!
  • theriddler
    14 years ago
    Rick, I go clubbing about once a month and usually get hammered as it's usually the only time I drink each month. I enjoy pouring liquor down a dancers throat and fondling whatever is available. I'm a pretty jovial drunk so I'm told. and I can empty the wallet with the best of them. I also take a taxi. Enjoy.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    "Buzzed sex with a girl that is also buzzed can be a blast"....
    Agreed, it makes both parties look better to each other.
  • winorhino
    14 years ago
    Drinking at a SC? Not so much here in So. Cal. where all the nude clubs are alcohol free. Yep, it sucks. But with that said, the drunk, obnoxious behavior that goes with excessive drinking isn't present either.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Many dancers like to see a guy drinking in a SC bc they feel it will loosen up his spending. With cheap drink specials it can be easy for a guy to have a few fast, just watch your valuables. It helps to have a buddy along to watch your back.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    At a club a few years ago, a couple of friends and I tried an experiment. We often were together in clubs. What we noticed was that most always one guy seemed to get the bulk of attention from the dancers. Why, we asked. One thought we had is that he always drank a premium liquor, while we just drank beer. Over time, at other clubs, to test our hypothesis, we switched drinks. In every case, the dancers gravitated to the "premium" drinker. More cash was our guess.
  • RoyBatty
    14 years ago
    I have blown a lot of money in strip bars when drunk
  • Notsosly
    14 years ago
    I always drink at the SC. I won't go to the juice bars. That said, I only drink beer if I'm driving, and I nurse them enough that I wouldn't ever blow over a .08. Usually at the rate of maybe 1 an hour or 3 every 2 hours.
    It loosens me up, and I'm more fun that way. I also like it when the stripper will drink with me... and preferably something potent and at a high rate of consumption. Strippers are WAY more fun when they are buzzed or getting drunk... like giving me a spontaneous, unrequested, and free of charge BBJ during a lap dance. IT's great, just so long as they don't get too drunk, then they're just lame.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    When I was younger and drank more than normal at a strip club, sometimes it seemed like I suddenly had a new stripper friend I was visiting after hours. Apparently I was visiting clubs at the time where it was ok if the dancer left with you. I remember a long time ago if I had 5 beer bottles sitting on top of my table, the dancers would come up to me thinking I might be an easier target as if I might be a bit intoxicated. They were wrong. However I do limit my consumption to make sure I'm legal. To really feel an effect from alcohol I would have to drink an awful lot or drink on an empty stomach and neither of those choices sounds very pleasant to me. Having hangovers is something I'd rather leave behind as distant memories from college. However I do enjoy a few beers.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    And here I thought I was the only guy in the world that didn't drink at SCs.

    Saw a couple of guys once (they were obviously friends) who got really wasted. They were getting more and more annoying and starting to piss me off to where I was wondering where the hell the bouncers were. Then they got up to leave. Couldn't walk worth shit. First guy got up, took one step and fell down face-first right in his friend's lap (as though he was giving him a BJ). Funny-looking (in a stupid way) anywhere, but with a naked woman two feet away, it was priceless.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    I rarely drink, whether I'm in a strip club or not, and while sometimes I'll get a bit of a hard time from a few dancers because of that...it's usually easy to just play it off by saying, "I'm driving tonight." It's more fun to people watch at a club when sober anyways IMO.

    I sure hope that all you guys that drink while strip clubbing aren't driving drunk or even buzzed.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I have gotten drunk in the club before. I started out with a little green pre-party in the parking lot. When I entered the club, a drink special was announced--3 for $10 Patron shots, so those were consumed. Shortly after that I decided to order a DOUBLE 151 AND RED BULL. Why, I do not know.

    I was visibly intoxicated by 8:30. A stripper I'm friends with came over and demanded my car key, as I was too drunk to drive(not that I would have). Floor guy cut me off @9. I drank Red Bull or Diet Coke for the remainder of the night. By closing time, I was sober.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Wow, one of the only things that 151 is good for in my book is lighting fires...lol...
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I rarely drink in SC's, and prefer nude clubs (no alcohol). I've seen my share of humorous drunken escapades from others, but I've also seen very ugly things too. I'll stick to my water/coffee/diet coke.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    A bit of drinking also makes the OTC event after a lot more fun, particularly if she was drinking with you. Of course, she may not respect herself in the morning but that's tomorrow's problem ;)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    lopaw, most clubs in ohio are no alcohol if full nude, but there is the exception of Living Room in Dayton, OH that has full nude dances ($40 instead of $20 topless) and serves alcohol.

    (613): ATMs should seriously have built in breathalysers, I would save so much money.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I'm curious - it seems like there is always one nude club in a city or town that is allowed to serve alcohol, yet none of the neighboring clubs can. How are these clubs special? Were they "grandfathered" in along with the topless joints somewhere down the line? I ran into this on a recent Vegas trip, where the Palomino Club is the only nude club there that serves alcohol.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Lopaw, I can't speak for all clubs but I know that the Palomino was grandfathered in. It existed when the law was first passed and, I believe through keeping the ownership in the same family, has been allowed to retain the status.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Two words for you - scram bracelet.

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