
natashawellskova and the lido room

Avatar for arbeeguy

I have enjoyed reading other articles on this web site. But not this one. I invite other readers to read the "article" on The Lido Room by Natashawellskova. What a farce. Wonder why Founder or his assistant accepted this as an article. You can read this piece and my comment. Then come back and comment in this thread. Maybe I am missing something here. But it really smells phony to me. Other posters may see it differently.


Avatar for MisterGuy

Yea, it's just an advertisement for that club...no biggie IMO...

Avatar for mreef

I assumed it was not a real article, but a pre-arranged ad with the founder, just marginally more subtle than banner ads.

Kind of like the "special advertising sections" in magazines -- even though they make them appear to look like part of the magazine, everyone knows they are ads.

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