Young and bitter?
There's a stripper @ my favorite club. I don't find her attractive, mainly because she's a dental nightmare, but I like her personality. We're friendly, I guess, and exchange texts all the time.
Earlier this week we got into a discussion about her "type" of man. Kiddingly, I asked if I or my buddy were her type. Her response? "No, I can't get past the excursions with strippers and strip clubs. It renders you undateable.". WTF? This is a chick with ROTTEN FUCKING TEETH. I know that the husband from whom she's separated is a druggie who spent all their money on drugs. She works in a strip club, grinding on old dudes for money. But a couple of professional, good looking guys who frequent strip clubs are "undateable". Fucking hilarious.
I could understand if she was a top girl @ Mons Venus or 2001, but a rotten toothed chick in a small town? Really? Thought I was gonna shit myself laughing.
Earlier this week we got into a discussion about her "type" of man. Kiddingly, I asked if I or my buddy were her type. Her response? "No, I can't get past the excursions with strippers and strip clubs. It renders you undateable.". WTF? This is a chick with ROTTEN FUCKING TEETH. I know that the husband from whom she's separated is a druggie who spent all their money on drugs. She works in a strip club, grinding on old dudes for money. But a couple of professional, good looking guys who frequent strip clubs are "undateable". Fucking hilarious.
I could understand if she was a top girl @ Mons Venus or 2001, but a rotten toothed chick in a small town? Really? Thought I was gonna shit myself laughing.
See, there's your problem. Now, if you were abusive, out-of-work, scuzzy looking bad boy losers, then you would be stripper boyfriend material, lol!
She could have said stuff like yeah you are dateable but right now i am busy with needing to make money to save up for moving, child, bills, etc. and just kept using you as an ATM.
Read some of the forums on the and you'll get a better insight into how strippers think of customers. We are referred to as custies, which is a slang term in the drug dealing business for stupid customers who overpay for drugs. (source:
Seinfeld did a show about something that happened to him. He asked a cashier out and she laughed him off, saying "you're just a comedian."
I the mid 1980's, transitioning etween active Marines and active Army, I did a couple of years in the Marine reserve. During that time, I worked full time at a Marriott. I had a crush on the banquet manager. As part of my lure I told her that I was in the military and she saw me in my BDU's a few times (but she didn't take me seriously). Anyway, just before I left the hotel, I had a formal event to go to. I wore my full dress (class A) uniform.
Suddenly, she was all over me. I asked her why she was suddenly so interested in me. She told me that she thought I was lying about being in the military. My Army assignment, three hundred miles away, started two days later. I told her I was no longer interested in her and I walked away.