
Tranny in the club

Friday, January 1, 2010 12:17 PM
I notice this large, manly looking lady customer tipping a dancer on stage. After a second time I realize, hey, that was no lady. Well, to each his own, doesn't bother me (ah, just don't sit next to me, ok?). Later in the evening I'm sitting with a favorite, and I happen to mention it to her. She says, “OMG, I know her, er, him!” She tells me the story: Normal looking guy in polo shirt and khakis tips her on stage. She comes over to chat with him after her set, and asks if he wants a dance. He says he has to leave, but asks for her name and wants to know the next time she is dancing so he can come back and see her. Sure enough, next time she's working he shows up, but this time he's in wig, make-up and a dress. Wanted a lap dance, but my fav said it was too weird for her and she turned him/her down.


  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Whenever I go to one club at 249/Greens road there always seems to be a manly dancer aggressively putting the moves on. Seems like all of them come from Brazil.
  • vincemichaels
    15 years ago
    I know this one dancer in one of our EXCEPTIONALLY high mileage clubs that is quite manly in appearance. I don't think she is a transexual, but she sure looks manly. I don't know if this post will be bounced by Founder, but if you check out [view link] for Henry VIII in Southgate, MI, check out the recent posts about Natalie.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I haven't seen her for awhile but Alex, a Brazilian, has a very many face. But it ends there. I have totally checked it out.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Brazilians, huh? Looks like we need gatorfan's input here.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I don't mind tranny customers, but trannie dancers must go! This is one reason why I don't like how the majority of clubs in Col are topless only. It can be hard to tell who is a trannie and who is a natural female.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Trannys will sue for GLBTG discrimination if they are not hired as dancers. It's bound to happen.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I don't think I have ever hooked up with a tranny. I have felt the pussies on every dancer that I have been with (yeah bragging)But to me it doesn't sound like it would be too hard to tell just by talking to them.They weren't all under the thong. But most.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I sometimes browse the craigslist Women for male (W4M) section and occasionally a T4M will post on that listing. I am not paying attention and click on the link. It pisses me off. I have not directly hired an escort from craigslist but I have found strippers who post on there. I once encountered a possible trannie at kahoot's and quit going for nearly 1 month.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If I owned a strip club I would continue to discriminate against hiring trannies. If I did hire them it would hurt the business. I would rather pay a fine or settle lawsuits than lose customers from trannies.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    When I lived in NYC in the early 90s, there was a lap dance club that had transsexual dancers one night a week. To each their own... there are enough "tranny chasers", I've never heard of one that intentionally tried to trick a straight customer (dancer or escort), although I'm sure it's happened before (probably by an mentally unbalanced tranny).
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    I personally have no issue with it, but you gotta be brave, stupid, or both to be a transsexual dancer and try to pass in a SC. Once word gets out (and it will), right or wrong there's gonna be an ass-whoopin' or worse. Certainly can't be worth it.
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