foreign clubs excluding Canada.

avatar for shadowcat
I have been shocked by the prices that some of you pay for cover, drinks and dances at U.S. clubs.But they are nothing compared to the prices that I have seen for other countries. I just read a review by someyoungguysomeyoundguy for a club called Egoist in Zurich. He paid 12 USD for a coke. I used to be a worldly traveler 30+ years ago. Back then prices were always cheaper outside the U.S.Now it appears that this has reversed it's self.I have read reviews for clubs all over the world. With a few exceptions the prices have been outrageous. I think the reason for this is that they are catering to tourists and could care less about repeat business.

Why go to Cancun? You can go to the beach in Tampa and then visit a reasonable strip club. I may go to Costa Rica one of these days. If I can get gridget to go with me. Of course that would be like taking sand to the beach.Add on to the high prices for clubs, you also have to pay more for damn near every thing, put up with air travel, shitty food, etc.I am staying in the good old U.S.A.

P.S. I do fly for free.


last comment
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
When I moved to Michigan, the exchange rate with Canada was about $1US = $1.50CA, now it's .98CA.

The point is the falling dollar doesn't help.
avatar for pop
15 years ago
Europe is expensive. Central & S America are still pretty cheap.
avatar for londonguy
15 years ago
Western Europe yes, Eastern Europe is cheap and a lot more fun. Especially Prague.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
londonguy, I just read your review for goldfingers. I was not impressed by the club. All of you trips to Vegas suggest there are better things here.
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
The weakened dollar is what happens when our government spends money like a PL in heat at a Vegas SC.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
There are no strip clubs in Brazil, but there are more than enough hookers.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
gator, there are several clubs listed on tuscl for Brazil…

I don't know if they are all strip clubs though but I would think at least one of them would be. Olympics coming to Brazil soon and I would be surprised no strip clubs yet.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I am curious to know how the men serving our country over in the middle east get their adult entertainment? They don't have any strip clubs in the middle east besides Israel. I would not mind my tax dollars being used to build a strip club in the middle east for the men willing to die for our country. I would not be surprised though if the government used our tax dollars to buy software that blocks porn sites on military internet/computers.

Also Dubai is becoming a wealthy tourist spot so I am surprised there are no strip clubs there yet.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
15 years ago
As I understand it, a "strip club" is really considered an American-style entertainment in most regions, and therefore is going to provide, for an unreasonable fee, a lot of things that aren't really necessary for us guys who are experienced in "real" American-style strip clubs. For instance, the strip clubs in Glasgow, Scotland, regularly advertise the fact that they strut the entire line-up of the night's girls in a conga-line along the stage -- as though this were a noteworthy feature which some men might pay top-dollar to have the opportunity to see. And in Amsterdam, the place called "La Vie En Prost" (as far as I can tell, it's the only American-style strip club in the city) charges a small entry fee and then has slightly over-priced drinks, and offers lap-dance parlors. The funny thing is, you can get MORE sexual action from the girls in the red-light windows immediately outside the front door of La Vie En Prost, and for LESS money! A lapper there essentially costs you Euro-60 for 10 minutes of time, while a full-service 15-minute "fuck and suck" is generally Euro-50. And La Vie En Prost is, quite literally, BEHIND a gauntlet of red-light prostitutes' windows. So, you pass about 20 windows that are 50-for-a-fuck-and-suck, to go deeper into the den and pay a cover fee for 60-for-no-service. Doesn't seem sensible ...

Therefore, when in Rome, do as the Romans. If the "main" activity for sexual service / titillation is strip-clubs along the American model, then that's probably also the best bang-for-buck, aside from some underground options. But if the "main" activity in a given city is NOT American-style strip clubs, then going to one while there is probably a poor choice, dollars for donuts. Do what the locals do, the competition and familiarity will have driven the price down and the number of options up. In Amsterdam, it's window-prostitution; in London, it's So-Ho walk-ups; in Tijuana, it's brothel/strip-clubs; in Vegas, it's hotel escorts or high-price high-glam low-contact high-frustration pose-clubs; in Dubuque, it's nothing. etc. Different services, different norms, city by city.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I would also enjoy reading wallanon's opinion on this. He has traveled overseas and has several international reviews.
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