Christmas gifts

There are two dancers at a club I visit often with kids that I know of. My ATF and another gal that has a great personality. I was thinking about getting both of their kids a Christmas gift. I know the kids names, age and gender. I thought if anything else, it might get me more extras as all women love their kids being thought of. Would anyone else do this? Or is this just a lame idea and would I be laughed at?
last commentProbably the best gift for the kids would be money. Not a bad idea at all, I don't think you would be laughed at. No reason to expect extras in return for gifts though.
just give her some money and let her know you want her to buy something special for her kids with it. that is classy.
I would say that if you have to ask, the answer is no.
Do you want us to talk you in to it or out of it?
I won't let her know that you think about her kids at all. Strippers are very paranoid (along with all their other mental imbalances) to begin with. If you get something for her kids, she'll think you're a stalker. Don't get sucked into the trap of thinking strippers are human just because they managed to get knocked up by some deadbeat loser.
Like arbeeguy said, I gave my baby a card and gift ($) for her birthday this week - got me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. (Oh, and a couple of dancers who came over to let me know when their birthdays were coming up, lol).
3 days ago I mailed gridget her xmas gift.Nothing for her kids though.I know their names, ages, etc but do not want them to be asking questions about uncle shadowcat. Also sent one to TUSCL_Brother. They are the only non family members to get gifts.My shopping is now finished.
If you actually want to give her kids gifts (I don't know WHY you would want too) then just get them and quietly give them to her. Don't make a big deal, and don't be stupid about it.
The best bet would be some cash and a gift card to Toys R' Us... and just say "Get something for the kids"...
"Do you want us to talk you in to it or out of it?"
Neither, i wanted your honest opinions. I am realitively new to the club scene. Just started back recently after almost 15 years of staying away.
I agree with jester214, getting a gift card to ToysR'Us would help to ensure the kids get the gifts, and there is always something the kids would like.
wouln't do it. never been big on buying gifts for kids of friends. Sure, you know the kids names, etc, but my guess is you don't really KNOW the kids. That should give you pause right there. Start buying 'em xmas presents, what's next? Birthday presents?
Alright then Neoguy, don't do it.
How well do you this stripper? Do you know her phone number? Address? Or even what her car looks like. Do you know any of her friends (not co-workers)? What I am saying is, do you know this person or do you just know of a dancer at a strip club?
If the depth of your relationship with her is exactly the width of a $20 bill, then do you really have any business getting her kids gifts?
Let us know what you decide.
I would say that if your relationship with your ATF stays only within the club, then don't get their kids anything. They most likely won't want you to do that. I mean, what the hell are they suppose to say to their kids? "This is a present from a friend at work" Truth is, if the relationship is strictly in the club, then they don't want anything to do with you outside it. But you gotta remember, for every lap dance you pay for, for every tip you give them, you're basically helping them pay for their college tuition, rent, groceries, etc. So, the kids presents are already paid for from us as well!!
I asked a stripper what she wanted for xmas and she mentioned playboy stuff and perfume. I asked my non-stripper girl friend what she wanted and she wanted diamonds lol. Just goes to show that strippers are cheaper than girlfriends!
I think I'll go wit PAS on this one, "I would say that if you have to ask, the answer is no."
I'll chime in on the "no" side. If her kids are young enough, she can probably use Santa as the giver, but she'll also probably just appreciate a monetary gift, too. And if you're going to call it a gift, make it just that, with no strings attached.