
Tiger, tiger, burning bright

Sunday, December 6, 2009 2:42 PM
When did he have time to practice? Cori Rist, two more women claim affair with Tiger Woods; tryst count hits six Two more blonds and a brunette were added to Tiger Woods' sultry scorecard Saturday - bringing the married father of two to six over par on his betrayed supermodel wife. [view link]


  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I love it! That guy went out of his way to tell us what a good guy he was, how upstanding his morals were. Now he's going down as a serial philanderer. Fantastic. Wonder how sleazy it has to get before his sponsors start dropping him?
    15 years ago
    STEVE! If you're going to change the profile pic, at least make her something in a bikini!!! I feel cheated now. That said, "six over par"?!? Oh, they're having a FIELD DAY teeing off on this one... Has anyone written about "little Tiger running free in the Woods" yet?!? It's only a matter of time before a porn company steps forward with an offer for Tiger and his six to make a film... Tiger IS having a most unusual off-season thus far!
  • CarolinaWanderer
    15 years ago
    That really should be six under par. One for each little birdie.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I don't like to get involved in these unrelated topics but I have to wonder how this will affect his game.
    15 years ago
    I wonder whether the tour has to go to Beth Page nexxt year? The crowd there has been rude in the past, yelling during backswings, etc., and other breaches of course decorum. A tourney there for Tiger could be somewhat challenging, to say the least.
  • catman988
    15 years ago
    It WILL affect his game! He has stepped down a long fight of stairs. All his fans (me included) now look at him a little differently than before. I predict his game will suffer. He is going to hear boos that he has never heard before, it has to hurt his stoic mental attitude and concentration.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    It must be a bitch to be famous and everyone knows who your fucking. Even if I had a supermodel wife like him I also would cheat on her probably with strippers and hookers. Its always great to have some variety. So I hope him the best.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I wonder if Tiger Woods is a tuscl member himself lol. Even if his golf game goes down hill and he has to retire in disgrace he is still a multi millionaire.
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    I confess, I am Tiger Woods. See a funny chinese reenactment of my bad night: [view link]
    15 years ago
    Sam, if he raises a hand to his wife, he's a goner. As is, he's just a goofball. There'll be plenty of chances for him to come back. However, his "hunting and scoring" with what I'd assume are hot chicks could well be over.
    15 years ago
    By the way, supposedly he paid for one of the gals' flights to Australia. Would that possibly be "human trafficing"? That's what Elliot Spitzer went down for.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    I have trouble believing the number is that high... I mean at this point if you can prove you were in the same room as Tiger woods, and your a decently attractive woman, then you can say that you and Tiger were in a relationship and you'll get your 15 minutes. These women will be crawling out of the woodwork, probably hoping to get some interviews and maybe that he'll throw money at them to go away.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Badcat988. glad to see posting on here. Kendra asked about you last month.She is hot.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Jester----I suppose these women must have some evidence. Text messages, voice mails, receipts for motel rooms paid for by Tiger, etc.
  • 3LeggedMan
    15 years ago
    I would not be surprised if there's one or more bimbos that he's hooked up with in every city that the PGA tour visits. What an actor!
    15 years ago
    I don't know if I'd call them "bimbos". By all accounts thus far, Tiger sought them out, and may well have even paid for it. AND, at least one had the smarts to save voicemail and texts -- had she not done that, then wouldn't she have been summarily dismissed? At least no woman has come forward and filed a paternity suit yet. That would take things to a whole new level. The only guy who seemingly got away with such behavior was former baseball player Steve Garvey. He was mister squeaky clean and a born again Christian, only to have it come out later (after his playing career was over) he had fathered something like 9 kids by 7 different women. Seemingly, he nailed half of SoCal...
  • Electronman
    15 years ago
    I too am offended by Tiger's well crafted, squeaky clean family man image and his behavior but mainly because of the hypocrisy involved. I am also disappointed that he has failed to come clean on this issue. However, let me offer a slightly sympathetic perspective. Even if he is married to a supermodel, how do we know that she's any fun in bed. Many of the TUSCL members have noted that the most gorgeous stripper in a club is often much less fun than less stunning strippers who have more sensuality and personality. Let's however assume that his wife if great in bed-- I'm sure that many of the TUSCL readers can appreciate the powerful draw of variety-- by analogy, even if you love tenderloin steaks, they get old if you're eat them every meal. Now let's think about Tiger's travel schedule, much of it without wife and kids. So, he's away for 4 or 5 days at a stretch. When I was in my 20's and 30's two days without sex seemed like an eternity. Add to that the number of women around the world who would gladly hop in the sack with someone as famous as Tiger and I can imagine that the temptation must have been remarkable--it would be for me. Offsetting that temptation is the possibility that some women might be having sex with him (or just claiming to have done so) in an effort to extort money or court fame. Finally, think about how confining it can be to be as famous as Tiger. When I want to go to a strip club, I often head out of town so as to reduce the probability that I'll encounter someone who knows me--- there is something reassuring about some level of anonymity. But Tiger has no option-- is there any strip club in the world where his presence would not be noticed--- and maybe even photographed by those ubiquitous cell phone cameras. Maybe the loss of privacy is a small price to pay for being the world's most famous and richest athlete--- but is is a price that should be acknowledged.
    15 years ago
    "But Tiger has no option-- is there any strip club in the world where his presence would not be noticed" Good point. Did he use "high-price" call girl services? What's come out thus far that I've seen has been Tiger seeing these women in public and then using intermediaries to make contact.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Was he putting in the front nine, or the back nine?
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    pothead- fair point, but I don't think all of them have done that... One is a fucking porn star!! Do you really think all of themw ould have kept their mouth shut till now? Sorry, I don't buy it... One or two, maybe three, but not this many...
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "I too am offended by Tiger's well crafted, squeaky clean family man image and his behavior but mainly because of the hypocrisy involved" I met Tiger in person on the Firestone Golf Course (in akron, OH) several years ago. It was part of a group and I got invited for being an american express member. He told us stories about how when he was younger he would illegally break into golf courses to practice at night. He had to practice at night, which helped improve his game because the night made it more challenging. This is not what a I call a squeaky clean image. He was very down to earth. Maybe it is his publicist/agents building up that imagine of him, but he himself as a person is a cool guy.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    ^^^See he's always been so private, I think this he hasn't shown much of a true image... We bought into what the media gave us.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "PepsiCo Drops Tiger Woods Drink " [view link] I have to admit...I have bought that Tiger Woods Gatorade drink simply because it was endorsed by Tiger Woods lol
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    PepsiCo Inc. is dropping a Gatorade drink named after Tiger Woods from its lineup, and television ads featuring the golfer haven't been aired since a storm of publicity erupted over his car accident last month and subsequent revelations about alleged extramarital affairs. Mr. Woods has been at the center of a media frenzy since he crashed his Cadillac Escalade outside his Florida home Nov. 27, setting off a chain of events that has opened his personal life to scrutiny and led him to admit unspecified "transgressions." For nearly two weeks, news media have continued to closely monitor Mr. Woods and ...
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "Playgirl Trying To Authenticate Tiger Woods Nude Photos" "[view link]" Los Angeles, CA (CNS) - The Tiger Woods naked photos may prove to be true. A Playgirl rep confirms that they received photos featuring the golf prodigy in the buff, but they are still trying to authenticate the pictures. Daniel Nardicio told Life & Style that they won't release the pictures online until they have proven the pictures to be real. He told the magazine, "We're currently trying to authenticate the photos before we make any decisions on purchasing the Tiger Woods pics and ascertaining the value." Earlier this week, various reports said explicit photos of the 33-year-old family man are being peddled to Playgirl. Meanwhile, Perez Hilton said that a cellphone shot of Woods' genitalia was taken by one of his alleged mistresses, and is also currently being considered for a Playboy spread.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    It appears that Woods might have been swinging more than his clubs during his golf tournaments...
  • mitciv
    15 years ago
    In further revelations, one of Sweden's top celebrities claims she was approached by man acting on behalf of Woods about having an affair with the golfer. Carolina Gynning - infamous in her homeland for having sex on Big Brother - said the incident happened 'six or seven years ago' when she was living in London. Advances: Swedish presenter Carolina Gynning claimed she was propositioned on behalf of Woods Now a famous TV presenter in Stockholm, she blogged that she was at a party where she met Woods' 'agent' at a party. She described him as a 'really strange man who I assumed was gay,' adding 'he wanted to tell me something special.' After accepting a lunch invitation, she said the man asked her 'strange questions'. 'He wondered if I knew who Tiger Woods was, and obviously I did,' she wrote. 'He said he was friends with Tiger and that Tiger loved girls like me.' 'He said that Tiger was looking for a girlfriend and that he wanted to introduce me to him. 'I never got back to the guy, obviously, even if Tiger is rich, he’s also ugly as sin and absolutely not my type. Was that guy a pimp for Tiger?' Gynning also expressed support for Woods' wife, fellow Elin Nordegren, urging her to take the couple’s two children and 'move home to Sweden.' The fresh batch of revelations emerged as a backlash against Woods, 33, gathered pace. One of America's top PR experts said his image would be tarnished forever after a string of lurid allegations. Howard Rubenstein said: 'He is beyond PR redemption. He is in public relations hell right now. There is not a PR man on Earth who can restore. 'He's haemorrhaging; even a transfusion won't help. He can never re-establish that perfect image of a happily married family man. Never.' He advised Woods to separate from his wife as quickly as possible. 'Who knows how many more women are going to emerge?,' he added. 'This could continue for a long time.'
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