
Calling the club to ask if a specific dancer is working that night?

Just wondering how many of you guys have done this and what the response has been? Most of the time I get no hostility when I ask this question. They either answer the question or give a friendly excuse of "they just come and go as they please it is really hard for me to give you a solid answer"....tonight I had an accusation of stalking. What crappy customer service. I won't be going to that club for a while...


  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Not that reliable for me- maybe get a straight answer half the time. (Yes/No). The websites/recorded lineups for particlar shift are spotty, too. (One LA club is pretty accurate, another often outdated).
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    Whenever I've called in the past, I just ask to hear who's working that night, and they will give a rundown of the names of the girls that are working. I agree that looking for specific names may get you labeled as a potential stalker.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    doesn't work at my favorite club. The girls do not have schedules.They work when they want to. Management has no clue as to who will be working. It is always a guess as to who will be there. Mileage???
    15 years ago
    Strangest (but honest?) response to your question Sam, I received, came from Bogart's Lounge in Michigan: "We don't care about them. Just buy more drinks." The response came from a wait staff member when I asked, in person at the club, basically your question. [I wonder how the dancers feel about that?]
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    The one club I know who will tell you within my area is Shakers in Lincoln, NE. I will often ask them if my favorite is there, and they will say yes or no. Asking who the dancers are always works as well. There are a couple other places where you will get a rundown of who's there and who's not as well. On the other hand, I tried that at my favorite club and my number 2 club and they basically say come on in and see if they're there. On the other hand, those two places are basically come and go as you please, while Shaker's requires them to be there at open and stay til close, and no one comes in late or leaves early, unless you have a very good reason.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    To most clubs and dancers "What is a schedule"? Neiter the clubs nor the dancers know when they will work - some clubs are packed with dancers one night and tomorrow there may be only two or three dancers, and next week the number on any particular night will be different.

    Dancers rarely can plan that far in advance - and they come in as determined by their daily bank account balance
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Works this way for me. The club (bartender) calls me! She knows my likes and dislikes and if a dancer I like at the time is in, she calls me. Also, if a new dancer starts that she thinks I will enjoy, another phone call. It pays to take care of the bartenders. I've known her for over 20 years an from various clubs.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Ach! More confusion. Managers and waitstaff don't want to keep track of dancers or their schedules. If a dancer is late or doesn't show for her scheduled shift a fine is imposed. Too many infractions and she's fired. Managers regard dancers as fungible, interchangable and easily replaced. Thus, they don't want calls about "Is Carmen dancing tonight?" So, you give your number to a dancer and she calls you to tell you that she's on her way to the club. Do you drop what you are doing and meet her there? Are you her favorite cash cow to be called at the last minute? Will she show after calling you? Yep, I've been through all of that.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I think most clubs would lie and say whatever to get you to come on down. You are better off asking or checking at a website like this one or another one, I think we would be more likely to provide better info on who was there when.
  • how
    15 years ago
    I tried that a few times, but it has been a few years back. The person who answered would either say, "we don't give that information," or just a quick "yes," which was false. The latter approach was obviously just to bring in a customer, thinking that would mean money for the club, in spite of the lie.
  • Chief69
    15 years ago
    I have always been told that they are there or scheduled to be there, even if it is not true. The club will do anything to get you in the door, as once you are there, you may end up finding someone else to spend the money on.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    i only call one. gridget. She quit dancing 2 years ago on a regular basis but will always accommodate me. This last visit to my favorite club was the 1st time in the last 2 years without her. I was worried. She is not a cock blocker. And encouraged me to go. It was my best trip ever. But I missed the lunches with her.

    I did talk to TUSCL_Brother 2 days ago. Nothing new. He hopes to be back on line the 1st of the year. Now I gotta call gridget. I think that she will be shocked (maybe not)by my experience with the ultimate dancer. We have done a 3 some.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    The best way to find out any girl's schedule is to ask her directly. Most will tell you when they work.
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    I have never called my favorite club to see if a particular girl is working. I mean even if u called and asked if they are working, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will be there. Things come up. Most of them have kids, etc. And kids get sick. So, I agree with the doorman in samsungs first discussion, to say that they come and go. In that way, the doorman isn't held reliable for a girl not being there. This post is directly to the people that mainly drive 2-3 hrs. outta the way to their favorite club/ATF girl. I mean, that's a hell of a long ways to drive to begin with, even if she was there. Well, I guess, that's kindda your fault for having a favorite ATF girl/club that far away. I dunno; my aTFs/club is only 7 minutes away from me.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Some clubs are starting to offer RTRC on Twitter. It's great if it's kept updated. Only one club near me does it religiously, and it is just one reason that they are doing well in this economy. They are really making an effort to promote customer service, and it's paying off.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    used to do it at clubs in d.c. and usually the answers i received were accurate. i would not even bother with clubs who have more than 15 or so dancers on a shift though. people aren't gonna go through a long list to check for you.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Agree that calling the club is unreliable. Got numbers from 2 faves so I can text them to see if they're working that night. Has generally worked out well, but you can still show up to find out she's just gone off to the VIP or she's already juggling one or two other regulars. And, as Superdude noted, the downside is now they can text you when things are slow at the club to try and get you to come in. (Some of those text messages can be pretty persuasive, lol)

    This also raises the question of which is best - a visit you plan out beforehand with the idea of meeting a specific dancer(s), or the spur of the moment visits when you just go with the flow. Think I'll post that as a topic later.
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    I just call the girl. One of the clubs I frequent doesn't mind that dancers give out their numbers while the other one doesn't allow it. Of course, if a girl really wants to give you her number she will.
    I also have called a club to check if a dancer is working. The other alternative is to call and ask to speak to the dancer. Some clubs allow this, some don't.
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