Doing Them in VIP or CR
At the club where I am VIP, it is not uncommon for a dancer to ask you if you brought condoms if you are taking her to VIP (which is upstairs). I like to have a couple of dances to see if I really like the gal before the real action will start. Other times a it is simply unavoidable to negotiate a price at the table as she may make an offer. POP can vary $150 - $300. When you are in semidarkness, on a leather divan with her, she is naked or in a g string, and she is taking it out and playing with him, it is hard to say no to sex. Some love to give HJ foreplay, others BJ before sex. These are the best ones. When she's hot to give BBBJ do you let her or insist on putting a condom on first? I prefer the ones who get in my lap facing me and go up and down vs the ones who will put their back to you and then thrust up and down with their ass.....Different ones have various skills and performance levels.
Yeah I know what you mean by it is hard for a guy to turn down sex. Women find it easy because they have been turning down guys since they turned 12. I have yet to know a guy to come out screaming "rape!" from a CR or VIP.
Cowgirl position is when they face you. Reverse Cowgirl is when their back faces you.
I think some of them are assembly line gals - do 3 or 4 different guys during course of shift. These gals don't like to go to motel. In Houston, you can rent a room at a Palace Inn for $25 for 2 hr. These are all over the area, usually not far from a SC.
I like FS OTC when I can get it.I currently only know only one sure thing. She has offered me FS at my hotel room for $150 but she is no goddess.
2 Months ago, I was doing a VIP gig in an Atlanta club.The girl said that we could not fuck there but I know that there are others that will. She gave me her phone number and 2 names.She offered to come to my house for FS. That is just too risky so I did not ask the cost.she was an 8 and a lot of fun. I would guess at $200-300 for an hour with her.
This club just recently got raided, so I have not been back since. I am waiting for the heat to cool down or my dick to get too hard to stay away.
I like FS in a motel but you have to admit there is just a big thrill factor about boning a babe in a public place-it justs turns me on!
Strange attitude for a "player".
Here is my Definition of a Player (Pending Article)
What is a SC Player? This is a subjective term that has numerous interpretations. While I am not set in concrete about this, my interpretation is the result of many years of experience and is commonly accepted by friends of mine who are also Strip Clubbers.
In its most general sense, a Player can be a dancer who does extras or a customer who takes extras (in exchange for cash, favors, etc.). The extras can be outside or inside the club. Another example is a customer who takes a Stripper as his mistress doing her x times a month and this going on for a long time. Once you have reached 10 sessions with one then she is probably your mistress. I have had several of these over the course of a number of years. Nothing in a SC is free (Money talks, BS walks) and from what I have seen even hot gals who are not strippers will gravitate towards the guy who throws money into the fray. I know a SC DJ who many say "well he gets lots of free pussy and BJ''s" But considering he has fathered over 20 kids with over 20 different dancers and hookers it is a well known fact he is paying a ton of child support. Pussy is not free, you pay for it one way or another. Of course not all of them filed a paternity inquiry or sued for child support as this would have been prohibitively expensive vor them considering all the sex partners they had during that period.
Sometimes I will ask a dancer if she is a Player. She may answer "I sure am - what is your pleasure. I do sex for $150 and BJ is $100." Or she may be out to lunch and say "I don't understand that term." From what the gals say, just ask them if they like to play (Unless she is an idiot, she will know what you mean). Recently at Treasures a dancer came up to me and asked "want to go to the back where its dark and play?" She was not talking about just doing dances.
An experienced Player is not someone who will give dancers money for services not performed or be intimidated by one, especially her drama or SS (Striper Shit). When a dancer mentions she needs say $100 for groceres but only made $20 that day, he won't just do $100 worth of dances. Instead he will propose an otc meeting (or itc session) for instance where she can make the $100 giving him sex.
Not sure why you are fancying yourself to have any special psychological insights or skill/art in their application because you are able to pay desperate women for sex.
Yes, you are probably more in tune with the reality of the situation than the PLs who think they stripper really likes him, and it's about spending money and building up their trust and friendship over time and all the other non-sense we hear routinely on this board.
Ok, so you are not a "1", but how high can you really rate yourself if you are paying? I would say being a "2" instead of a "1" does not mean you earn the title "player".
But if you insist on abusing the widely accepted definitions of the term "player" please at least quite forgetting to qualify it as "SC player" so it's clear to everyone that it's ultimately intended as a kind of sick joke.
This just goes to show how out of tune with reality "Player" boy is. He thinks he is some kind of hero because he pays for sex or that we should all be in awe of his wealth because he can afford to pay some smack addict $100 for sex? (Love how you call out your "six figure salary" in your profile, like that is some kind of big deal these days.)
It almost looks like another MisterGay in the making, but at least he doesn't pretend to legitimately respect them... We can at least give him credit for that.