
avatar for derek380
any one know if they have to wear them in PA?


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avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
We have talked about tussles in other Discussion topics. I especially like tussles between two girls when one gets her top ripped off and the other ends up crying on my shoulder.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Aren't they called Tassles?
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
You say tomato...anyway, are there still clubs where the dancers wear tassels?
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
Pasties yes, tassels--not very often. Some interpretations of Ohio law require nipples to be covered, but not obsured. Thus we see opaque pasties that hide nothing but satisfy the law. Only a few girls wear solid colored pasties that actually cover them up. I haven't seen a tassel on a titty in years; it is definately "old school" stripper style. I fear the ability to spin tassels is a lost art. :-(
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
But what about the tussles where one girl pulls on the tassels of the other?

avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"pin the tassel on the stripper" is a fun party game
avatar for kalel15
15 years ago
Big City Burlesque in Atlanta. These girls aren't strippers in that they don't do private dances. It's an old time burlesque show. Really great material and dance talent. Will also fill the tassle void in your life.
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