Brad's Dance Price Increase

Does anyone know why Brad's increased their lap dance prices from $10 to $12 on the weekends (aside from the obvious - we want more money)? Was their something specific? Also, does anyone know if that $12 price is all day Thursday or just beginning on the night shift?
last commentJohn, are you complaining about the extra $2 or just commenting?
Come on, quit yer bitchin! I would gladly pay only 12 bucks for a dance compared to the $30 I usually pay around here!
Er, I was going to say that but thought i'd give him the benefit of the doubt. $12 for a lapdance has to be a great deal unless they are less than a 5.
According to the most recent review on BBF, the reviewer claims that on Tuesday the lap dances were only $10.
I'm guessing on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. they increase the price to $12 because those are the busy nights.
Indy local here, no clear reason for the increase but as I understand it the $2 goes to the club. All other clubs here are at 20 except for PT's at $25. I keep meaning to try a Thur or Friday afternoon but it hasn't worked out to see if afternoon is $12 or $10.
WHY?? Oh, I would say for the same reason that PT's Indy & 4 Play L.A. increased their LD prices from $20 to $25 in the last year. Or the same reason that Bare Ellegance LAX increased their dance prices by $1 in 2007 ( day topless from $30 to $31, night from $40 to $41), and VIP sets by $3 (from $80 to $83 days, $100 to $103 nights). Oh, and they clip the songs south of 3 minutes, so 27 minutes of VIP's there would run you at least $309 at nights. At least they didn't tag on that silly $1/dance fee to their $500/half hr. "Skyboxes". Take heart, John- many LAX area hotels DO offer free high speed internet, so you can jack off to porn on your next L.A. trip.
Not complaining - just commenting and wondering.
Minnow - I'm cracking up! No - I think I was wondering more of how the economy is affecting everything. It would seem to me that the prices would hold steady or go down - or the club would increase drink prices or something.
$12 is still fabulous. Maybe I'll try to check out an afternoon on Thursday or Friday to see if there's a difference.
On Thursdays the $2 increase starts at 7:00pm. I was there on a recent Thursday and the guy was setting up the register. Went to get a dance at 6:59pm and was grandfathered at the $10 rate. Dancer didn't care, as the extra $2 goes directly to the club. The dance rates are so low, as the dancer used to keeps the entire $10 price. Now on weekends, she still keeps the $10 and gives the extra $2 to the club. I guess the club was not making enough on just the alcohol and cover charge.
JE- Just want to put things in perspective for you. Just to provide an insight to "the economy": LD's were $10 there on my 1st visit there in 1992. The CPI increase from May 1992 - May 2009 was 53.08%. Thus, if BF's LD prices were linked to inflation, current LD's should go for ~ $15.30. Is your curiosity about effects of the economy sufficiently sated?
C69- Was that your Rolex watch that said 6:59? Or do you have 1 of those atomic watches from Walmart that automatically resets time?