Over the Wall: About TJ
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<b> E. San Ysidro Boulevard</b> runs all the way down to the border crossing, and it is on the side of the bridge where you will exit the building when coming back into the U.S. There is a parking lot there just before the rail station. You will have a much shorter walk (a couple of blocks) and not have to cross the covered pedestrian bridge at the crossing post or the street bridge past the parking lot I just referred to. The rate is somewhere between $5-$10 to park in that lot. With the sun going down pretty early in Winter, unless you're there during or just after lunch you're looking at it possibly being dark before you make it out. The obvious flipside is it's an easier daytrip in Summer. <br />
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When I was there over the 2008-2009 holiday, sunset was around 5PM because it gets darker there earlier than in other parts of the country. I've been out there in late Spring/early Summer and it was dark a full hour earlier than the time it got dark on the East Coast. So far as day versus night, I've been there during both times and it really is luck of the draw. It's really more about how comfortable you are being across the border, for how long, and when. From what I can tell a lot of guys beating their chests about being down there late at night don't (and wouldn't) travel solo. <br />
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That aside, the order I hit the clubs in last time I was there: <b>Amensia</b> (on Avenida Revolucion, $5 cab ride from the border), <b>Chicago</b> after a quick bite to eat on the ave (don't know what going rate is from the ave to Calle Coahuila so I just paid $5 and got no complaints), <b>Bar Tropical</b>, <b>Hong Kong</b> and <b>Adelitas</b>. <b>Peanuts and Beer </b>is a place I've been to in the past on the ave, but a recent reviewer said he got robbed there in 2008. I can see how it could happen based on my experience (and the club's not that great compared to the others in town) so I took a pass this time. Amnesia isn't as expensive as the current reviews have said, mine isn't written yet, but it will run you a little more than Adelita's and the other spots. All three of the other clubs are around the corner to the right from Chicago and are visible from the main strip. Bar Tropical you can skip unless you have a whole lot of patience. You can run through all of the clubs above with the bells and whistles for the cost of one good night at a stateside club. <br />
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There is a lot being written on TUSCL about whether or not these places are strip clubs or other types of venues. Every time I've been to one of these clubs (except Chicago) I've heard music playing, seen at least one dancer on stage in various states of dress. Last time I dropped in HK there were between 6 and 10 dancers on multiple stages at all times, and two in back wearing nothing but whipped cream and each other. Couldn't tell you if there is a universal definition of strip clubs or not. But take a typical 18 year old male (keeping the example legal) and drop them into a place like this, after you pick their eyes and jaw off the floor you might hear the term <b>stripper</b> used while you try to hold the kid back from bum rushing the stage. You don't want to go next door or upstairs or wherever, then don't. That was easy.<br />
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There's been a lot of talk about the quality of the girls, too. If you've been there, then you know it's always different strokes for different folks. As T.I. says in his de facto club anthem, "you can have whatever you like". For those that haven't, the same rules of common sense apply as they do to opinions on anything else. If I get back here again, my rotation is probably going to be Amnesia, AB and HK. I might try Chicago again since it was practically empty when I got there and other people have raved about it. I wasn't that impressed with the looks of the place, though. Hong Kong is probably where I'd spend the most time on any given trip. It's the place is closest to what I'd look for back home in a club, and it's easier to blend in with so much going on. It also has the greatest mix of customers. AB is still tops where it counts, though. <br />
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The only other thing I can think of is <b>the clothes don't matter</b>. Sure the ones dolled up like lingerie models are going to catch the eye more than ones dressed down in jeans, but you never know until you know. <br />
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Be safe. Have fun.<br />
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