<span style="font-family: Tahoma"><span style="font-size: x-small"><b>To all of the PLs,<br /> <br /> I have been going to strip clubs for years, ever since a friend took me in October 1982 for my bachelor party (when I lived in Orlando). It can be an addictive experience, like drugs, alcohol, gambling, smoking, etc. I went to different clubs in Orlando, then I continued the tradition of going in Wichita, Kansas.<br /> <br /> I at times thought that I could get a girl to date me outside the club. Well, gents, it has not happened yet. As I write this, it is the 24th of August 2008. Yes, I have gone out to Denny's, IHOP, etc. Well, I do have an exception. There was one girl who did hang out with me for about 3 months in Wichita. She went on to marry another guy (whom I know, & he is a nice guy, so she did OK....and I am happy for them!). But do not expect this to happen to you; I really, really mean it. I'd say that most of the girls (about 99 percent) are there to treat you as an ATM. You are their money machine. They are there to make money to pay their bills, their boyfriends/crackhead fiances/ex-husbands, their kids' back-to-school specials, their broken-down cars, etc. They WILL come up with any and all excuses to get that almightly dollar out of your wallet or your pockets! Many even go to work hungry (at night), when they have had all day to eat (but they usually sleep); so that they can even ask you to get them something to eat (& they'll sometimes include their stripper co-worker). So, gents, don't give in to this. Of course, you get to be a better "fish" to them when you become more drunk. Well, gents, consider the possibility of getting a DUI (or DWI), once you have left the club. You don't want that. Please have the management (or the designated representative) get you a taxi. Do not go to jail! I have not been in jail; but I hear it's not a pleasant experience.<br /> <br /> Now I am in Jacksonville, Florida cruising the bars. I now have wisdom and experience, and I want to pass this along to my cruising fellows. Be careful out there!<br /> </b></span></span>
I beg to differ. arranging "dates" outside the club is not unusual. I have done it countless times and it was not my overwhelming personality, it was my<br /> pocketbook speaking. It does help if you visit with the dancer more than once, come across as a nice guy, and suggest a meeting place where neither of you will be intimidated, such as having lunch, etc. On the other hand, it has been straight to the motel on several occasions, especially when I was known <br /> to friends of the dancer. Being a regular has its advantages. With several dancers, the relationship continued over a period of time, the best being one<br /> of twelve years, but I will not go into the details. Suffice it to say, that you must pick one who needs money and does not have a lot of personal problems<br /> outside the club. Maybe I was lucky, maybe I am the exception to the rule, but I do not think so.
"Suffice it to say, that you must pick one who needs money and does not have a lot of personal problems outside the club."
Amen, brother. I recently got out of a "relationship" where I only got it half right. She needed money, but was very high maintenance. Bipolar, no meds, ex-boyfriend, drug problem, etc. Fun while it lasted, but a lot of drama and I'm glad it's over.
I plan to write an article soon for this site telling the whole cautionary tale.
pocketbook speaking. It does help if you visit with the dancer more than once, come across as a nice guy, and suggest a meeting place where neither of you will be intimidated, such as having lunch, etc. On the other hand, it has been straight to the motel on several occasions, especially when I was known <br />
to friends of the dancer. Being a regular has its advantages. With several dancers, the relationship continued over a period of time, the best being one<br />
of twelve years, but I will not go into the details. Suffice it to say, that you must pick one who needs money and does not have a lot of personal problems<br />
outside the club. Maybe I was lucky, maybe I am the exception to the rule, but I do not think so.
Amen, brother. I recently got out of a "relationship" where I only got it half right. She needed money, but was very high maintenance. Bipolar, no meds, ex-boyfriend, drug problem, etc. Fun while it lasted, but a lot of drama and I'm glad it's over.
I plan to write an article soon for this site telling the whole cautionary tale.