For All of the PLs Trying to Get a "Date" Outside the Club

avatar for belladanni
<span style="font-family: Tahoma"><span style="font-size: x-small"><b>To all of the PLs,<br />
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I have been going to strip clubs for years, ever since a friend took me in October 1982 for my bachelor party (when I lived in Orlando).&nbsp; It can be an addictive experience, like drugs, alcohol, gambling, smoking, etc.&nbsp; I went to different clubs in Orlando, then I continued the tradition of going in Wichita, Kansas.<br />
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I at times thought that I could get a girl to date me outside the club.&nbsp; Well, gents, it has not happened yet.&nbsp; As I write this, it is the 24th of August 2008.&nbsp; Yes, I have gone out to Denny's, IHOP, etc.&nbsp; Well, I do have an exception.&nbsp; There was one girl who did hang out with me for about 3 months in Wichita.&nbsp; She went on to marry another guy (whom I know, &amp; he is a nice guy, so she did OK....and I am happy for them!).&nbsp; But do not expect this to happen to you; I really, really mean it.&nbsp; I'd say that most of the girls (about 99 percent) are there to treat you as an ATM.&nbsp; You are their money machine.&nbsp; They are there to make money to pay their bills, their boyfriends/crackhead fiances/ex-husbands, their kids' back-to-school specials, their broken-down cars, etc.&nbsp; They WILL come up with any and all excuses to get that almightly dollar out of your wallet or your pockets!&nbsp; Many even go to work hungry (at night), when they have had all day to eat (but they usually sleep); so that they can even ask you to get them something to eat (&amp; they'll sometimes include their stripper co-worker).&nbsp; So, gents, don't give in to this.&nbsp; Of course, you get to be a better &quot;fish&quot; to them when you become more drunk.&nbsp; Well, gents, consider the possibility of getting a DUI (or DWI), once you have left the club.&nbsp; You don't want that.&nbsp; Please have the management (or the designated representative) get you a taxi.&nbsp; Do not go to jail!&nbsp; I have not been in jail; but I hear it's not a pleasant experience.<br />
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Now I am in Jacksonville, Florida cruising the bars.&nbsp; I now have wisdom and experience, and I want to pass this along to my cruising fellows.&nbsp; Be careful out there!<br />


avatar for macaffluent
15 years ago
&nbsp;I beg to differ. &nbsp;arranging &quot;dates&quot; outside the club is not unusual. &nbsp;I have done it countless times and it was not my overwhelming personality, it was my<br />
pocketbook speaking. &nbsp;It does help if you visit with the dancer more than once, come across as a nice guy, and suggest a meeting place where neither of you will be intimidated, such as having lunch, etc. &nbsp;On the other hand, it has been straight to the motel on several occasions, especially when I was known&nbsp;<br />
to friends of the dancer. &nbsp;Being a regular has its advantages. &nbsp;With several dancers, the relationship continued over a period of time, the best being one<br />
of twelve years, but I will not go into the details. &nbsp;Suffice it to say, that you must pick one who needs money and does not have a lot of personal problems<br />
outside the club. &nbsp;Maybe I was lucky, maybe I am the exception to the rule, but I do not think so.
avatar for CaptObtuse
13 years ago
"Suffice it to say, that you must pick one who needs money and does not have a lot of personal problems outside the club."

Amen, brother. I recently got out of a "relationship" where I only got it half right. She needed money, but was very high maintenance. Bipolar, no meds, ex-boyfriend, drug problem, etc. Fun while it lasted, but a lot of drama and I'm glad it's over.

I plan to write an article soon for this site telling the whole cautionary tale.
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