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@hotgirlspls, I think everyone does this different.
Personally, I rate the club highly on "PEOPLE" if the dancers are hot. If the management sucks, the bar service is slow or the bouncers aren't friendly, I might give lower rating for "PLACE".
But I've seen other reviewers give low marks for "PEOPLE" because they didn't like what management did, even if they thought the dancers were hot. So not everyone does this the same way.
In an ideal world, there would be another category for Management & Bar Service.
Personally, I rate the club highly on "PEOPLE" if the dancers are hot. If the management sucks, the bar service is slow or the bouncers aren't friendly, I might give lower rating for "PLACE".
But I've seen other reviewers give low marks for "PEOPLE" because they didn't like what management did, even if they thought the dancers were hot. So not everyone does this the same way.
In an ideal world, there would be another category for Management & Bar Service.