Hotel Revolucion (Tijuana)…Its A TRAP!

Walked by Hotel Revolucion on Thursday, the day before I was to spend the night. Priceline has it as a three-star hotel and displays some nice pictures of the rooms.
The lobby looks great. New, modern, and an electronic sign outside showed nicely appointed rooms, so I decided to keep the reservation I had made for my TLN Friday night. Checked in the next day and I was issued a room key and two TV remotes, one to turn the set on and manage the volume and the other to change channels from the cable box. Walked up the nicely appointed stairs to the second floor. The rooms on the second floor looked like something one would see in a movie about a New York tenement. Trash in the hall. Doors in disrepair. Exposed wires running down the hallway.
To get to Room 206, I had to go up a few more steps, across a short passageway, and down a few more steps to another hallway that looked as nasty as the previous hallway. A right turn and Room 206 is on the end of the hall, so at least it was defensible. Key in the deadbolt, I opened the door by using the dresser drawer-style knob to a room that was slightly above the quality of the short-term Jalos (sometimes pronounced Jail-Loss) room. The room was on the end of the line, so it was private, fairly quiet, and it had an outside window that looked down into the alley. The next morning, I could faintly hear a couple getting it on, but otherwise it was just the usual traffic noise filtering through the single-pane window. Much quieter than Rizo or Cascadas. It had a fan, but no heat. Since I expected it to be in the upper 50s that night, I asked about a heater. No heat. No heaters. Not unusual, as I spent the night before in a Rizo master and there was no heat in that room either.
Messaged my TLN gal that the room was borderline and that I would find another hotel if she wanted. She said it didn’t matter, as she was more interested in being together than the quality of the room. She showed at 7:00 (an hour early). The GPS shows the wrong location for the hotel, so I met her in front of Caesars. (From Caesars, the hotel is across the street and in the middle of the next block. GPS and the Priceline service map showed it across being from Caesars.)
We went out to dinner at a place we had been to before in Rosarito. (Cannot remember the name, but if it is critical to you, PM me and I will try to track it down. A steak house with good food and Gringo prices.) Did a little clubbing back in TJ and back to the hotel about 11:00. The person at the front desk didn’t seem to notice our arrival and did not challenge us. There is a sign on the window of the front desk that says additional people in the room are $250MX and that the room is limited to two people. I am assuming that is two people at a time, so if you bring up multiple girls individually, they will want $250MX each time. They didn’t charge me for my girl, so it might not be enforced.
Check-in time is 2:00 pm. Check-out time is 12:00 noon. Considering the check-out time at Rizo is 1:00, it worked out very well to go between the hotels.
Leaving the hotel for breakfast, the person at the front desk gave us an odd look, but otherwise no issue. We returned to the hotel without notice, gathered our things, and I checked out. Ubered to El Chaparral (the pedestrian west border crossing that is open from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm to the USA only). Said our goodbyes at the border and I was across the border in about 10 minutes at a little before 12:00 noon on a Friday. The line at Pedi East looked to be about an hour long as we drove by. Our Uber driver said people had not yet discovered Pedi West. Hence the long line.
My girl said it was fine if I wanted to stay at that hotel again. She was more interested in another TLN and unconcerned about the venue. I told her that it was never going to happen at that hotel again. I might try Hotel Nelson next (I just like trying different things), but Hotel Revolucion won’t get another peso from me. For TLNs it will be Hotel Caesar, Hotel Pueblo Amigo, or Hotel Ticuan. And I will be sending multiple messages to Priceline about the misrepresentation.
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last commentthanks for the info.
I must make a correction. I did my walk-by on Wednesday, not Thursday (not that it matters).
Appreciate the information.
What's the nightly cost at this love-palace?
$850MX about $45US. About $12 less than Hotel Caesar, which is about the same size and much better maintained. However, getting a room there is difficult. You must book about three weeks in advance.
Adjudicators. I thought the article is too long and brought forward too many issues to be a discussion topic.
IMO Articles are just longer versions of Discussion threads – they are closer to discussion threads than reviews thus can be more varied in their nature than reviews – club-reviews need to stay on topic - IMO Articles don’t need to be held to the same standard as Reviews as long as the Articles offer interesting/worthwhile info and not some mumbo-jumbo just to get free VIP.
Totally agree with Brahma2k on adding key points "getting a TLN. Money, cautions etc." I have no idea what TLN stood for. If using acronyms in an 'article' it is common practice to spell it out first then in parenthesis put what you will use in the article e.g. zzzzzzzzz (TLN) This would be helpful for us who are not as fluent in the local acronyms.
TLN et al are hardly “local” acronyms, as this and other forums reach an international audience. Where do we draw the line? Should we spell out USA in the first instance? Scrotum Court of the United States (SCOTUS)? If in doubt, look them up in the “Urban Dictionary.”
Not trying to be harsh, but there is a certain level of knowledge that is expected of the audience. Seriously, many forum authors cannot figure out how to use paragraphs.