I know a lot of you PLs are seasoned veterans, but I'm relatively new to the strip club scene. I figured why not relive my first time at a SC and then maybe I'll get to read some of yours.
In the summer of 2016 I found myself in Toledo, Ohio, looking through thrift and record stores for vinyl, when I drove past a little place called Hush Showgirls. It was early afternoon, and the parking lot was virtually empty, but the sign caught my eye. I had never been inside a strip club before, except for once when my job required me to make a delivery to one in Michigan. I had been intrigued by the glitz and the mystique of the place - not to mention the boobs - but I didn't think of myself as a strip club kind of guy, so I never went back.
This time, however, on a hot Saturday afternoon, I thought why not go in, have a beer, and take a look around? I walked in out of the sunshine into another world. Once my eyes adjusted to the low light, I saw that the place was indeed empty. No one on stage, no patrons anywhere. I found a seat at the bar and saw that the bartender was a gorgeous young lady with long dark hair and a wonderfully thick, busty figure. I tend to fixate on breasts, so I was already glad I decided to come in. I ordered a beer and chatted with her a bit. The name she gave me was Princess, and she said she used to dance but rarely did so now. A guy showed up behind the bar as well, but I don't remember anything about him. I figured he was probably a manager at the club.
After several minutes I thought I'd finish my beer and be on my way, but then a young woman wearing basically a bikini came out of the back and sat down next to me. Her name was Serenity and she was quite a treat to see. Not as shapely as Princess, but very sexy. During the course of our conversation I then admitted that this was my first time at a club, and she perked up and gave me the lowdown on the rules; tipping girls on stage, dances at $20 per song in the back, no extras, etc. Before too long another girl showed up, and Serenity introduced her as her younger sister (sure she was), although I don't recall her name. The younger girl said hello, chatted a little, and then walked away. Serenity put her hand on my leg and asked if I would like to have my first lap dance. I sure would. She offered a double dance with the other girl, but I decided Serenity was enough, and we went back to the booths.
She was fantastic. I was hooked. There were no extras, as she said, but her dances were decent in the mileage department, and I loved it. It's one thing to have routine sex with a girlfriend, but there was something extra arousing about having a sexy stranger grinding away on my lap with no strings attached (aside from $20). I stopped the dances at three, because I only had about $80 on me. I thanked her, said goodbye and wandered back outside to my car. I drove down the road to a nearby record store and walked around in a daze. Wow. That had been great. Now I started to think about that offer of a double - but not with the "sister," with Serenity and the bartender, Princess. I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I left the record store, withdrew way too much money from the nearest ATM, and drove back to Hush. I sheepishly walked back in and approached the ladies and asked if getting dances from the both of them was possible. Princess said she could make it happen, but since the manager would have to take over bartending duties she would have to charge $30 per song. Fine by me. Serenity agreed, and back we went. I don't remember how much I ended up spending, but the ladies were spectacular, and seemed to enjoy each other as much as I was. Again, nothing extra, but they were so sexy and fun it was worth every penny. I think the girls were amused by my aw-shucks shyness and my excitement. Eventually I stopped when the cash ran out and I thanked the ladies and left the club, driving home in a trance.
I visited Hush several more times, but I never saw Princess again. It's a shame, because she was exactly what I like. I did see Serenity at another club a year or so later, and got more dances. Sweet girl.
Anyway, that's my first strip club experience. I don't want to think about how much time and money I've spent since that day, but I sure have enjoyed it.
I got drunk , ran out of money and tipped the work beeper I had in me. Yea. It’s a long time ago when beepers were still a thing. Next Monday I had to come up with a good story about what happened to the beeeper to my boss. But it was usless to lie since he was with me that night. Haha