
Lessons Learned: Army Trip Gone Sideways

Looking for the girl next door, with huge tits
Lessons Learned from an US Army Trip Gone Sideways

Preparing to visit Warsaw, Poland for the first time this week, I of course did some checking on the local strip club scene. Among those early Google results was an April 26, 2021 article from Stars & Stripes newspaper titled “Booze, a strip club and a major gone missing: How a 101st Airborne unit went off the rails in Poland” about an US Army helicopter unit’s September 2019 trip to Poland that went bad, bad. Reading this article while contemplating solo visits to strip clubs, in a country I have never visited, with a language I don’t speak, gave me more than a little pause. Here are some key take-always from the article that we can ALL use a refresher on; learn from other’s mistakes, you won’t live long enough to make them all yourself!

Sometimes places have a bad reputation for a reason - check before you go.
The club where this Army trip went sideways was well-known and well-publicized in English-language online review sites as a problem spot. Before going out, of course check TUSCL; for less reviewed clubs it would certainly be a good idea to simply look at the postings on other popular review sites like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google for hints about what you are getting into, or worse, leading other friends into as well.

Never leave a buddy behind.
Undoubtedly those involved in the Gdańsk fiasco made some bad choices. The worse however was leaving a buddy behind. The Major in this event “only” ended up drugged and scammed out of thousands of dollars, it could have been much worse. While the risks are obviously lower at your regular club, when visiting a club for the first time or if any of the signs of increased risk are present (sketchy reputation, unfamiliar city/country, language barrier, unfamiliar local currency, etc.), be sure to travel with friends. All need to agree beforehand that nobody gets left alone at the club - either multiple folks stay or everyone leaves together. Easier said than done of course, we all have THAT friend you can’t pry out of the club with a stick of dynamite, but important to keep everyone safe so you can all go back again.

Even you can get drugged.
Think you are too observant, clever, strong, or perceptive to fall victim to a spiked drink? Think again. Even in the best of situations, the club is a loud, dimly lit environment with lots of pleasant distractions. Consider all the opportunities between the bar keg tap or liquor bottle and your mouth for a little something extra to be added. How many people in the club could have a profit motive for you to make bad decisions? Keep an eye on your drink; stay aware of your surroundings; alternate alcoholic drinks with water; and if anything seems “off” with your drink, stop and simply order another.

Urgent care exists for a reason.
One of the most troubling aspects about this event is that a pilot was reportedly so sick from the suspected drugging that he was incapable of doing his job for days. While it’s understandable that getting the local police involved in such a situation might not be appealing, for your own well-being if you suspect drugging, get checked out at a local “doc-in-a-box” urgent care - including a toxicology screen. Such information gathered while the drugs are still detectable in your system may prove very valuable in further medical treatment if required.

Stay safe friends!


  • Sgrayeff
    3 years ago
    If no one gets laid, is it still an article? Just asking. No offense.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    How was this was approved?
  • OrangeClown
    3 years ago
    ^^It's an article providing advice about strip-clubbing. That's what this section is for. Articles can be about anything related to the sex trade. Get a fucking clue for crying out loud.
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Not an Original Article
I took a little while to figure out what you were talking about, but otherwise good advice.
Kinda obvious advice

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