A few hours ago, I started a discussion on TUSCL about best places to live in the US if you love SCs. While I agree that Southeast Florida reigns supreme on quality of SCs, I still made the case for Vegas being a top contender. I was surprised to read a few comments from people saying Vegas was one of the worst SC cities in the US (they probably never been to Boston!). I wanted to share my 5 years of experience in Vegas because there’s a lot of fun to be had there, especially as a local. For one, locals get in free or reduced admission. I think a lot of Vegas locals go to SCs and don’t spend a lot of money because I’ve gotten my fair share of comments from dancers about this when I told them I’m a local. I think that’s smart because the VIP rooms can be way too expensive, so I usually just stuck with the $20 lap dances on the floor. That way I’d never end up spending too much (E.g spent about $100 on average).
The key to Vegas is taking about an hour to scout which dancers are giving the best $20 lap dances. Some give amazing two way contact lap dances while others take it as an opportunity to pitch VIP and say no touching unless VIP. I stayed away from the latter. So basically I’d go to the big name clubs like Saphire, Spearmint Rhino, and Crazy Horse III on a Friday and Saturday night when there’s tons of girls. Then I’d spend an hour or so scouting to find the girl who’d give the best lap dances on the floor for $20. It usually wasn’t the hottest girl but it was the girls who were still 8s knowing that this is what they’d have to do to get ahead of the competition against all the 9s and 10s. With Vegas, you have a wide variety of girls to choose from. I’ve met girls who drive four hours from LA or fly in from different parts of the country (even Hawaii) just because they make more money in Vegas.
You end up with a lot of funny stories when you’re a Vegas local because a lot of friends come to visit you and want to go all out. On his first visit, my step brother banged a dancer who went back to his hotel (a pretty hot black chick). My other friend fell in love with a stripper and spent way too much money while the rest of us just laughed at him. My ATF was this asian girl who told me that her (fake) boobs weighed 10 pounds, 5 pounds each. She was always at Saphire every weekend night, and one of my friends was squirming in his seat laughing before the lap dance with her because her tits were so massive. Honestly so many good times in Vegas and for anyone who is thinking about living there, just know that I absolutely loved the 5 years I lived there from 2014-2019 and would definitely recommend it.
I think any city will be better for locals than visitors. Vegas is well known to have better deals everywhere for locals (those with IDs to prove it). Usually once you get to know a club you can find the value rather than picking the first decent deal.
I think a lot of guys on this forum want more than just groping and grinding. Which is why they say Vegas sucks. For that kind of action in Vegas you're gonna pay out the ass. Whereas if you visit clubs in the agreed upon best areas like Detroit, South Florida, and Socal you'll get that real action from most every girl in the place and not spend an arm and a leg doing so.
Yeah. @GregTUSCL, I was one of those that disliked Vegas. It’s not as bad as LA (the exception being COI), but the extras are way too expensive and the dances are way too much and you’re not guaranteed 2 way contact.
I argued Atlanta was no.1, possibly 2 if Follies doesn’t come back. $5 two way, high mileage dances at multiple clubs. And everywhere else, dancers are $10. And these were ultra mileage dances. Stick shifting , tittiez in mouth, sometimes fingers in V depending on girl.
When it comes to extras. Shit. On the high end it’s $300. OTC it’s higher. South Florida has more clubs , but extras down there are just way too expensive. I’ve been quoted at a stack ($1000) from super bad ass Miami chicks. When they come up to Atlanta they have to lower their prices because they’re prices wasn’t competitive. Why would anyone pay a stack when you can get extras from an equally attractive woman for a 1/4 of the cost.
Vegas is ok. I guess the best of the west coast clubs. But if I’m going that far out west, I might as well stop in TJ, MX b/c no One beats the value and shenanigans there.
What is the cost of living like in vegas? I have no doubt that the vegas clubs are better to locals and if you have a certain level of patience. Sticking with the $20 floor dances seems like common sense especially if youre a local. I think the vip, along with the exorbitant cover charges and drink prices, are the biggest hustles. Locals usually get a lower more reasonable cover charge so that and avoiding the VIP hustlers would probably put Vegas in the top tier cities(but again, this is contingent on being a local).
And how do you "scout which dancers are giving the best $20 dances?" Are you talking about interviewing the dancers? Have you ever had a dancer tell you that she does NOT give a good dance?
I too am interested in extras at a reasonable price point, so Vegas is low on my priority list.
If you want eye candy, some drinks and interesting stories from dancers... Vegas is awesome. If you want extras or low cost hot as fuck dances... it’s not so great.
shit. vegas. it was lots of fun for four years. cost me literally all my savings. I was treated as a local because I came so often. I absolutely loved it. but now i found a better venue. literally ten times better at a fraction of the cost.
last commentI argued Atlanta was no.1, possibly 2 if Follies doesn’t come back. $5 two way, high mileage dances at multiple clubs. And everywhere else, dancers are $10. And these were ultra mileage dances. Stick shifting , tittiez in mouth, sometimes fingers in V depending on girl.
When it comes to extras. Shit. On the high end it’s $300. OTC it’s higher. South Florida has more clubs , but extras down there are just way too expensive. I’ve been quoted at a stack ($1000) from super bad ass Miami chicks. When they come up to Atlanta they have to lower their prices because they’re prices wasn’t competitive. Why would anyone pay a stack when you can get extras from an equally attractive woman for a 1/4 of the cost.
Vegas is ok. I guess the best of the west coast clubs. But if I’m going that far out west, I might as well stop in TJ, MX b/c no
One beats the value and shenanigans there.
I too am interested in extras at a reasonable price point, so Vegas is low on my priority list.
Source: Have gotten lap dances in 46 states.
I absolutely loved it. but now i found a better venue. literally ten times better at a fraction of the cost.