Customers Get Ripped Off at Strip Clubs - How Not to be One
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Some strippers however think extra money immediately is worth the risk of being called out for cheating or loss of business in the long term.
With customers having almost no recourse when treated unfairly, strippers can rip off pretty much anyone they want, either overcharging, or promising the moon and not delivering, or giving an air dance when full contact and extras was agreed.
A combination of little chances of getting punished with a desire to maximize profits, and some strippers have good reason to cheat customers. "charging more or providing less quantity or quality is good business, all else equal," they think.
However those strippers don't go ripping off every customer. Some get exactly what they pay for, at the going “market rate”.
They have to make the decision of how to maximize the money and minimize the time and effort, and select who they thing they can take advantage off and get away with it.
So who do strippers rip off and why?
1. First-timers, tourists and irregular customers:
Regulars and repeat customers are a source of stability in a unpredictable business, some strippers recognize the benefit of regulars and dealt fairly with them. Non regular PL don't have that going for them, though, so some strippers often cheat customers that are unlikely to become regulars, securing a short-term benefit when a long-term one probably won't materialize. If a not regular customer don’t spends a lot he probably is not going to get as much as a regular might.
2. Customers who ask for more/extras but don’t want to pay more or don’t have the money:
Teasing them but given nothing extra is a way to offset the hassle of having to negotiate with them, and as a motivation to bring more money next time.
3. Customers who don't know the prices:
Frequent targets because they don't even notice they're getting cheated. That's free money, with little or no risk, unless the customer suddenly wises up.
4. Timid customers (Soft targets):
Some customers just take what the strippers give them. They're unwilling or unable to do anything about being mistreated, so some strippers will worry less about losing repeat business and instead focus on the immediate profits that can be gained risk-free.
5. “Wrongdoers” / “Offenders”
Not all rip-offs are financially motivated. Some are retaliation for a stripper that fells she has been offended. If a stripper has a customer that she feels she treats fairly, but the customer repeatedly complains that he was being “cheated”. She might toke offense and “get even” by doing exactly what she was being accused of.
6. Regulars In Love / Infatuated Addicts:
The more-desperate “customers” are the RILs they are the group of PL most likely to be cheated because their “love/infatuation/addiction” puts them in a poor position to bargain or complain, even when they're mistreated.
Some strippers see cheating RILs as a strike against the "lowest of the low" on behalf of their group because some RILs have to rob, steal and do all kinds of things to get money for their “Strip Club addiction”
These are some ways to avoid being ripped off by strippers that engage in their own kind of deceptive business practices
(1) Portray yourself to the stripper as likely to buy more dances or a private/champagne room if satisfied.
(2) Buy dances from the same stripper on a regular basis as long as you feel she provides the level of mileage that “makes you happy”.
(3) Become acquainted with the strippers to the greatest degree possible.” to make her feel more comfortable.
(4) Pay the dollar amount specified by the strippers; As long as you know is marked rate and you are convinced is a fair price, do not bargain, and tip well if the “service” is “excellent”.
(5) Be informed about the going market rate: price per dance of a particular kind, extras of any kind and full service ITC and OTC.
(6) Do not ever offend the stripper: No need for drama if a stripper is not your type or does give you a good dance, be a gentleman say thanks and move on.
(7) Present yourself as willing to take your business elsewhere: Let her know one way or another that you value service, punctuality, sincerity and follow a two strikes and you are out policy.
(8) Do not become an Regular In Love: Do not fall in love or lust with an stripper. Remember as far as you know, she is having sex for free with her husband/boyfriend/pimp/or other customers she likes and she is using the money you pay her to buy things for them.
Please let us know about your adventures in the Happiest Places on Earth; Strip Clubs with Dream Strippers.
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RIL Love and Lust - totally different. Falling in Lust is the. entire. point.
"as far as you know, she is having sex for free with her husband/boyfriend/pimp/or other customers she likes and she is using the money you pay her to buy things for them"
So? The fact this is even an issue for some customers means those customers need to a) face reality and be a big boy or b) if they care that much step up their game and get that woman to be with him. If they choose "b" then they're more than likely to fail because they have a big hole to climb out of on the customer side. For everyone else, there's c) enjoy the business relationship for all that it's worth and hope drama doesn't find you. If "c" drifts over into "other customers she likes" that can be a good thing if it stays out of "b" territory.
Some PL commit "white collar" crimes to support thei their Strip Club addiction because are "in love" with someone.
Like the professor someone started s discussion about.