A Night to Remember

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Older than dirt

“A Night to Remember” With apologies to Walter Lord for his book and Shalimar for his song, I had a night to remember which involved me, an unassuming 69 year old pathetic loser at that time, Andy, a 29 year old full time stripper, full time drug addict, and part time hooker; Cy, a high school friend of Andy’s who was released from the Los Angeles County jail the week before and while serving time he lifted weights. I had been a regular customer of Andy’s for several years both in the club where she danced as well as many nights in hotels where she made an old man feel young over and over. Andy was a tiny “spinner” with breast enhancements where her “C” tits fit her body size perfectly. She moved her 105 pounds erotically on stage as well as in bed and we discovered that familiarity builds lots more than contempt. Andy called me on a Tuesday saying that she had to move. The owner of the three bedroom house she had been renting had served her legal notice to leave by Friday. She asked if I’d help her put most of her belongings into storage. She knew that her drug use had been accelerating and was very close to being out of control. She was shooting heroin at a rate of $200 a day and spending another $50 to $100 a day on crack cocaine. She had made arrangements to enter a local rehab facility for 6 days of detox and then an additional 10 days of continuation services. She was unsure where she’d live after that so storage it was. I had been to her house several times. She had had a crack dealer from the Bronx living with her from time to time. I’d met him several times and cognizant that I look as straight as can be, I wasn’t surprised to learn that he steered clear of me most of the time. Andy had told me that he had 5 “girls” who he pimped and stayed with one of them a few nights a week. He had tried to turn Andy out but she wanted nothing to do with him handling her money. So I agreed to help her move and she assured me she’d have someone to help me with getting things moved. On Thursday I arrived at about 6 pm, prepared to spend the night so we could get an early start. She didn’t have much of any food in the house so we went to a MacDonalds Drive-thru. She told me where to park and wait until an older Mercedes parked beside us. Andy hopped out and got in the Mercedes which was being driven by her dealer. They took off so they could buy & sell. On their return she hopped in with me slightly high and very amorous, talking dirty, rubbing my dick, and asking me to take her home “so we can fuck”. When we got to her house we went right up to her bedroom, moved the piles of stuff off her bed, and got naked. We stood holding each other talking about sex. I told her that I knew she occasionally had an orgasm while I was eating her, but never the long multiple orgasms, she described having with her crack dealer. What was the difference? She said, for starters there’s 40 years. Don’t expect me to react the same to you as I do to a really hot guy whose got a chiseled body and controls things so we both cum at the same time. That is so cool. She then suggested a toy that was her favorite. She took out a hard plastic dildo with a raised protruding finger about half way down the shaft. “Let me show you how it works.” she said. She turned on music and left lights on brightly lit so I could see everything. Almost clinically she said, “now eat me”. Her pussy was pink, small labia and an easily discernible clitoris. She spread her legs and I started licking and then kissing on her upper inner thighs, tongued her clit which protruded from under the hood. I inserted one finger into her pussy and started slowly and softly thrusting it in and out while “writing the alphabet” with my tongue, a technique she had suggested to me a couple of years earlier, which kept the tongue moving all over her vulva. I could feel additional wetness and knew she was getting there, when she reached over and picked up her dildo. She had me sit back to watch as she switched on the motor and inserted the device and stopped and put a couple of dabs of a lubricant on it and said, “if I was with my dealer, I wouldn’t need lube.” Then as she worked the vibrating tool in and out she showed me how to increase speed and how to align the “clit tickler” so that the little protruding finger went to just the right spot. She moaned even while demonstrating. She said okay, now you do it. She really got into it, moving with a rhythm to match the music, moaning and moaning, louder and louder until she went over the top and she came and I slowed and she yelled don’t stop! A rivulet of a while fluid ran from her pussy. She took the toy from me and kept it going in and out while vibrating faster and faster. She asked and indicated for me to move up near her head and she got me on my side with my throbbing tool at her face and she took me in her mouth and told me to fuck her face. The hum of the vibrator was slowing and she increased the thrusts and the moaning and I could feel my dick throbbing and knew I was about to cum when she screamed out with pleasure, her toes curled up, and she came just as I released my load into her mouth. She normally didn’t swallow but she did this time, while she removed the dildo but held me close. My heart slowed down, I rolled onto my back and she sat up and turned her head to give attention to my dick, licking the shrinking shaft of any last drops of cum. That was so hot! She jumped up and went in the bath room and I could hear her peeing. About three minutes after hearing the toilet flush I walked over to the bathroom and she was at the sink with a phone charging cord around her left arm and she was trying to find a vein with a syringe. She probed and probed until she thought she had one. She drew the plunger back with blood mixing into the barrel of the syringe and then she injected it all. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead but in seconds her face showed the relief which coursed through her body. She then picked up a glass tube about the size of a cigarette, took a pinch of copper wool and pushed it into the tube. Using a thin rod she pushed the “chore” back & forth in the tube cleaning the black residue from within the tube to one end and back a 1/4 inch. Then from a small pile of white granules, she picked a rock, put it in the pipe, tilted back so it wouldn’t fall, and using her cigarette lighter sparked a flame and puffed on the burning “crack” inhaling and holding the smoke. She asked if I wanted a hit and I thought, why not? I expected it to be more harsh, but it wasn’t. Within seconds I felt my body tingle from the gums around my teeth to my toes. It wasn’t euphoria, it wasn’t a “high” really, but it felt good and it made everything okay. We pulled on shorts & a shirt and went downstairs to get s drink and Andy told me about her friend Cy who was coming in the morning. They’d gone to high school together, had dated a little ( she told me they’d never fucked and he told me they fucked once in his family’s living room). He had married shortly after HS and they had a baby and his wife committed suicide. A relative in California was raising the child but Cy moved there to be close to his daughter but had had drug problems and ended up spending a year in jail for multiple drug offenses. She had also reserved a UHaul truck which I’d have to drive because neither she nor Cy had a license. After that I went out & bought cardboard boxes and started packing. She tried to pack a suitcase for 16 days in detox & rehab. The sheer volume of clothes was overwhelming and I folded and sorted clothes as without my knowledge she was shooting up and smoking crack. About midnight she suggested we go to bed so we could start moving in the morning. So she, wearing a thong and a tee shirt and me in my birthday suit got in bed and she was really kind of out of it. This woman gave the most incredible blowjobs I’d ever had. Without going into too much detail, I’ll just say that she had me firmly at attention and kind of whispered, “Fuck me in the ass” and she rolled onto her stomach, drew her knees up, and there was the pinkest little orifice one could want. I knelt behind her and put my very hard dick up against the hole. I pushed and spread her cheeks and pushed harder and the head started to go in but it was like rubbing sand paper against the grain. I clearly needed a lubricant of some kind. I got up and in the bathroom found “liquid soap” which I figured couldn’t do any damage beyond cleaning her intestines, so, back to the bedroom. She was lying prone, face down, snoring. Getting in beside her she was jostled but didn’t awaken at all. I wasn’t going to anally rape a sleeping woman (I have some couth, not much, but some) I finally got to sleep. In the morning she came out of the bathroom asking if I put something on her ass. I said that I’d used soap as a lube when trying to fuck her ass. You what? She screamed at me! YOU don’t fuck me in the ass. That’s off limits to customers! We finally realized that she was so fucked up she thought she was fucking her drug dealer who I guess had asshole privileges. She said there’s no way you could fuck me in the ass. Your dick is too big. So that’s not stripper shit? Look, she said, his is longer. Yours is thicker. “I’m glad I’ve got an expert’s analysis” I said. I drove to the rental office, left my car and picked up a box truck. This place also had the storage lockers so I completed all the paperwork for that. When I got back Cy hadn’t shown up so Andy and I started loading the truck and saved the big furniture till he arrived. I took the first load myself and loaded it in the back of the locker. When I got back, Cy was there. He was about 5’6” but had massive arms & shoulders and some wild tattoos . He and I got three couches, two beds, and several tables loaded. I was packing the kitchen stuff looked for them and they were upstairs shooting dope. Cy and I did the next load and it started raining as we got back. The washer & dryer were on the second floor and the staircase was tight so we decided to take them down an outside staircase with a landing 1/2 way. The dryer was easy. The washer was heavy and Cy said he’d take the bottom & I had the top. One step down the rainwater made it slip right out of my hands. I hollered as it slid towards him and he jumped up on it and road the washer bumping down the stairs, across the landing, through the railing and fell about 7 or 8 feet landing right on Cy. I was amazed when he stood up and picked up a couple of pieces of the washer. I’d already figured out that he was a tough dude and I guess the dope in his system anesthetized him. We wrote off the washer and went back to the kitchen to get stuff just as Andy came downstairs wearing a thong and nothing else. Cy’s eyes bulged as he looked over who had been a flat chested little girl and was now an eyeful. I’d been working like a rented mule all day while they’d been getting high upstairs. We only had 1/2 hour before the storage place closed and the truck had to be returned. Andy coyly asked if she could come and I said I don’t give a shit and Cy and I went to drop the last load. After locking up the locker and returning the truck Cy & I went back and couldn’t find Andy. She was not in the house. It was a very heavy rainstorm and while in the house a police car slowly drove by shining a spotlight at the house. I told Cy and he told me that he had outstanding warrants. I took a golf umbrella and went outside calling for Andy. Then the police drove into the yard. They questioned me as to who I was, checked my ID, asked what I was doing. I explained I was helping the woman who lived there move. Was there any drug use? I didn’t see any, but I wouldn’t be surprised. After 15 minutes of questioning they told me that Andy had been picked up by another squad car and was at the hospital being treated for cuts and scratches acquired by running naked through the woods after running through two neighbors’ houses screaming that men were after her. She was being arrested for trespassing and some other charge. They left & I got Cy, put his bicycle in the back of my SUV found the clothes that Andy had left and went to the hospital. An officer was there with her and it was about 10:00 pm. I asked if she had been charged yet and he said no. I explained about the bed waiting for detox and he called the facility. They said they’d keep it open for her till 3:00 am. The officer said he’d leave her with me if I promised to take her there. When she was released from the hospital the 3 of us got in my car and she said, “Take me to my dealer’s house.” NO “I’ll get out if you don’t take me.” I stopped the car. She cried. She begged and pleaded, offered to blow me, to fuck me. NO. She called her mother. “You know (my name) who you like so much? He fucked me in the ass last night. I kicked her out just as Cy grabbed my collar and bunched his fist saying he was gunna fuck my ass with a tire iron. I took his bike out of the back of my car told the two of them that I’d had it. Get out of my life. In the pouring rain I drove away, knowing I had a 100 mile drive home. I’d gone about 20 miles when I remembered I had both keys to the storage locker and was supposed to have left them in her mother’s mailbox. I turned around got to the mother’s house about 1:00 and the outside light came on. As I brought the key up to the door her mother came out & took the key and asked,”Is it true you fucked her in the ass?” “Only half true” I replied. As I got in my car my phone rang. It was Andy crying, “I’ll go to detox if you’ll bring me”. We got there just before 3:00. I had to wait while she showered and they did a cavity search. She came back out and we had to stay 15 feet apart. She looked at me, smiled and said,”I’m sorry. I love you.” I said,”Andy, I love you too. I just can’t stand you.”


last comment
avatar for clubdude
5 yrs ago

Dude, your experience with this chick is way over the top for me. The bond you have with her needs to be broken, for your own good!

avatar for clubdude
5 yrs ago

Just read the VIP comment you gave, glad to see you did move on (and this article is from your past).

avatar for lurkingdog
5 yrs ago

I agree with a comment made on another discussion link — Gawker has the best stories.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

"She asked if I wanted a hit and I thought, why not? I expected it to be more harsh, but it wasn’t. Within seconds I felt my body tingle from the gums around my teeth to my toes. It wasn’t euphoria, it wasn’t a “high” really, but it felt good and it made everything okay."

^ I hope this is your only memory of ever smoking crack cocaine. It doesn't have the best recovery rate for addicts.

avatar for herbtcat
5 yrs ago

Wow. Just wow.

I had one OTC experience with a stripper that without my knowledge brought coke and snorted up in my bathroom while I was waiting on my bed. When she asked me if I wanted any - and I realized what she was talking about - I handed her clothes to her and told her get dressed. I paid her what we had agreed to - it wasn't worth the possible scene to not pay - and dropped her off at the club.

Later I texted her and told her I would not invite her over again and that I would ignore her if I saw her in the club. I wished her well and deleted her number from my phone. I have seen her 3 or 4 times since at the club and I don't talk to her or even acknowledge she is there.

No illicit drugs, please. It just isn't worth it - even for unplanned (and unfinished!) anal.

avatar for JohnSmith69
5 yrs ago

your sex stories are entertaining but the drug use parts are highly disturbing. Just as I’m going to get up to grab some tissues I get to some ducked up drug use part of the story and no longer need them.

avatar for OldOwl75
5 yrs ago


avatar for Musterd21
5 yrs ago

How is Andy doing now?

avatar for gawker
2 mos ago

Andy was 12 months sober and holding down a fairly responsible job in FLA when I got a call from her recently. Sg He asked if she could live with me while she looked for a 4 week residential rehab program. She had appar3ntly relapsed but knew she couldn’t go that route again. I told her no, especially while using again. I wished her well and turned to my pornstar roommate. You only go this way once, I’m told.

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