Useful Apps for Strip Clubs

avatar for sinclair
Some strip club patrons see a smart phone as a bulky accessory that they’d rather not carry around inside of a strip club. For me, my smart phone is a toolbox that allows me to play the strip club game at a higher level. In this article, I will describe a few apps that I use during my strip club adventures and how they are useful.

1. Shazam is a music identification app that uses your phone’s microphone to identify songs. I use a setting on Shazam known as Auto Shazam where you can have the app automatically run during the duration of time you are at the strip club. It identifies and generates a play list of every song that was played and how long ago it was played. The value in using Auto Shazam is that you can use it to fight back against Rob's that over count songs.

Take for example a recent incident I had inside a club: I did four songs in the private dance area with a dancer. She tried to claim we were in the lap dance area for six songs. I flipped my phone on and showed her the play list that Auto Shazam had put together. I said, “Look, the first song you danced for me was ‘Purple Rain’, then we did two more songs, ‘Cream’ and ‘Kiss’, and finally finished on ‘When Doves Cry’. The dancer was flabbergasted that I was counting the songs not only in my head, but had visual proof on my smart phone. She backed down from her position and seemed embarrassed that I caught her in a lie. If she would have kept arguing, I would have taken my data from Auto Shazam to the manager, encouraging him to verify the song order with the DJ and even check the clubs cameras until I was vindicated.

The only flaw of Shazam is that it might not be able to identify extremely rare music that is not commercially available. But since every strip club I have ever stepped foot in plays commercial music very loudly, Auto Shazam has worked flawlessly. An added bonus of using Shazam is that if you hear a song that you like at the strip club, you can identify the artist and title and instantly buy it from iTunes or Google Play with one click.

2. The most common question I get on TUSCL is: “How are you able to remember so many details about a club and write such detailed reviews?” The app that facilitates my profusion of strip club intelligence is called Color Note. The Color Note app is essentially the neon Post-it Notes many of us use at the office and at home, only adapted to a smart phone. I use Color Note to type up my observations and experiences in the clubs I visit during lulls in the action. Many of the details I would otherwise forget had I not taken notes during my visit. When it is time to write a review, I open up the Color Note app and use my documentation to write a TUSCL review with detailed observations, tips, price schemes, and descriptions and ratings of specific dancers.

3. A lot of the strip clubs I go to in rural areas or smaller cities do not have full time DJ. Music is played off of jukeboxes. TouchTunes has by far the largest share of the digital jukebox market. They have an app that allows one to control the jukebox via their phone rather than physically using the touchscreen on the jukebox. One feature of this app is that you can see what the next few songs to play will be. As you gain higher prestige levels on the app, you get to see more songs waiting in the queue. I currently have enough prestige on my TouchTunes account to see the next five songs lined up to be played. If there are long songs coming up, you go get lap dances. If there are short songs about to be played, you delay on heading back for private dances.

Since clubs with jukeboxes typically make the dancers pay out of their own pockets for the songs that they dance to, dancers try to get customers to give them a couple bucks to pay for their songs. Instead of handing them dollars, get them to sit down at your table and help them pick their songs off the TouchTunes app. This allows you to flirt with the dancer for a bit, and you can sway her to play songs with longer abjurations. Another added benefit of playing the songs off the TouchTunes app versus the physical jukebox is the per song cost is cheaper when you buy a pack of credits through the app.

One particular night I was in a rural cabaret, and the dancers were not interested in parting with three dollars every time they were called up on stage, since they were not making much money to begin with. I loaded my TouchTunes account with a bulk amount of credits and became DJ Sinclair for the entire evening. Under normal circumstances, I would not recommend playing songs on the jukeboxes without consulting the dancers who will be dancing to them. Many dancers are extremely picky about the songs they dance to. Keep in mind, all establishments with TouchTunes jukeboxes have a remote for the jukebox that can be used to skip over unwanted songs. The second biggest player in the digital jukebox market is AMI Entertainment. This company also has an app to control their jukeboxes from smart phones.

4. A stopwatch app is typically a standard application on most smart phones. If you do not happen to have one by default on your smart phone, Simple Stopwatch is a good supplemental. A stopwatch is a useful gauge for determining the time value of private dance options. Take for example a strip club that offers thirty minutes of VIP time for $150 or private dances for $20 per song. You could use your stopwatch app to determine what the average song lengths are. If songs are approximately four minutes in length, value comes out equal. If songs are under four minutes, say three minutes to three and a half minutes, the VIP time is a better value. If individual songs are playing for over four minutes, say four and a half minutes to five minutes, then buying dances by the song is a better value.

The most often cases where I have used a stopwatch app in strip clubs are when I indulge in set-length private rooms or VIP sessions (e.g. thirty minutes or twenty minutes). Many clubs and dancers like to cut patrons short on the time they thought they were getting. Often bouncers will show up before the time duration is finished, or dancers will try to bug out early. I will start the stopwatch when the private time commences, put the screen face down on a table, and check it when a dancer or club staff member tells me time is up. If I have been shorted time, I just show them the stopwatch that I have been covertly running. Usually this is enough evidence to keep other parties from shorting me.

Make sure to use a stopwatch app, which counts upwards, and not a timer app that counts down. Timers set off alarms when the time duration expires. Occasionally, club staff or dancers, whichever is keeping track of time, will not be paying attention and your VIP session may go longer than the duration you paid for. For example, the last I did a thirty minute room, the VIP hostess got caught up with other duties, and my session went thirty-seven minutes rather than the thirty minutes I bargained for, according to my stopwatch app. If I would have used a timer app, an alarm would have been set off and I would have screwed myself out of seven minutes of bonus time.

5. Six or seven years ago, if you asked me how what was the best way to keep in touch with dancers from the club, I would have told you Google Voice. Nowadays, I would recommend Snapchat as the number one option. I have yet to meet one stripper, or young person under thirty, who does not have Snapchat on their phone. Snapchat is a photo and video sharing app that also allows instant messaging and video chat. Snapchat can be used anonymously as long as you do not allow the app to access your phone’s contacts and opt out of the Snap Map feature. For an extra layer of security, sign up using a burn phone number and a burn email address. On Snapchat, you simply create a user name and that is it. One does not need to maintain an online identity like one does on Facebook.

The fact that you can view sexy photos and videos from your strippers and communicate with private messages, while keeping as anonymous as the two of you desire, makes Snapchat a very fun app. It is interesting to see vignettes of strippers’ lives outside of work that they post to their story. You learn a little bit about what their hobbies and interests are, and that makes conversing easier when you socialize in person. In the case that a stripper does not want to share their Snapcode or user name, fall back on Google Voice or any other burn number app.

From traveling around the United States to over two hundred gentlemen’s clubs, I have seen about twenty percent of strip clubs openly trying to discourage smart phone use in their establishments via signage. About eight to ten percent of strip clubs strictly enforce a “no phone” policy by way of sending bouncers after any offenders. In these instances, a vestibule, a patio, or the pisser might be the only places where one can use their smart phone, essentially preventing one from using their strip club toolbox. Feel free to share information about any apps that help you find value or gather intelligence in your strip club adventures.


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avatar for mjx01
8 years ago
nice article. The biggest problem I have with taking my smart phone into a club is that I'm paranoid that it would get broken during a dancer or that it would disappear if set it down somewhere for the dance.
avatar for Crownand7
8 years ago
Great thinking, I'm going to try Shazam next time I'm in an SC
avatar for sinclair
8 years ago
It is supposed to be "Auto Shazam" in the article. I don't know why TUSCL changed it to "Sham"?!?!
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
Great article. Some things I didn't think of. Another one of major use, If you are in a place where there are a lot of non-English speakers, and app like google translate can be your friend. It can translate most any language. So you can negotiate with a russian in New York on Monday, in Portuguese for a Brazilian in New Jersey on Tuesday, and finish out with Spanish for your Miami Cuban on Wednesday.
avatar for rogertex
8 years ago
Sinclair - your reviews are great. This article has nice tips. Also Goosman's tip using a translation app is quite relevant now.

I'm looking for blue tooth headphones or earbuds - a pair of them - so that dancer and me can listen to the same song from my iPhone.
Sometimes club music is really bad - and with a special dancer would like 30-60 minutes of dances to my own playlist. Earbuds sound a thousand times better than speakers and i expect the experience to be great.

Couldn't find anything in retail - sure the hobbyist's have suggested some contraptions to get it done - but I want something that works out of the box.
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
Solid article. I use Shazam all the time and even in the club when I hear a song I want to download later.

Had not thought about it for counting songs. With my fave we both lose count sometimes and she generally gives me the benefit of the doubt. But Shazam is a great way to track it.

I have a note pad on my phone I'll use to jot things down. Especially dancer names.
avatar for sinclair
8 years ago
Instead of tapping the Shazam icon, hold down on it. A box will then pop up asking if you want to turn on Auto Shazam.
avatar for Dain
8 years ago
What does "burn" mean here?
avatar for sinclair
8 years ago
Burners are fake phone numbers or purposed email addresses you use for mongering activities. They keep anonymity and can be easily discarded. If someone has your real phone number or email address, it is very easy to track down your real identity. A burn phone is a pay-as-you-go phone you use for questionable purposes like fucking strippers, moving drugs, etc. If shit hits the fan, you just destroy the phone or toss it in a lake.
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
Good pointers. I don't really use my phone in the club, but for clubs that are cool with phones these tips could come in handy.
avatar for Cashman1234
8 years ago
This is a very useful article. The use of Shazam and the Auto Shazam feature is smart! A timer is also very useful. Snapchat is also useful. Thanks for posting these tips.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
Half the songs on my phone are songs I've heard in the strip club. Brings back good memories :) Inside the club, Soundhound and Shazam are the only apps I use.

Outside the club, is still mostly use text over Sideline (for my anonymous 2nd line) to keep in touch with my strippers. But any and every chance I get, I move over to Snapchat. The old guys who are proud of not knowing what Snapchat does, are just missing out. Aside from a way to send texts to the girls, it's incredibly easy for the girls to send you photos and videos of themselves spur-of-the-moment, and coupled with the ILLUSION that such photos and videos will disappear, you'll find the girls do it far more often. Then, add in the fact that her story will often features lots of sexy photos/videos of her and her friends, AND snapchat will start suggesting her snapchat friends as connections to you, and you can have quite a trove of great connections.

A stripper's Instagram is the other thing you should try to get on. For young people, facebook is for their families, Instagram is for friends. Loads of sexy pics, live videos, etc
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Good info, thank you, I think you should include Uber or Lyfts apps in your toolbox on your smartphone as well.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 years ago
Awesome article. Add Uber, and any mapping GPS functional app, and your bank's app for finding ATMs and you're all set! Auto Shazam is an excellent suggestion.
avatar for mark94
8 years ago
I've had several strippers tell stories about accidentally breaking customers' cell phones during lap dances. It's a frequent thing.
I leave mine in the car. Old school.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Great suggestions for apps. I'm going to try Shazam in the clubs. I have to download SnapChat too and try it out.
avatar for dennyspade
7 years ago
Great info and use of apps. I have been that Travelling "Lone Wolf" going up against the ROB and Hostess/Host seemingly in on the scheme to miscount and overcharge for dances. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Okay, I've found the most awesome app ever. It's called Hurry. Let's say you're going to go da club on Wednesday at 7pm. You type that into Hurry, and it's a countdown timer that counts down the seconds in big, beautiful number, so's you can get all excited.…

I currently have my ATATF's birthday (coming up next week) on it ... LOL, not kidding at all
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
I am a technophobe but this was a good piece. I speak at least four languages so i don't need the translator (money always communicates). The Auto Shazam thing sounds cool. i am waiting until i retire before i buy my first smart phone. Looks like i can get he advice i need on here.
avatar for AAR
7 years ago
I just take cash and car key into club leaving everything else like purse, phone in car.
avatar for Ch3ll
7 years ago
Good article. There have been a few times I've been in the SC and heard a song I like. I usually try to catch the hook and I'll either look it up then or text myself. I always knew there was an app, but maybe now I'll download it since I've read it in regards to strippers and strip club lol.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I bring my cellphone into the club only 100% of the time. I use it to keep track of Fantasy and football betting on Sundays and can return work emails if I feel the need to. I don't need a burner or anything fake since no dancer is getting my phone number anyway and plenty of them know who I am in real life anyway since I run into them in Family Court. I don't need google translate since I avoid non-english speaking women, although hispanic women are the exception since a lot of my clientele is hispanic and I can communicate in Spanish to a certain extent. As far as dance count? If they don;t agree to MY count as we go along it ends after one.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"I bring my cellphone into the club only 100% of the time."

I do, too. This is one of those things where each person has to decide their own right and wrong for them. It's like carrying wallets and credit cards and ATM cards -- I would not dream of being without them, and despite the fact that I often get pretty buzzed, don't overspend my budget much less blow it out. Lots of other guys don't trust themselves with a credit or ATM card, or know from experience that they overspend... for those guys, sure, leaving it in the car or at home makes sense.

I wouldn't dream of being without a cellphone. I use it for all kinds of fun things -- sound hounding songs, something to distract me if there's a slow period, text my buddy sitting across the table from me "dude, take this redhead off my hands; I want that blonde over there", have the stripper voxer my buddy at home with some obnoxious message, get the stripper's number, show her pics, etc. All of those are light and fun and by themselves worth having a cellphone. But I also think a cellphone is basically a vital piece of safety equipment that there's almost never a good excuse to be without ... like engaging a seatbelt. I've never gotten into an accident that required a seatbelt to save me, and people survived the seatbelt-less era for decades... but some who didn't wear seatbelts had very negative consequences that they wouldn't have had, and the same goes for a cell phone. I'd never be without it.
avatar for solidmark
7 years ago
Stopwatch vs Timer is genius. I've always wanted to implement a timer, but subconsciously there was a part of it that didn't make sense to me. Now I know why lol.

Auto Shazaming is cool too more so because there are plenty of time I'm in a dance and hear a song that I like but don't know... and of course, keeping track of songs is good too, but I've never been shorted songs. Still, invaluable advice.

This was an awesome article. Thanks for sharing.
avatar for Digitech
7 years ago
Good article. When Google came out with Street View, I thought I was cutting edge by using it to scope out clubs and landmarks so I'd know what to look for ( this was before GPS was ubiquitous). Clearly I haven't kept up to datw, these are good tools.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Square Cash and Venmo for transferring money.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Just read on CNBC online that Apple bought Shazam for $400-million:…
avatar for SidneyP
7 years ago
Great article. Something to add to your "toolbox": try to bank at a place that refunds you for ATM charges. I use Charles Schwab Bank mainly because of this. I've been at Vegas strip clubs that have had outrageous $20 ATM fees which were refunded by Schwab no questions asked.
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