Word of Advice for Online Shoppers

avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
LE stings and rip-offs are way to common. We miss the charm of brick and mortar establishments where the Madam would put a parade in your honor. Since the business moved online there's no choice but to adapt to the system of no returns policy and the traps looking to chain your rocks if you raise your guns in salutation.

0. Go to Mexico or Thailand or Europe. Otherwise go to a reviewed website or services, that have been around for sometime. Unless you want to really take some risk.

1. Reverse image search. If you are a Backpage lurker or a rubmap squatter this is the first thing to do. Chrome give a default right click option (right click on image) to search for images. Or you can download a image go to images.google.com and upload and search (there's a camera icon on right end of search bar). There's other websites like tineye that provide the same service.
You will be amazed 99% of the images are of Instagram models in public domain. Generally nobody posts real pictures online, not the least LE. Once you go online 4chan will keep you alive in dark corners. Now FB and Instagram have explicitly banned crawling for images. So you may not sometimes find match because the images have to be on domains that allow crawling.

2. Follow them Instagram models. Now this works in dual way. You get your kicks and you know some of them images directly by looking at them.

3. Reverse caller ID. Use TrueCaller app. Now I don't advertise them but they are damn good because it's self service, you register they get your contact list. It's as good as your friends telling the world who you are. There are other services but all of them are shitty at least in my experience.

4. Must hear voice. Know your codes text a bit : 929 is a Google voice number. There are many services that let you text and not call. There are many services that let you call but not text. Text can be spewed by bots. Once you text and are comfortable, you must call to verify the voice.
Must call and hear voice. The shorter and precise the girl talks the better. Remember nobody wants to flirt with you on phone. The max they should say is 2 sentences. I am available at time x, place y. Done. If they want to parley or talk more run they are LE.

5. Don't Id yourself. Time and again they will ask you for ID but you shouldn't. The girls know if you're LE, you will have a fake id. Also John is always fucked by LE , Jane has their sympathy.

6. Control your scene. Try to get your own.It may be tricky sometimes but you should try to avoid isolated residential places. Read more from PLs here.

7. BLOT. Try not to talk about money yourself or accept in plain yes/no. Say I trust you're worth a million :) You never know what you're bargaining for. Let them tell you. Best would be to let them tell you when you meet in person. Now it may sound ridiculous, but it's the best way. The ask will be in the ballpark you expect. Better let them get naked before :) that way you at least got to kiss and touch.

8. Never handover money directly and in plain view.

9. Never pay bfore the act.

10. Do not leave her out of sight.

11. If she acts funny or too excited or your gut feeling says something is wrong with the scene, run. Just say you got the wrong address.

12. Keep your expectations low. You are a PL. You won't find your DS here. Most would be average girl next door trying to temporarily make a quick buck to pay rent or tuition. Some may be junkies. Most may have tried stripping or web camming but got out of the game because of a broken limb by accident or design or got pregnant and gained weight. Most just lose the confidence to take to the pole, like you have lost your confidence to ask out a civilian.

13. Be nice. You don't need to make it rain. But once you have their trust you can make late night booty calls if you like them. The same with strippers once you start otc, you can keep it going if you want.

14. Personal Advice: Don't do it. Find a civvie ....Or Go to clubs ....Or Practice either chastity or masturbation. Good luck yanking your belts.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
This is the app you mean, try to find out about phone numbers?


avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
^^^ yes
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
And I thought this article was going to point out the pros and cons of Amazon Prime.
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
more or less same thing even same day delivery:)
avatar for HerpinMaDerp
8 years ago
I've been thinking about Vegas. Most say they come to your hotel on the strip. Meet in the bar downstairs to confirm she's the same as the pics. Discreetly confirm the price, in a public place where it would be very difficult for cops to record, maybe on an easily disposable napkin. Then up to your room. This would defeat the sting ops that I've heard of.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Virtually every Vegas strip casino bar after 10 pm will have rentable talent sitting, sipping a drink, often alone or in a pair. Look for the small purse. Stand nearby. If she looks at you and says hi, unless you are Brad Pitt, you have struck gold. A civi will not say hi to a stranger, especially one much older than herself. Scoring in this way gets easier as we get older.

Innocent conversation will lead to what you want. Innuendo works too (getting lucky?, been lucky yet?, I haven't been at all lucky yet tonight, etc.)

Forget the phone number/escort drill when in Vegas. You're paying extra for a middle man.

No self-respecting Vegas hotel is going to allow LE to run a sting at the bar inside their (private property) casino. Not is they want to stay in business. If you get picked up by a sexy woman in a casino -- it is real -- it is NOT LE. Walking down the strip being propositioned, I am not as confident -- I think that could be a sting.
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