The State of Mongering in Tijuana - Election Edition: Part III

Tijuana and Detroit
Some final thoughts. I saw far fewer paraditas, beggars, and shoe polishers this trip out. It might be the time of year, it might be the weather, it might the thought of a Trump candidacy. Whatever the case, foot traffic around zona norte was definitely down from the last few visits. Hot girls can still be found in and around the block where HK and Adelias are, and can be had for 150~300 Pesos for 30 minutes. Pay in Pesos.

Despite recent news coverage of spurts of violence in TJ, people seemed far more relaxed than the first time I came down. On my first trip to zona norte, I saw a shopping cart set ablaze. Police and military were in full gear with multiple swat vehicles parked on every block. This time out, the authorities merely drove through periodically.

As delectable as TJ’s offerings are for TUSCLers, know that this city of 1.3 million also has great street food, fine dining, casinos, dog tracks, a vibrant arts scene, and fantastic shopping. All of this is relevant since they have all been affected by the drop in the Mexican Peso. I would have bought even more shit on Revolucion and the Mercados had I brought more luggage to carry it in. So know that when you need to take breaks to recover, there are other activities as options. Every cash register in the city has both USD and Pesos to give as change. But pay in Pesos.

If you are looking for ideas on what to do, both the travel channel and food network have had numerous specials on TJ and Baja in recent years. You are seldom more than a few blocks away from a casino in the touristy areas. You are never more than 50 feet from a place to get drink. You will never be more than 20 feet from someone trying to sell you something. For all goods and services, pay in Pesos.

This marks the first time I met up with TUSCLers. I am really glad I did not end up in a ditch missing vital organs. Thanks to all for a good time. As always, thanks to folks like wongy for writing the original reviews/guides that gave me the courage to check TJ out for myself. If anyone has questions about anything I mentioned here or just TJ in general, feel free to reach out to me via PM. If something else comes to mind, I’ll add to this post.


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i may have briefly talked to you or one other of your party upstairs in a hallway of cascades a few weeks ago. the word was pesos. use pesos. so last tuesday afternoon november 8th... i exchanged $200us for pesos. got 18.3 peso per dollar. thank you. saw a savings on everything i bought. butt i think it would be risky to buy a whole lot of pesos. just buy what you think you will spend on that trip.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    That Cascadas Hotel looks like paradise on earth. Once you check into a room you can find your girl in either of the two downstairs clubs, or on the street in front or on the alley behind.

    Some of the TJ Clubs are Hostess Dancing, you dance with the girls. Ever try that?

    To me it seems like the street hookers have a potential advantage of less alcohol, and less drugs. Ever partake with them?

    Some have posted that the girls will have a contract with a hotel, so they might not want to risk that by going to the Cascadas. But if they are right outside the Cascadas, I would think that this must not apply. Any experience with this?

    Ever do an over nighters with girls?

  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    wow... 12 weeks credit for this? I'm clearly not working the system hard enough.
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    the street whores are so hot
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    if you don't speak Mexican Spanish don't even bother
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Does Mexican Spanish include the pronoun 'vos'?

    When first speaking to a street hooker. best to use 'usted' or 'tu'?

  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    your second sentence. maybe they made a run for the border. and not to go to taco bell.
  • l00ber
    8 years ago
    In response to sjg, we stopped in several puta bars on the same block as hk and some well beyond. Customers danced with the girls in many of the places catering to a more local crowd. Not really my thing, but it was interesting to see.
    Many of the paraditas definitely choose to freelance because the club environment is not appealing to them. There are lots of really hot street girls. If you see a girl walking around, it's usually because they do not have a health card a cannot legally stand and advertise their wares. They might be druggies or American girls down on their luck. Some people like that the walking girls might be cheaper or might be desperate enough to do the more extreme stuff. Since the flamingos (girls who stand with one leg against the wall, get it?) only charge 100~300 for 15 min, why not play it safer?
    Most paraditas do not have a contract with the hotels they stand in front of. Girls usually have to pay a fee to the businesses for the privilege to stand in front. While they are not obligated to use the closest hotel, some would prefer not to walk too far since time is money.
    My TJ trips have always been about living the short term excesses. Haven't tried a toda la noche yet. Maybe next time. When are we going?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Thanks again for that clarification. Some others had said that most of the girls have contracts, and so that influences it. I understand that time is money. But I'd be selecting carefully and planning on paying more and spending more time with her and then seeing her regularly.

    I get what you are saying about flamingos versus those walking around.

    Still seems like that Cascadas is paradise, as I would assume the girls standing near it are happy to session there, and then with its restaurant and nice rooms, great if you want to continue.

    I wonder though if most day time street girls are available to spend the night, assuming they are getting to know a guy, or if they need to get home, like to take care of kids.

  • l00ber
    8 years ago
    All of the food around zona norte is passable to the American palate. If you want a burger, steak, or gringo taco, there are lots of options. TJ really went through a revival when tourism died down during the cartel wars of 2007~2012. Lots of arts, food, and services developed during this period geared towards local consumption.

    My first couple of trips to TJ were non-stop whore-a-thons. On my last trip, I actually spent more than half of my time tracking down street food and gourmet offerings recommended by locals as well as Anthony Bourdain, Rick Bayless, Eddie Huang, and numerous television programs. It was a trip of excesses in every way.

    To people who are looking to spend more than a day in TJ and don't mind taking a $5~10 cab ride, feel free to ask me for food recommendations. Or watch some videos of food in Baja.
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    the best is the seafood grill in the tijuana beach
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    so far ordering in hk from menu of 'azul' has been tasty. love the bacon wrapped shrimp plate. (and i don't like shrimp.) also i enjoy three specific street taco carts around the block that hk and ab are on.
  • l00ber
    8 years ago
    The true gems are further away from the red light district. As far as food in zona norte, there's lots of bland Mexican food catering to American tastes. For something slightly adventurous, I recommend Kentucky Fried Buches. 40 pesos for 12 pieces of Fried chicken necks with pickeled cabbages and fresh salsa on the side.
    Though it was featured on Anthony Bourdain, you will largely see middle-aged locals here. A single old guy is basically running this hole in the wall "diner dash" style. It was located in the same place since 1963 until moving across the street (Google still lists it at the old location on the east side as of this writing) earlier this year. If you are scared of venturing too far from the unknown, this place is only about half a block south from the block there HK and adelitas are. It's on Constitucion.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The kind of food place I would want is the kind good for taking girls too. So distance matters, as stripper shoes are good for standing against a wall like a flamingo, but not for walking very far.

    Ever eat the Cascadas food?

    I think Tropical might have food, maybe in the bar?

    I think some of these other bars probably have food too.

    In the HK bar you can get GFE friendly with a girl. The sidewalk is not so conducive to that. So best would be to be able to take her a place when you can feed her and get to know her and get GFE friendly. Like maybe a bar with food.

  • l00ber
    8 years ago
    The 3 HK affiliated clubs (Tropical being one of them) and 2 hotels do not have their own kitchen. You can however order Azul's (restaurant owned by HK next to Cascadas on Callejon Coahuila) full menu and have it delivered to any table or room in an HK affiliated establishment. Azul does not have a whole lot of seating. If you want to share a meal with a girl you pick up in la zona, having it delivered to your room is not a bad option. The balcony overlooking the alley is also not a bad place to chill for a meal. You may have to ask one of the porters to unlock the door on the second floor of Cascadas; which they are happy to do.

    I found Azul's offerings to be mediocre but serviceable. There are a fair number of sit down places in zona norte. Montecarlo between Adelita and the church comes to mind.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The way Azul's is presented on the Cascadas web site, it looks like it is part of that complex with the HK Bar, like you could get there without having to go outside. And I have seen pics of their balcony. It looks good.

    To me it is all just about entertaining a girl, during the in between times, and also because usually women seem to place a higher priority on regular food. They don't function well without that. They attach a great deal of significance to it.

    I understand about the room service food, and yes that does make a great deal of sense, along with the Jacuzzi. But I also know that there will be a surcharge, and another palm to grease. But it will be okay. Like if I was to spend from like 4pm 'till 9am with a girl, there could be a sit down meal, and then a later room service meal.

    I'm not looking to be cheap or thrifty with these girls. I know how to give them money without making it look like I am paying them to go away, quite the opposite.

    In most of the rest of the world, well off guys keep mistresses. That is certainly how they do it in Mexico. I think it makes a great deal of sense.

    You mentioned $13k US as median family income. Well seeing a girl once a month for 12 months I could actually exceed that. Say I paid her very nicely once per month for a lingerie modeling photo session, and then when I am not in town she is sometimes doing some business work for me, giving advice, talking to people, keeping me and my people on the good side of the locals. She'll get paid nicely for that too, as well as she'll be getting good work experience. I'll pay her whatever seems to make her happy. And I'll be introducing her to my other people too. She'd typically be spending about an afternoon and a night with me, mostly behind closed doors, once per month. And I'd own the photographs too. What ever she wears for the pictures I just leave her with.

    Then there'd be other communications with me and with my other people during the month. And then another lunar month and another session.

    For myself email is best. But girls seem to like cell phone texting. But a fellow TUSCLer said the TJ Street Girls like to use:

    Know about this?

    Does Mexico have personal income tax? Never heard that it does. Say a couple of companies of mine were paying a girl by check, for her consulting services. Could she just deposit them in her bank account and not have to worry about any tax hit, or about having troubles with any public assistance benefit?

    Would I best have Mexican bank accounts so that checks payable in pesos could be issued?

    Thank you so much for your most valuable information!


    TJ Street…………
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    you got to step out of the club to get to azul. butt it is very close.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Thanks for that clarification. I know they have robes for that purpose. Don't want your girl to have to change her shoes or clothes, not in Paradise itself.


  • l00ber
    8 years ago
    The most recent questions are out of my wheelhouse. You will have to take that up with your accountant.

    As for Azul, look on Google street view and place yourself on Primer Callejon Coahuila which is the street on the south side of the block containing HK and Adelita Bar. If you look at the southern exit for HK, to the east of that is an entrance for Las Chavelas, then the stairway and loading dock for Hotel Cascadas, then the tiny door just beyond the loading dock is the entrance to Azul. If you see the entrance to La Valentina Bar, you've missed it. Directly above Azul is the balcony I spoke of.
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    Sjg does look like old pics bro look for newer ones the girls are hotter
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    100ber, I understand about the financial matters.

    I have looked exactly as you say, at that southern HK exit, and I have looked to try and see where that restaurant balcony is. Thanks for confirming it. It could really nice.

    To me, with an HK Bar girl, ( given that I always like to pic girls myself, and make all the initial moves, and it will always be a girl I actually like ) the ideal would be front room talk and escalating GFE. Then maybe up to the VIP room, or the Private VIP rooms, for a first real nice round of FS. Then food, like in this Azul, and more talk. Should be easier there than in the main bar. Then to the hotel room, more rounds, lots of love, tenderness and GFE, then finally her high heels come off and into the Jacuzzi, and more, and then sleeping, and she'll know that her sleep will be disturbed. Won't need to explain it.

    Maybe breakfast too, whatever she wants.

    Then keeping in touch and regular sessions, getting into lingerie modeling photo sessions, and also introducing her to the other people I work with. Electronic communications initially, but eventually face to face.

    Other girls? Well there are lots of other cities in both the US and Mexico.

    nemesisk7, yes I know those are old pictures, and that the girls might not be the very hottest. The street girls don't like to be photographed. You see that they turn their backs. So it has to be done surreptitiously.

    Of that main group of school girls, I believe they are across the street from Dulce Gabanna. So probably that is how the guy did it, hiding inside the building.

    But I've seen from Google that there has been redevelopment of that corner they've been standing at.

    Selecting via a 1 way window:…

    Best is face to face, and with GFE auditions.

    Anyone ever see a TJ girl by appointment? Where did you arrange to meet her, and where did you take her. Hotel outside of the Zona?

    Really spend lots of time in a hotel room with her, and that worked?

    Some on TJAmigos are talking about having a hard time getting DFKing in the HK Bar.

    Possible to get initial DFKing out on the sidewalk? I feel that if one thinks it through some and plays it right, that it probably would be possible. Just need to choreograph it right.

    Thanks for all the info and for sharing your experiences.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    ************** This Discussion Continued Here:…

    Some have said that this 'MLB' is a better place for beginners to start, even better than the Hong Kong Bar. But I don't know what MLB means. Maybe it means this:
    La Malquerida

    But this is only speculation.

    Some have said that if one wants girls jumping onto their lap and pushing their tongue into their mouth, that this Playboy Clug is best, even though there are numerous accounts of this for the Hong Kong Bar. I have no idea.

    Playboy Club

    In general people say that you can pay for everything in dollars or pesos. But if you have to pick, some are saying pesos are better, especially for paying girls, and especially for street girls. I do not know.

    Some have written that if you give a girl fichas, then pretty much she belongs to you. Next time you set foot in the club, she will come running.

    But fichas are the tokens or paper slips they get when selling drinks. Makes no sense to me. But some say you cannot just be handing a girl cash in these places when she is sitting with you. You have to buy her drinks, as then the house also gets money. So it would seem strange that anyone watches closely enough to stop a guy from handing the girl cash. Maybe you can buy a ficha for her, without actually buying a drink? I have no idea.

    Some say that Bar Tropical might have the most really young girls, 18, 19, etc. Why is this when the un ratito price seems to be lower? Is it because the HK bar is seen as 'harder core'?

    And my number one question: People keep referring to the back stage shows in the HK bar as 'shaving cream'. To me this makes zero sense. To me this just sounds like guys who keep a good distance from such shows. Some have even talked about shaving cream and chocolate syrup. Again, makes no sense.

    And I have seen some brief video clips of it. And then there are videos showing girls getting eaten out at the edge of the main stage.

    I keep saying that the shows cannot be shaving cream, as that would be idiotic. So people say I haven't been there so I could not know. But to me it seems like these guys have stayed away instead of participating.

    Aren't these shows Whipped Cream shows? To me that is the only way which would make sense.…

    Intended As Continuation Of The Following Threads:

    Justme62's thread…

    100ber's Article, Part I…

    Part II…

    Part III…

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