The Horrid Bait-and-Switch of a ROB
Game recognize game man, game recognize game.
Once we got back there and the song started, she removed herself from sitting beside me and started swaying and talking about a weird scale for the price of different dances. She said a normal dance (read her air dancing with no contact either way) was just thirty but that a nude dance was $50 and a nude dance with contact was $75. I was flabbergasted. $30 for a 3-4 minute song is $450-$600 an hour. To do what all the other dancers had always done for $30 plus tip, she was trying to make $750-$1500 an hour! I was not going to put up with that nonsense and cut it off after 1 song. I told her that I would have gladly spent good money and purchased several more songs if she would have made the lap dance enjoyable and simply charged what every other dancer had charged. She said we could do another and that it would be better, but I was done.
No one should ever try to take advantage of a fellow human being that way. So when that does happen (because sadly it will), we as patrons need to make sure we communicate our displeasure in a controlled and mature way so that the entertainers know that they made less money by being a ROB than they would have been if they had been polite and fair. To do this, we just have to tell them outright (preferably in a way where we are expressing some remorse that they hurt themselves financially by being a ROB). Even in calling them out, saying something along the lines of, “I really wish you had danced well like your many coworkers that I have enjoyed dances from so that I could have felt like I could spend a lot more money on you than I did.” This makes the dancer realize (though she might to too much of a b**** to admit it) that the person she is hurting the most are not the customers she takes advantage of but rather herself.
Another thing we must do is not let money continue to be made once we realize she is a ROB. If patrons do not stand firm against being taken advantage of, ROBs will continue to do so. So let’s work together to make life difficult for ROBs so that they either leave the industry or experience a metamorphosis into entertainers that provide good treatment and fair value to the people that pay their bills.
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How is she a ROB?
She told you what the dances consisted of and the price of them. You decided to let her continue and give you a dance.
She hustled you and took advantage of your horniness. But she didn't ROB.
Sure it stinks, but that's kinda the point of pay-as-you-go. You keep buying more if you like it and you walk away with a nominal hit to the wallet if you do not. Unless she works in a club with a steady stream of tourists, this will catch up to her sooner or later when regular club customers stop buying dances from her altogether and others cut her off at 1 or 2. No extraordinary efforts needed on our part, lol.
If all she was gonna give me was an air-dance I am not paying $30 for an air-dance; for $30 I expect a lap-dance and I may have even gotten up as soon as I saw her SS and not even get nor pay for one dance at let the chips fall where they may if she wants to get management involved.
There are always gonna be ROBs just like they are always gonna be dishonest salespeople that work on !00% commission per se; and in many clubs that get new custy faces all the time and there are lots of custies to choose from; many a ROB has little incentive to change her ROB ways since there's a new sucker walking in the door every minute (in busy enough clubs).
But yeah; ROBs are to be confronted if not they are emboldened - but fact is too many green PLs get easily intimidated, give-in, and pay-up; all we can do is do our part as experienced SCers but it will not be enough but something is something especially w/ a site like this to get the word out and educated newbies.
Although subject dancer has the earmarks of a ROB, IMO a "rob" did not really occur here. If he'd just kept his mouth shut, and got the airdance, then decided to cut it off at 1, all he got was a lousy dance.
To elaborate/split hairs further: My definition of ROB is a dancer that either charges more than "normal" for the dances, or does not deliver the level of service promised. It sounds to me like so called "VIP" is merely a secluded area with a pay as you go structure. Now if business model had a structure where you had to pay an upfront fee to go there (i.e., dancer in basic area said you can't touch me here, but we can do that in VIP), then pulled her stunt after you paid the upfront VIP fee, then yes that would definitely be a ROB case.
I don't think this really constitutes an ROB, it is just a girl who doesn't know what she is doing. But the above statement set the stage for it, treating the girl like a vending machine and creating lots of ambiguity.
Letting a girl sell dances to you is a chumps game anyway. Front room friendliness. Get her to sit with you, on your lap is best, and start feeding her money and see how far it can go. This is not just test driving, it is trying to build rapport with her. Best is if you can get a makeout session going with her.
And there should be no house cut to the money. Just treat her as if she was a girl you just met at a party. Feed her money, but still keep the conversation 100% civilian at all times.
Be nice about it and turn on some charm and see what you can make happen.
Save the booths and back rooms until needed, like when your own pants are to come down.
Then maybe take her home with you too.
To the OP, these negotiations with girls can easily get into crossed wires. And the typical pattern is letting a girl you have no sexual rapport with sell you dances and take you past the house toll gate and into a booth or back room. No reason to do this.
The girls do it this way because this is what they are taught to do, and because it is a competitive environment, and because most guys are chicken in the face of a beautiful young woman, and because this way the house gets more money.
But just because the girls try to do it this way does not mean that you have to go along with it.
The more aggressive the girls are being, the easier that makes it for you to be aggressive with them.
Having said this, it carries a great deal of weight with a girl if you are clearly the one selecting her. This applies, even though it is a P4P environment.
And then the more friendly you can get with her in the front room, feeding her money on an ongoing basis, the more likely it is that she will really open up to you, and then what happens in the back room will be phenomenal.
But beware, if you do it this way, the odds that you will end up waking up with her the next morning start to become very high.
When girls have worked in wilder and woolier clubs, where it is more competitive and where there really are no rules, they quickly learn that "wanna dance" is not a very smart strategy. It is merely inviting refusal, and letting the house get too much of the money.
So they learn that the best way is just to do, instead of asking. And then they will indicate that they would like some money.
As to what they do, it varies, but it will often include some grinding and maybe titties in the face, like a table dance. But it may also include lap siting ( without asking ), package grabbing ( without asking ), and in some of the most extreme clubs it is often nibbling on your ear and licking your neck, basically defying you to DKF them. And then in some places they aren't even that coy about it, they just get their tongue into your mouth right off.
While I still don't think it best to completely let the girl drive it, I again say that the more forward they are being, the easier it is for you to be forward. And so let her do what she wants and don't resist. But then you take the lead by using words and tone of voice to increase the intensity. This slows it down a bit, but without your actually resisting her.
And if the girls is not going to play on your lap, then just politely give her a bit more money and send her on her way. Just don't ever talk to them like you see them as selling sex or sex acts for money.
But then don't be surprised if right away another, one who had been observing the interaction, jumps right in to take her place, and does not hold back at all.
At our own local above boards clubs here in Santa Clara County CA, it is never anything like this. But girls looking to set up a same night OTC will sometimes disregard all rules and engage in intense DFKing.
And then at the underground shows in some local Mexican Bars, with some truly beloved Latina Escorts backed up by girls from S.F. Market St. Cinema, that is an entirely different story.
Alban Berg Lulu Suite…
Imperial Orgy - Yeah Yeah Yeah…
Spirituality within The Imperial Orgy……………………
I've found if I ask the dancer her rules (1) after I've spend money on her in the front room and flirted & engaged with her and (2) while we are *still* in the front room, she tends to respond that she'll allow touching and be very direct and okay about it. This is a case of she leads and I follow.
See, I think it is the approach. CP mentions (along with other experienced mongers) he never asks for rules and just touches the girl. There's a way to do that and get what you want. And there is a way to approach it the wrong way and turn the girl off. After a while she will get with the program if the club's or the region's norms are for touching.
I do think you and she need to be able (at a minimum) to read each other. She leads and you follow. What you follow with is mileage (or extras) and money. What she leads with? That's up to her and her boundaries.
I feel I'm starting to get to the point that, I too, don't need to ask the rules and after spending time talking and flirting with her (which I am starting to no longer $$ compensate, thanks guys!), I feel like I can feel her out for what she will allow. If I waste $20 or so on dance from a dud, big deal. And this is coming from a frugal sonofabitch.
I tend to avoid dancers that want to charge more than the going-rate although I understand they are allowed to do this as "independent contractors" - but some slicksters wanna tell you after they given you the dances and want to intimidate you into paying up - I give them the going-rate and they can take it or leave it - if they wanna charge higher prices they gotta tell me upfront; not pull any ole price they want after the fact - and the ones that do tell me ahead of time 99% of the time I pass - I've SCed too long and have been with all kinds of dancers to be too hard-up for one that wants to charge more (which often times their dances are not even as good as the dancers charging regular prices) - being a single PL w/ no S.O. and no kids means I can hit the SC pretty-much whenever I want and don't feel I gotta have any one dancer right there and then b/c I would not know when my next visit would be.
Dominic77, I say you are partially right, as you've discovered something important. But only partially right.
Front Room Friendliness!
First thing to do is hand her some money. It is a show of respect. Then treat her like you are at a party and have just met her.
If she is getting hot and heavy with you in the front room, then you won't have any problems with her in the back room, or in your own bed room either, and you don't need to ask her about any rules. Talk to her yes, as that softens her up, helps her let her guard down.
If she is not willing to let go and let it happen that way, then be patient with her. But aving discussions about it only makes it worse, not better.
You read the angry stuff customers write on yelp, and it always fits a pattern, they agreed to "buy a dance" from a girl they had no rapport with. Then they ended up having to pay for something which greatly dissatisfied them. Really stupid, in my opinion.
But my position is that if you think the whole thing through, then you will see that letting girls "sell you dances" is a chumps game.
Not only should you build rapport with her in the front room, you should shift the primary locus of your interaction with her to the front room. Save the booths and back rooms until they are really needed, like when your pants are going to come down.
You should still be feeding her money in the front room, and there should be no house cut.
But always treat her like a civilian, never like someone who sells sex or sex acts for money, and never try to use money to persuade her to do anything. The money is just a show of respect and care.
Ideally you should be able to get friendly with her and get a full blown makeout session going. If you can do that, you won't have any trouble with her in the back room, or for that matter in your own bedroom.
Just because it is offered in a particular way in strip clubs, this does not mean that you have to go along with it. Lap dancing started as lap sitting. And what else that entailed ran the fullest possible range.
Booths and backrooms came later, after most of the legal battles were over, after it was all going corporate ( Deja Vu ), and also LaCosa Nostra.
People think the booths and backrooms increase the mileage. More often than not this is not true. All they do is increase the costs and the house cut, and they also lock you into a more passive style of interacting with your dancer.
People need to think these things thru some. There is room for improvement in US strip clubs, but the greater need for improvement is in the US strip club customers.
#1. Never buy a dance from a girl until you've seen here stage performance. Those tits may be big but the could be all saggy. He stomach could be a road map of stretch marks. These things are not seen until you see the merchandise dancing on stage.
#2. Get to know your girl first ask her questions out front and see how she reacts. See what her answers are. See what her rules are or what the club rules are. After you find out the rules that may not be the type of dance you are looking for. All of this takes 15-20-30 minutes out in the front room. I tell the wanna dance girls to sit down and let's talk it over. If they aren't willing to do that they sure as hell don't plan on giving you any quality time on the couches.
#3. At the first sign you see that she is not going by the agreements you made out front get up and walk away. Don't fall for the SS promises that the more dances you buy the better mileage you will get. We just have to start using our big head to think things through and stopletting the little head control our decisions.
So, like most folks advise, I trial the girl on the floor first, and usually over the course of a couple/three SC trips. Consistency is a major predictor of VIP success. My bad experiences have almost always come after a hasty decision, usually made while squelching a nagging suspicion of being duped. Basically, the big patient head momentarily loses out to the little impatient one.
The last time it happened (the girl had one excuse after the next to leave - getting cigs, condoms, wipes, etc.), I just sat there and stared at ceiling thinking, "Motherfucker - I just fell for it again." I was less angry at the ROB that I was at me for cratering.
Stay vigilant...
Dancer number 3 was an honest-to-God babe. Huge, soft, natural DDs, a wasp waist, and flaring hips, with a face that had features and expressions like Ashley Judd on her very best day.
She was also a slow starter, and I only waited through one dance before asking. She was smart enough to realize that if she got naked early in the next dance, there would be several more. She did, and there were.
I wouldn't have even paid the $30 myself. But maybe he paid her up front.