I know the authenticity of most of what is written on this site is always questioned, as it should be. However, I hope that from my previous articles, you can see that I do the best I can about being honest on this site.
It took me about 6 visits to get to the point where OTC was an option with my current favorite. That is about a year in real time though as I only visit this club every few months. I'm okay with that time frame because OTC is something that I wanted to try, not necessarily something that I must have. Of course I wanted to be completely alone with this girl, but I wanted to make sure I took my time to make sure she was a good choice.
It started with private dances of course. During those dances a relationship is built I get her phone number, and I schedule my club visits for when she is there. We talk about a lot of things. Personally, I don't give up any truths to dancers, everything I say is rooted in honesty, but none of the facts are divulged. I went through the normal - "I miss you" "I'm not going to be able to pay rent this month" I didn't give into any of these requests, with help from this site by the way. This lead to the OTC itself.
I visited the club as usual and my only plan was to have dinner with her the next night. Dances as usual and we set up dinner for the next night. The next day, I did my best to not overthink the upcoming evening. I have read on this site many times about all of the methods guys use to make sure they cover their bases. All I can say is that I put in enough time beforehand and I had no real concerns or fears. Perhaps I should have, but that ignorance allowed me to have a great experience. It wasn't until the end of our time together that she brought up the awkwardness of her showing up for a few hours ago and then leaving the hotel without me.
She arrived at my hotel (a fairly large well visited hotel) at least an hour later than I expected, SS of course. She met me in the lobby and we went to dinner in the hotel. She was wearing a long dark coat that covered up a great brown, form fitting dress. Once again, it wasn't until the experience was over that I realized how cliche it was. She stood out but not that much as I was dressed in business attire that matched her look. This was our first interaction in the "real world" together. It's a strange feeling to be nervous around a girl who you've already seen naked before and have been serviced by before. I've have had my fingers inside of her ITC and she has given me hand jobs but I was nervous to be with her at dinner. It wasn't first date nerves, I think it was more the anticipation of wondering if this was really going to happen. Dinner went very well, we ate and got to know each other. After dinner we walked around and sat in the lobby to discuss. As you know this was my first experience but she claims it was hers as well. SS right? Who knows, she did seem nervous and wanted to emphasize that there would be no sex. I was okay with that as that is something that I'm not sure if I am ready for (very concerned about health when it comes to that).
We negotiated a price and services that would be provided. 1 hour and a hand job for sure. I would be able to do everything I wanted except for intercourse. I would give the number I paid, but knowing this site, all I will hear is that it was too much or that I am lying about the deal I got. What is important is that my experience is shared I think.
We went to my room and she went to the bathroom first. I waited for her on my bed. She came back and removed her dress. She was wearing matching blue lingerie that looked great on her body. She said, "I'm not sure how this is going to work". I told her that it would be just like our routine at the club except no interruptions and we had the freedom to touch each other without trying to hide it. She normally has to put her body in certain positions to hide her hands or mine. She joined me on the bed and started taking off my shirt and pants. She took off her bra next. It was so nice getting to see her in real lighting. She was even more attractive when not hidden by the strip club lighting. I was also able to see how sexy she looks when dancing on me. The eyes of a stripper are ultra sexy to me. I sucked on her breasts and felt her body all over. She pulled out my dick and got to work. She knew we had a lot of time together so she teased me well. She would lie on me and work my dick throughout. After about 15 minutes of this she took off her panties. She was completely shaved. She sat up on me so that her crotch was just behind mine. She played with her pussy and rubbed my dick with her other hand. I loved hearing her pussy get wet as my dick got hard. What a great view it was.
I then got to play with her clit. She showed me what she liked and I learned quickly. As she got wet, I was able to slide my fingers inside of her. I fingered her while she continued with my hand job. She rested her body on me next. Her pussy was inches from my dick so I was obviously thinking about fucking her, but my mind didn't let me pursue that. Contracting a disease is a big fear of mine so while I definitely wanted to fuck her, I didn't feel a great need to pursue fucking her. We finished by using our hands on each other. It was an awesome experience. She ended up spending an extra half hour with me. We didn't even look at the clock until she got up to use the bathroom for the last time. She got dressed, I payed her and I walked her to her car. This is when she mentioned she was worried what it would look like. I wasn't worried at all as I didn't put a lot of planning into the night. It's only now looking back that I can pick out times that it was likely very obvious what we were up to while we were in public.
So, overall a great experience, I saved money and had a great time. She made more money and didn't have to deal with the club for a few hours. We have another meet set for 2 months from now. The question now is if I want to pay for sex with this girl. It's very confusing for me. And I am sure for many others. As I mentioned on here before I am married. My wife knows I go to clubs. She likes to hear about what the dancers do for me and what turns me on about them. I haven't told her about this OTC or how intimate we get. I wasn't sure how I would feel after this OTC with my wife. Honestly, the feelings after felt no different from the way I feel after visiting the club. Of course physically I felt a lot better because of the freedom. As far as my conscience though, it felt the same. This girl would likely let me fuck her for money, but as I said I am super fearful of bringing something home to my wife. Beyond that the feeling of cheating on my wife and paying for it.
Who knows what will happen? I'll update in a few months after my next OTC. I really do appreciate most of the feedback I get on this site. There are very few outlets to discuss this world and the feelings that come with it.
Actually you've given me some insight on finally doing an OTC. I have yet to do one (I think too many visits to the clubs). I have a few in mined that I'd like to have an OTC. Thanks for sharing, and I feel you about screwing without a condom.
Your situation sounds a lot like mine, with many of the same concerns. I have yet to do OTC at the level you described, although I have taken a favorite dancer to dinner on occasion. She recently quit dancing, so I am working on finding a new favorite.
Good story, thanks for sharing. I just don't understand why you are so paranoid about fucking her? As long as you use a condom your risk is extremely low. And on the slim chance the condom breaks she would have to: A. Have an STD your and your wife don't already have (a strand of HPV or HSV which you might already have and not even know) B. Even if she is infected with something else it's still not guaranteed you would catch it based off of one time of unprotected sex.
I've also had a stripper naked on my lap while she's giving me a HJ with her pussy an inch away from my dick. That happened in the champagne room after I had already been a regular of hers for a couple months. I really wanted to ask for FS but decided to wait a couple weeks. Before I could ask her a couple weeks later she had suggested it first the following week I started seeing her OTC at her place.
Statistically, and from what I know of this girl, I probably am safe to try FS with her. I just get really paranoid about STDs. I'd love to get a BJ from her too but i would for sure want that to be uncovered. I think for me just like the OTC, I'll take my time with her now doing OTC. And then in time more will happen.
I'm lucky that this relationship isn't my only avenue for sexual contact with a female. She knows that and appreciates it too. I think she is realistic with her prices because she knows if she charges too much, I'll move on without thinking twice.
@seawa That's great you scored your first OTC. I'm sure that it lifts the feeling of is this really possible.
Do it again...I would! Should you have sex with her? I'd say no since you're married and unless you and your wife have an open relationship. Remember your wife is more than likely to be there for you for years to come and not to mention the convenience of sex if you guys are active.
As far as an STD I do agree certain lifestyles have a higher risk than others, but unless you meet a total square female, civilian women are fucking as much or more than some strippers while still engaging in high risk activities. Just wear protection.
I would have a difficult time paying for OTC and only receiving dances and a HJ. I am weak and when I have an erection along with a naked girl in the room, I'm going to fuck her. Obviously you are more disciplined than I?
All I can say is this: learn where the nearest source of condoms are and never take any left overs home. Just leave them for the house keeping staff.
But I do applaud you on experiencing your first OTC, and getting exactly what you wanted and paid for, from a beautiful stripper. That is a win and no one should be able to criticize you for that.
I have a question for people who have successfully arranged OTC. I have a couple of potential strippers who I could do this with, but I am afraid to give them my cell phone number, because I don't ever want them to call me. Do you guys give your phone numbers to the strippers? And if not, how do you arrange the gatherings?
There are SIM cards loaded with minutes/texts that can be re-loaded (if you want to keep the telephone number). You can buy these in person (or pay a crackhead to do it) using cash at a lot of places and put the SIM card in an unused phone or a cheap phone. I'd get the nano SIM ones then use an adapter (to micro SIM or normal sized SIM) as needed. But not everyone wants to carry around 2 or 3 phones (personal, burner, work).
I'd rather not use something Google has its clutches in for something I'd like to keep private, but to each his or her own. It works for a lot of people including some of the established customers on this forum.
There is also burnerapp, if you have an Android smartphone. But the telephone numbers are recycled frequently so you may end up with texts/calls from unintended parties trying to reach the previous owner of that telephone number. To a lesser extent that problem exists with the other options, too. But the upside is you can change your telephone frequently and easily using this app.
jonathantaylor1 ---> "because I don't ever want them to call me" --> end quote jonathantaylor1
Most dancers (or young people in general) won't really ever "call" you. Especially with a dancer, a telephone is really a texting only device for them. So worst case she will text you, pumping you for money in the future. About the only real reason to hand out your personal telephone number to an OTC p4p prospect is so she can screen you / perform a background check on you. But really only professional escorts do that, not dancers.
Frankly, a stripper who goes OTC and expects not to fuck sounds pretty damn weird to me. And a guy who takes a stripper OTC, both get naked on a bed, both get turned on, but he doesn't fuck? Sounds pretty damn weird.
I've taken a few girls OTC, and fucking was very definitely the main attraction – understood by both.
What's the point of not fucking? Saving it for marriage? Life is too short.
As for the increased chance of an STD from fucking with a condom (as opposed to HJ, clit playing and some fingers in a wet pussy) must be in the same league as getting struck by lightning.
WTF....this was terrible. If you meet a stripper otc they know to expect you wanting sex. What is the purpose of wasting time and money getting a HJ. Lol. Don't put this gay stuff on here again. After you Fuck her then tell us about it.
Take it easy guys. The OP was being honest and open. No need to rip on him for it. Id say there are more than a few guys on here who are looking for the exact same or at least similar experience that he got.
It sounds like he is playing the long game here. And, maybe she was telling the truth too and was her first OTC experience. If so, stds probably aren't as much of a worry. He could have a real gem!
He'll probably fuck her at some point, but probably only when he's comfortable asking her directly about std testing. If she's got any brains she'll be tested regularly if she's fucking customers in the club.
Anyway, good article bro! Would love to hear about your next experience.
I appreciate all the feedback. Even the feedback from those of you that want to read about a guy fucking a girl. Couldn't you go elsewhere for that? I'm writing about things that really happen, not just making things up for the benefit of other guys' "spank banks".
The saga continues with this girl and a new article from me should be coming soon.
My OTC experiences have always been more about getting my dances at a hotel instead of at the club. Breakfast or dinner was optional. It allowed for long sensual nude dances and mutual play without clock watching or a bouncer near by. The cost was preset, so no surprises. No sex, to build up trust.
Then one girl verifies for another girl that the experience was good and you can be trusted. This leads to more OTC experiences. I've had champagne, wine, strawberries, chocolate. A few have allowed photo sessions.
I don't do them these days, as I've found ways to have more fun for even less money. But having it off my bucket list and knowing I can set it up again at anytime is a good feeling.
It has definitely become a long term play with this girl. As I mentioned, the strip club is not the only place that I interact with women. Therefore, I don't mind putting in time with this girl. She is worth it. Also gives me time to understand how far I really want to take it with her.
Great share. I for one have always wanted to do OTC but never found the girl I felt comfortable with. Im located in the Northeast so I think girls are less willing for OTC (probably not true but thats what I imagine). Might be time to start a OTC classifieds here :)
This was a pleasure to read! Will definitely follow your future posts and updates. I was laughing at the part when you spoke of how shady the whole thing must have seemed; I had one OTC encounter with my favorite entertainer among all the clubs I've ever hounded last year. I recall laughing at the look on the doorman's face when I checked out of the hotel a few hours later because I was feeling so nervous but happy.
last commentA. Have an STD your and your wife don't already have (a strand of HPV or HSV which you might already have and not even know)
B. Even if she is infected with something else it's still not guaranteed you would catch it based off of one time of unprotected sex.
I've also had a stripper naked on my lap while she's giving me a HJ with her pussy an inch away from my dick. That happened in the champagne room after I had already been a regular of hers for a couple months. I really wanted to ask for FS but decided to wait a couple weeks. Before I could ask her a couple weeks later she had suggested it first the following week I started seeing her OTC at her place.
Statistically, and from what I know of this girl, I probably am safe to try FS with her. I just get really paranoid about STDs. I'd love to get a BJ from her too but i would for sure want that to be uncovered. I think for me just like the OTC, I'll take my time with her now doing OTC. And then in time more will happen.
I'm lucky that this relationship isn't my only avenue for sexual contact with a female. She knows that and appreciates it too. I think she is realistic with her prices because she knows if she charges too much, I'll move on without thinking twice.
That's great you scored your first OTC. I'm sure that it lifts the feeling of is this really possible.
Do it again...I would! Should you have sex with her? I'd say no since you're married and unless you and your wife have an open relationship. Remember your wife is more than likely to be there for you for years to come and not to mention the convenience of sex if you guys are active.
As far as an STD I do agree certain lifestyles have a higher risk than others, but unless you meet a total square female, civilian women are fucking as much or more than some strippers while still engaging in high risk activities. Just wear protection.
All I can say is this: learn where the nearest source of condoms are and never take any left overs home. Just leave them for the house keeping staff.
But I do applaud you on experiencing your first OTC, and getting exactly what you wanted and paid for, from a beautiful stripper. That is a win and no one should be able to criticize you for that.
I'd rather not use something Google has its clutches in for something I'd like to keep private, but to each his or her own. It works for a lot of people including some of the established customers on this forum.
There is also burnerapp, if you have an Android smartphone. But the telephone numbers are recycled frequently so you may end up with texts/calls from unintended parties trying to reach the previous owner of that telephone number. To a lesser extent that problem exists with the other options, too. But the upside is you can change your telephone frequently and easily using this app.
jonathantaylor1 ---> "because I don't ever want them to call me" --> end quote jonathantaylor1
Most dancers (or young people in general) won't really ever "call" you. Especially with a dancer, a telephone is really a texting only device for them. So worst case she will text you, pumping you for money in the future. About the only real reason to hand out your personal telephone number to an OTC p4p prospect is so she can screen you / perform a background check on you. But really only professional escorts do that, not dancers.
I've taken a few girls OTC, and fucking was very definitely the main attraction – understood by both.
What's the point of not fucking? Saving it for marriage? Life is too short.
As for the increased chance of an STD from fucking with a condom (as opposed to HJ, clit playing and some fingers in a wet pussy) must be in the same league as getting struck by lightning.
It sounds like he is playing the long game here. And, maybe she was telling the truth too and was her first OTC experience. If so, stds probably aren't as much of a worry. He could have a real gem!
He'll probably fuck her at some point, but probably only when he's comfortable asking her directly about std testing. If she's got any brains she'll be tested regularly if she's fucking customers in the club.
Anyway, good article bro! Would love to hear about your next experience.
The saga continues with this girl and a new article from me should be coming soon.
Then one girl verifies for another girl that the experience was good and you can be trusted. This leads to more OTC experiences. I've had champagne, wine, strawberries, chocolate. A few have allowed photo sessions.
I don't do them these days, as I've found ways to have more fun for even less money. But having it off my bucket list and knowing I can set it up again at anytime is a good feeling.
Also gives me time to understand how far I really want to take it with her.