Guide to Miami and South Florida Strip Clubs

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I am very active on TUSCL via the discussion-board and writing-reviews thus I often get PMs asking me about Miami/South-Florida (SoFla) club info.

I am writing this article so I can just point people to it or other TUSCLers can point PLs to it wanting SoFla club info – there are probably 50+ clubs in SoFla so obviously it's counter-productive to talk about all of them or even most of them b/c that wold be like re-writing TUSCL – so this article will focus on describing what may be considered the most popular SoFla clubs that can serve a PL coming-in from out of town (or a local not well-versed in the SoFla SC scene).

This article will just describe the mixed-clubs; I will write another-article focused just on the black-clubs. I will do the best I can with this article bearing in mind that I don't know it all and that black-clubs are actually my “specialty” - thus hopefully others will correct me where I'm wrong or add pertinent info I did not add.

South-Florida consists of the counties of Miami-Dade (where Miami is); Broward (where Ft Lauderdale is); and Palm Beach (where West Palm Beach is); with Miami-Dade being the largest of the 3-counties and also having the most SCs - the geographical order of the counties is Miami-Dade to the south, Broward north of Miami-Dade; and Palm Beach north of Broward with all 3-counties along the southeast coast of the Sunshine state.

In general; all SoFla mixed-clubs are nude stage-dancing and topless lap-dances and they all serve alcohol – lap-dances are $25 where the dancers give $5/dance to the house; there are also $10 often full-nude floor-dances but these don't seem to be that popular in any given club b/c technically the floor-dances are supposed to be no-touch whereas the $25 LDs are usually pretty-good two-way contact.

Most Miami-Dade and Palm Beach clubs close late (5 to 6 a.m.) whereas some (but not all) Broward clubs may close at 2:00 a.m. (but overall there are more clubs that close late than early) – most clubs are usually free-cover and usually have discounted drinks (and discounted VIP room fees in some) on dayshift b/f 8 pm; some earlier-closing Broward clubs may start charging a cover a bit earlier like at 7 pm – all clubs are open on Sundays.

The following SoFla clubs will be briefly described:

+ Tootsies
+ Scarlett's
+ Diamond Dolls
+ Cheetah (Hallandale; Pompano; West Palm Beach)
+ E11even
+ Playmates


+ Probably the most-popular/well-known SoFla SC; it is in the northern part of the county and it's in a building that once housed a BJ's Wholesale Club (similar to a Costco's or a Sam's Club); thus it's a very-big club

+ large main-stage which can be fun to sit-at and just tip – usually one-dancer on stage dancing that you can't tip b/c she's too far away on the large-stage but there are usually anywhere from 2 to 4/5 other dancers dancing rail-side in a rail-level cat-walk that goes from one side of the stage to the other – i.e. when a dancer does her stage-set; she spends an additional 2 or 3 songs going from custy to custy rail-side from one side of the stage to the other; the dancers are full-nude and one can usually touch some – in any SC it is proper SC etiquette to tip every-dancer if you are sitting stage-side so if you don't want to tip every dancer then don't sit there – tipping just $1 is ok but if you get a little handsy then be more generous

+ there is another smaller satellite stage towards the back of the main-room that's mostly used on weekend eves and has the same setup as the main-stage of a dancer on-stage and 1 or 2 nude dancers rail-side

+ there is an upstairs VIP seating area which is an additional $20 – this area has sofas and has a more lounge-like feel and has a bar and another stage – this stage is the last-stage in the rotation when they have all stages going so a bit easier to grab a dancer off her VIP stage-set than when she is down-stairs – the upstairs VIP is free during the day but its stage is not in use – some custies will say sitting in the $20 upstairs VIP may give you an edge b/c the dancers will assume you are there to spend and thus one may get more/better attention from the better dancers (sitting upstairs during the day will not yield this possible advantage since it's free during the day) – I've never sat in the upstairs VIP but one review once mentioned dancers were not allowed to approach custies in that VIP and if you saw a dancer you liked you either approached her or asked a bouncer to get her for you (IDK if this is accurate; mentioning-it just in case)

+ I believe there is also a $10 VIP seating area in the first-floor which has a bit more seating-room and bit more comfortable chairs

+ lap-dances are in a separate area which is a maze of semi-open cubicles with a sorta zig-zag design offering some privacy but not complete privacy – there is a staff-person that stands at the entrance of the LD area and will sometimes walk the area (I assume to make sure he has accounted for all dancers back there since dancers have to pay $5 out of every-dance) – they “technically” have $10 floor-dances but these are rare to see since they are supposed to be no-contact and most dancers don't seem to like giving them and most custies don't seem to like getting them

+ club has plenty of free-parking and valet parking (there is also some indoor parking but IDK if that is just staff parking or can also be used as some type of valet/VIP parking)

+ Miami-Dade county is mostly Hispanic thus most of the Tootsies dancers are Hispanic and mostly Cuban – most of the Cubanas are naturally tanned dark-haired beauties and are on the thin-petite side but a fair # have fake-tits and/or fake-asses – this being a very well-known club with a national rep means it gets a fair-amount of dancers from other states thus there is are some white/Anglo dancers and even some Euro dancers (but I'd say it's about 75% Latin/Cuban dancers) – rarely any black dancers but I've seen a couple lately in the middle-shift

+ clubs opens at 12 pm and closes at 6:00 a.m. so there are 3-dancer shifts w/ more or less the following hours – dayshift from 12 – 7/8 pm – mid-shift from 3 – 10/11 pm – and nightshift from 10 pm – 6 a.m. - nightshift is def the strongest shift and on weekend eves can have as many as 100-dancers (weeknights b/w 30 and 50 dancers approx) - IMO mid-shift is the weakest so from 7/8 pm – 10 pm it can be a bit low on talent but not saying one can't have a good time – dayshift is pretty-good IMO although it's been a bit slow in the recent past

+ dancers are above avg in looks although there are more avg looking ones than in past years (perhaps competition from other recently opened upscale clubs like E11even) – as mentioned most dancers are Latina and most are Cuban although there are Latinas of other nationalities but Cubanas def dominate – many of the Cubanas are recent arrivals (recently off the boat as the saying goes) so conversation beyond some basic phrases they know can be difficult if you don't speak Spanish - *personally* I feel the Cubanas look damn good but *personally* feel many/most are more style than substance – many of the Cuban dancers are very sexy and very very flirty when trying to convince you for a dance or VIP but many of them don't deliver a pizza – IME their LDs are mid-mileage at best and often low-mileage (but w/ the caveat I mostly go to all-black clubs so I'm spoiled w.r.t. dance-mileage) - *personally* I've had better dances with the white/Anglo dancers @ Tootsies than with the Cubans even though I find the Cubanas more attractive

+ there are private VIP/Champagne-Rooms – I have not used them myself but AFAIK there are two types – the downstairs ones are $100 room-fee for 30-minutes I believe and are smaller with a bench-style seat I believe (IDK if there is a waitress and bouncer tip on top of the room-fee but would not doubt it) - the upstairs rooms I've heard are nicer/bigger with a loveseat and I believe are $150 for 30-minutes – not sure but I “think” the room-fees go down to $75 downstairs and $100 upstairs on dayshift (b/f 8 pm) - most dancers will want probably min $300 for their “company” and many may not settle for anything less than $400 (this club gets A LOT of custies and a lot of deep-pocketed-ones so the top-bitches can sorta afford to hold-out for the big-bucks)

+ most reviewers state they got what they wanted in VIP (but have read of some that haven't) – this club being so popular and having a national rep IMO has gotten a bit tourist-trappy where IMO dancers are super-hungry for the $$$ and don't necessarily deliver the appropriate level of service for the $$$ being paid – the fact that there are lots of custies (many whom are out of towners) and the fact there are many out-of-area dancers that seem to come down to make as much $$$ as they can IMO leads to an increase in the potential ROB factor

+ almost all the girls @ Tootsies push VIP really hard and some do-it to the point of annoyance where they'll spend the entire lap-dance trying to convince you to do VIP instead of concentrating on giving you a good-dance – many dancers here def seem *just* interested in doing VIP and some don't seem to wanna be bothered with the $25 lap-dances – some dancers will not do the LDs; and some seem to just do them so they can convince you to do VIP and if they have not convinced-you by the end of the first or 2nd dance they rather stop and move-on – not saying ALL dancers are like this @ Tootsies but def a good # of them that act like this – so def don't go in there just thinking w/ your dick – I would def iron-out the details of exactly what you expect in VIP and for how much b/c the Cuban dancers in particular mention/imply the world and some don't deliver a pizza – as I mentioned; most reviewers seem to get what they expect but IMO you are better off dotting the i's and crossing the t's w.r.t VIP

+ for w/e reason many of the dancers @ Tootsies seem a bit stuck-up – i.e. for w/e reason many are not the type to approach custies even when you are looking dead-smack at them eye-fucking them trying to show them your interest – you are def better-off in this club approaching/grabbing a girl you like rather than just sitting-back waiting – the club is very big so good chance you many not see her again that visit and the dancers also have lots of options w/ the large # of custies - a lot of dancers hang-out by the back of the main-room where there are some long bar-top type tables to stand at; that area also is where the nightshift LD area is and the ladies-room is so a good-amount of dancer-traffic and good place to grab a dancer (dayshift dance area is in another area of the club a bit more out of the way)

+ lastly – the club has a decent kitchen – the food is ok/edible but IMO not a must-have by any means – IMO will-do if you are at the club and don't wanna step-out to get something to eat – but if you are planning to eat there don't wait till you're starving to order food; the kitchen is not a professional restaurant kitchen and it can take up to an hour to get your food when the club is very busy

Just putting this club in sorta an FYI as another Miami-Dade option – pretty-much what I mentioned w.r.t. Tootsies applies here except the club is smallish – IMO this club is pretty-good but no reason to choose this club over Tootsies; just putting it here as another decent option:

+ club is in Coral-Gables area and it's basically a smaller-version of Tootsies alhtough these days hard to find anything other than Cuban dancers (in the past one could find a few Anglo and a couple of black but seems these days it's all Cubanas)

+ club-side is paid-parking – free parking on the street

+ slow to decent dayshift AFAIK (per reviews; never been dayshift) and nightshift often crowded

This is a fairly new club in downtown Miami and close to South Beach – IMO it is kinda a niche-club:

+ it's pretty upscale and seems to cater to the heavy-partying South Beach crowd that has $$$ or is willing to spend $$$ - the club is sorta a nightclub/strip-club hybrid and is open 24-hours although I don't think much is going-on on dayshift but the club *is* rolling till the wee hours of the morning

+ seems to be frequented by lots of people in groups and lots of female custies

+ expensive – single lappers are $40 and AFAIK in pretty-private dance booths (I think there are 3-for-$100 dances and other packages but not sure)

+ I've only been once on a dayshift to scout the club and it was dead – but per the reviews it's big and upscale and most to all dancers are above average

+ it appears to me this club is not up the alley of most hardcore SCers b/c of the club's predominantly party and nightclubbish M.O. - I wouldn't say this is the club to go-to in Miami; just mentioning-it as a niche and in-case affordability is not an issue for you and in-case you like this type of environment (party-club vs hardcore-SC)

There are many other clubs in Miami which are pretty-much mid-tier all Laina clubs or small black clubs. One club to definitely AVOID is Club Madonna in South Beach – complete tourist-trap rip-off joint.

I would have added Deans Gold to the list of Miami-Dade clubs – it's upscale and has higher than avg looking dancers and a bit better ethnic make-up both custy and dancer wise as compared to most Miami clubs (good amount of older whiteguys that seem to have $$$; and a good mix of Anglo and Latina dancers and Latinas of various nationalities vs mainly Cubanas) – reason I'm not adding this club in the list is b/c it was recently sold and per the newspaper article it seems the club's days are numbered but the club is still open for biz as of the writing of this article (Jan 2016).
[Article of club's sale -…]


Club is pretty-much on the Broward/Miami-Dade county line and 10 minutes away from Tootsies by car (if you take I-95)

+ club is fairly upscale and good-sized – not as big as Tootsies but def not small

+ club often gets packed at night with many well-paying custies - a good amount of female custies either with their S.O. or in groups of guys and chicks – dayshift often slow but a decent time can be had

+ paid-parking in front and free-parking further down the strip-mall (on dayshift I think ti's free-parking everywhere)

+ many will say Scarlett's has the best looking dancers in SoFla and it tends to have a better dancer mix than Tootsies (i.e. more white/Anglo dancers and a few black dancers along with a good # of Latinas)

+ mileage is a bit-lower than the avg SoFla club IMO (and perhaps why they have better looking dancers) – this club is ran pretty corporately – no extras even in VIP – there are cameras in the LD and VIP rooms and they *are* closely monitored – I personally would be skeptical of a dancer insinuating a “good time” in VIP here and would not commit unless the details where ironed-out beforehand; but again; AFAIK no-extras here so you may be SOL and ripped-off if you try for extras; IMO

+ dance-mileage can be decent but not off the charts – some dancers are better and some are worse – but mileage is about avg at best in large-part I assume b/c of the actively camera-monitored rooms

+ LDs are $25 and the dance specials are 2-for-$35 (not 2-for-1) – and I think they give-out those corny t-shirts (or I think at least they used-to)

+ they have $25 and $35 dance rooms – the $35 dance room is just a bigger and nicer-looking room so nor worth-it IMO b/c you'll get the exact same dance no matter if the dancer insinuates it'll be a “better dance” - the regular dance-rooms are nice-enough IMO – roomy w/ a loveseat; table; and TV – some dance-rooms have 2 loveseats for two couples and some are single loveseat

+ Scarlett's is one of the more popular and well-liked SoFla clubs – I believe the club closes late like 5 or 6 in the morning

Not a top-club but pretty-good – mainly mentioning in case your PL-ass wants to hit multiple clubs since this club is basically diagonally across from Scarlett's on the other side of I-95:

+ I'd say the club is b/w mid-tier and upscale (bit higher than mid-tier but perhaps not quite upscale)

+ at night normally a younger bit rowdier crowd (not thuggish but more like frat-boy type)

+ plenty of free-parking

+ club is mid-sized – not huge but not small

+ dancers are mostly young and above avg but not as good-looking as Scarlett's – mostly Latinas with some Anglo and some black dancers

+ no VIP room so no extras – but dance-mileage is pretty-good in the dance-room (bouncer walks the area every 10 minutes or so but IME does not intrude)

+ ok dayshift and more active nightshift

+ Tootsies; Scarlett's; and this club (Cheetah Hallandale) are all close to each other by car and all close-late in case you want a full-night of debauchery

Club is in Pompano Beach in Broward county.

+ $2 parking on the side of the club - $5 by the entrance (door-guy will often say $5 for parking but if you parked on the side tell him so b/c it's only $2 on the side)

+ club is kinda small so one is kinda packed in there a bit like sardines on busy nights - club is nicely appointed and I'd say higher than mid-tier and just below upscale

+ kinda a smaller-version of Tootsies but w/ a bit-better dancer variety – mostly Latinas but a decent # of Anglo and a couple of black dancers here and there – dancers are above avg in looks

+ clubs is known for its extras – lap-dances are done in shared dance-booths that are two couples per booth – the dance-booth has a curtain to block the view of the main-room and a divider in b/w the 2 dance-stations within a booth – the 2-couple dance booths do not offer complete privacy but pretty good privacy (i.e. you can't see the PL next to you and probably can't see the dancer next to you either unless she steps away form the custy)

+ there is also 1 single-couple dance-booth which is 3-dances-for-$100 vs the standard $25/dance and it's often where the “extra attention” is given – the 3-for-$100 is included as part of the “extra attention” deal but an extra tip will be required for “extra-attention”

+ there is also a private VIP room but not sure of the price details – I “think” it's about $400 with perhaps some additional dancer tipping but not sure

+ in my limited experience at this club (since I tend to hit the black clubs since I love the chocolate) the songs @ Diamond Dolls can be on the short-side at around 3-minutes long (custies IMO should start complaining about this b/c that is too short for $25/dance) – so take this into account if going for extra-attention in the 3-for-$100 booth (you may want to time some songs w/ your cell-phone's stopwatch while hanging at the club to get an idea of how long they are playing the songs on your visit)

+ AFAIK the club has a decent dayshift talent-wise and often pretty full on nightshift – there may often be a bit of a wait for the booths at night since there are only like 3 or 4 two-couple dance-booths and 1 single-couple booth

+ as a side-note there is Booby Trap Pompano down the street from this club – Booby Trap is more of blue-collar club that traditionally had mediocre talent but recently seems to have improved a good deal talent-wise w/ an influx of Cuban dancers (the Cubanas seem to be taking over all of SoFla LOL) – no reason IMO to choose Booby Trap over Diamond Dolls – just mentioning it in case you feel like trying both or you prefer a more blue-collar mid-tier type of joint – Booby Trap also has extras available but as w/ Tootsies be careful with the Cubanas and iron-out the details b/f doing VIP

A different Cheetah club than the one previously mentioned which was in Hallandale (this one is in Pompano):

+ $2 to self-park

+ petty upscale – not supa-plush but upscalish with upscalish clientèle – club is fairly-large and seems well-managed

+ traditionally mostly white dancers although the Cubanas seem to have infiltrated this club also and seem to now make a significant it not majority of the dancers

+ mileage is about avg AFAIK – the $10 floor dances seem a bit more popular here and there are $25 lap-dances with what I assume is better mileage – but no extras here AFAIK and IDK if they a VIP room but even if they do I don't think extras are possible here “AFAIK” so be careful you don't get taken trying to get some extras

+ club seems popular and well-liked by custies and dancers are above avg in looks and often on the slim/petite side

Broward also has Solid Gold in Oakland Park near Ft Lauderdale which is a well-liked fairly upscale club where dancers wear gowns and mileage is pretty-good – but last-word was this club was having serious issues with the city and was either soon to close (as of this writing in January 2016); or would have to switch to bikini; or still be nude but not sell alcohol – I have not seen any recent reviews of this club as of this writing (Jan 2016) and IDK for sure it's current state but it looks iffy – I'd say look into it b/f deciding to pay a visit

Since I live in Miami and visit mostly black clubs; I'm thus not too familiar with the Palm Beach clubs but try to keep up to date via the daily reviews (I *have* visited some of the Palm Beach clubs though).

This seems to the most-popular and well-liked club in West Palm Beach (WPB) – AFAIK this club is affiliated w/ the 2 other Cheetah clubs in SoFla previously mentioned.

+ club is mid-sized and seems to get fairly-full

+ $2 parking-fee

+ have only visited this club once at night – seems majority of the dancers were Latinas and mostly Cubanas and some white/Anglo dancers

+ heard mention dayshift is decent

+ dancers IMO are above avg looking and club looks well managed

+ separate dance-area like most SoFla mixed-clubs – dance mileage decent but no extras AFAIK

+ this looks like your best bet if you are in the WPB area and you don't wanna drive down to Pompano or Miami.

+ There are other clubs in WPB but none AFAIK are go-to clubs per se – Monroe's is a bit of a newer club which is fairly upscale and above avg dancers but reviews indicate it's sorta hit or miss w/ often times low-dancer #s

+ Rachel's Steakhouse in WPB is sorta a niche club that AFAIK is very upscale but limited mileage (seems more like a look and don't-touch-much kinda club that is expensive but with very good looking dancers AFAIK) – AFAIK not the type of club for the hardcore SCer but if $$$ is no issue for you and you enjoy top-of-the-line amenities including women (that you can't touch) then this may be somewhere you'd like to visit

+ I would recommend you'd stay away form Flashdance in WPB unless over-the-hill strung-out white-chicks are your thing (at the very least read the reviews b/f you go and then decide on your own).

Definitely there are many other clubs in SoFla – but off the top of my heads (yes both of them) this is sorta the list of the most-popular/well-liked mixed-clubs I can think-off – if you happen to have a specific niche you don't think the mentioned clubs will fit; I suggest you post a thread on the discussion-board w/ the details of what you are looking-for so others can chime-in.

TUSCLers that would like to correct or add info to this article please feel free to do so.

Happy SoFla SCing !!!


  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    Thumbs up. Useful info.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Good job Papi. This is the kind of article that is useful.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, an extremely good job. Already, when I've been seeing Florida clubs reviewed, I only look for Papi's review. No Papi review, then I don't care what others say.

  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Very impressive write up!
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    good book I will buy it when it comes out in paperback
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Awesome article
  • JohnBuford
    9 years ago
    Well done Papi. I get to south Florida once a year on business and this writeup helps.
  • PredragDr
    9 years ago
    Too bad for Solid Gold and Deans Gold. They might be #1 and 2 in my book for SFla. I might check out E11even when I'm there next month
  • greeni75
    9 years ago
    Good information.. I'm looking forward to your write-up on black clubs in the area. I'm interested in the high-mileage spots with the extremely thick dancers. I will be visiting later this year.
  • wineguy57
    9 years ago
    Well done.
  • Cheo_D
    9 years ago
    Excellent guide Papi, very accurate.

    On some of the items you mention: Yes, the three Cheetah clubs are indeed under the same enterprise umbrella; they try to keep things "clean" WRT extra considerations to save themselves trouble (since Hallandale spent almost 2 years closed because of such issues back around '09) but one can get quite good mileage in the regular dance areas.

    Solid Gold is apparently already closed and consolidated with its smaller sister club Pure Platinum pending litigation, Dean's Gold meanwhile allegedly will keep going until the new owners give notice.

    BTW within Pompano Beach city limits, there is a 2am bar-closing ordinance so places like Cheetah Pompano, Diamond Dolls and BT Pompano close relatively early for true night owls. OTOH the North Miami and Hallandale clubs you can stumble out of in time to watch the sun rise...

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the extra tidbits Cheo
  • imintotouching
    9 years ago
    Thanks, gonna be in Miami this week
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck!

    Good article Papi and thanks for sharing. I just wish i could get through one of your long exposés and actually know the pricing and privacy to be had in the VIP sections of the clubs that you visit. In Miami of all places I just cannot imagine bothering with LDs when the full monty can be had in VIP. It's my problem and not yours - it's your money to spend and if VIP is not your gig then so be it.
  • Smith1177
    9 years ago
    Thanks Papi,i will be visiting at the end of the month for a week and appreciate your hard work.
  • freddie_b
    9 years ago
    Just stick to Tootsie's.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I've been to several of these clubs that Papi writes about and his info is dead on, nice job, Papi. When should I pick up the turkey ? :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    There is a new club in West Palm Beach named "Double Dee's" - it's a brand-new large standalone 2-story structure - part of it is a western-themed honky-tonk type restaurant and part of it is a strip-club (facing the building the restaurant is in front and the strip-club is on the left-side of the building but the two are separated from each other).

    I visited Double Dee's once and wrote a review on January 23, 2017- West Palm Beach does not necessarily have a plethora of good strip-clubs thus I'm making note of this one for anyone in the West Palm Beach area that does not want to drive south into Broward county to find more options.

    Some club details:

    + large building but main-room of the strip-club is a bit on the small-side - ok-sized on most-nights but kinda cramped on peak nights

    + club is fairly upscale and new, clean, and well-managed - one can dine on the 2nd-floor of the strip-club which I believe is also a VIP seating area

    + $25 lap-dances in a dance-area out of view of the main-room but it's a communal area and has an attendant that keeps track of the dances and sometimes walks the area to double check which dancers are back there (periodic 3-for-$30 lap-dance specials)

    + dancers per my only visit seemed to avg about a 7 (most above avg in looks IMO) - they wear mini-dresses instead of one or two piece bikini type outfits - dancers seemed to be about 60/40 or maybe 70/30 Latinas/Caucasian (many of the Latinas seemed Cuban) - did not notice any AA dancers on my visit

    + visited on a late Sat night and there were a lot of young people but did not notice any thug factor

    + not sure if extras are available - lap-dance mileage was decent

    IMO it's a good option if one is in the West Palm Beach area and does not wanna drive too-far
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Deans Gold in North Miami Beach seems to be pretty-much business as usual - many like Deans b/c:

    + it's more laidback and a bit classier than other South FL clubs yet dance-mileage is still good - dancers usually wear mini-dresses or gowns and lap-dances are $20 instead of the normal South FL of $25 (nude stage dancing; topless lap-dances)

    + dancers are above avg in looks and are usually more cordial than the avg South FL club

    + it being South FL many of the dancers are Cuban but one can find a bit better variety than most South FL clubs in that there are non-Cuban Latinas and some Anglo girls (and maybe 2 or 3 AA)

    + girls are often on the slim-side

    + dances are usually pretty-good mileage albeit the dance-area is an open-layout

    + extras can be had but pricey b/c it's kinda an upscale club traditionally (at least in the past) visited by custies w/ deep-pockets (in the past one would often see fancy cars parked outside) - not sure how much extras are but I assume several-hundred including a bit hefty room-fee plus dancer-fee

    + club is laidback; staff professional - feels like an upscale lounge w/ the music-level at a comfortable if not low level

    + per the club's webpage, it opens later in the day but I don't think there may be much going-on on dayshift or even early-nightshift - probably gets going past 10 pm

    If you are looking for a bit more upscale more laidback place w/ above-avg looking dancers, albeit a bit more expensive; this seems like an option that is well-liked by those looking for what this club offers
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago

    Scarlett's was sold to Rick's Corp earlier this year (Rick's Corp owns Tootsies along w/ 40+ clubs nationwide).

    I assume Scarlett's will become more like Tootsies w/ time - my last visit there was about 3 months ago and I saw some dancers wearing 2-piece outfits whereas w/ the prior ownership change per my recollection dancers always wore mini-dresses or gowns (the old Scarlett's owner currently owns Vixens in Davie, FL).

    Also - mileage used to be kinda limited with the previous ownership (dance-rooms and VIP were actively camera-monitored so no extras) - on my visit about 3-months ago the dance-mileage was pretty-good - not sure if extras are now available but would not be surprised if they are now available under the new ownership, but not sure, but if they are available they are probably pricey (def iron-out all the details beforehand).
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the update!
  • davindude
    6 years ago
    Great thread. Only two years old but I take it mot of the info is still relevant
  • Maldoror
    4 years ago
    Half a decade later, this thread is still so useful. Thanks for the great work.
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