
Every Monger Should Visit Brazil at Least Once

Avatar for rogertex

Recently went to Brazil on business. Then extended trip by a few days for fun. And we know TUSCL members are not pimple-laced nubes visiting strip clubs. We've got black-belts in strip-club-ology that equate goodness to mileage. So why not turn to Backpage for ultimate mileage? Short answer - the majority of backpage service providers are not attractive. Some are gross. And there is not much of try before you buy. A Strip Club on the other hand allows selection - looks, talk, sample dances - and then go further or simply chill. Of course such use of Strip Clubs in USA for this purpose annoys the "nice and clean" homey dancers. So here is the main point of this article: Brazil is the ultimate destination for TUSCL vets. Better than Germany's FKKs and possibly Thailand.

Brazil Sex Report:

Besides traditional avenues for sex (newspaper ads, street walkers) - there are two established avenues - Adult Night Clubs and Termas.

Adult Night Clubs: These are just like any night club - alcohol, music (DJ or live), dance floor. A customer pays a cover to get in. And then enjoy the club. Females must do the same. Inside the club it is regular socializing. You can sit at the bar and drink. Socialize with others. Enjoy live music. Hit the dance floor. Or if you have had enough - just leave. Majority of the girls offer sex for money. In my visits did not find any desperate girls - in fact all were having a good time. You get to talk, socialize, dance with the girls. Even feel them up. If you like something negotiate a deal to take her to your hotel or simply enjoy the place like a night club.

Termas: These are spas that feature girls who offer sex for money. But you can enjoy a sex free spa experience also for a nominal cover ($20-$30) in case you are not in the mood. Sex can be had in the Terma itself or back in your hotel.

  1. Even small towns across Brazil have these two types of establishments. The #1 club is "Help!" in Copocabana in Rio - on Friday evenings packed with 400 girls inside and another 800 outside. And then in a small town like Campinas - Red Lion with 20 girls and a relaxed feel. A small detail on payment. Customer is given a card in the clubs and locker in Terma. All charges are tabbed on the card or locker number (drinks, food, etc) - and payment is made once in the end.

  2. Very little English is understood in Brazil. Some even have trouble understanding "yes" and "no" - I kid you not. It gets annoying quickly. A little Portuguese will be very helpful. I used translation app on my phone - helps a bit. In the end - love needs no language so it all works out.

  3. Have never checked on the legality of prostitution in Brazil - but have not heard about any busts and such. Bigger issue is petty crime - that can turn violent. Due to the big disparity between rich and poor - sometimes the thefts and such can get out of control. If you are aware of your surroundings - you should be ok. Back in the hotel - generally the hotel will ask your girl for ID - that they photocopy. Possibly as a safety precaution.

  4. The women have stunning bodies and mesmerizing butts. Faces are not beautiful (in the classical sense we have been raised). Love making skills are fantastic. Simply mind blowing. Every visitor makes the inevitable rookie mistake - goes to a Terma or Club and gets mesmerized by a "8" and quickly settles on a deal. Only minutes later experiences "buyer remorse" when the "11" or a "14" walks in (on a scale of 10). USA has not produced Rating Scales to properly rate some of these Brazilian damsels. Off the charts! The rookie mistake is a priceless experience of joy interlaced with greed for more. Experience it.

  5. $100 - $500 for the whole night of non-stop sex in dozen different ways. $300 is average (for a stunning hottie on american rating scale). Surprisingly $500 is simply whiter with a European facial cut and $100 is older yet feisty woman. I'm completely in heaven with $300 beauties - and may even tip $200 for the pleasure, versus a $500 thin, delicate woman. I tried the full range - and except one experience - all exceeded my expectations. Sex-week with beautiful, disease & drug-free girls can be had for $5K all inclusive.

  6. Comparison to Tijuana: Although Tijuana is notches above north of border, it feels like a wham-bam thank you ma'am experience. Love making skills of the TJ girls are good but only until you haven't experienced a Brazilian hottie in bed.

  7. What about civilians? Well the availability of girls and reasonable prices leaves no motivation to seek our women in the civilian world. And the language barrier will put a damper on any warm-up small talk. But I imagine sex life can be wild on the civilian side too. Two lame but pleasing experiences. First - in my hotel lobby I asked a young couple sitting on adjacent sofa for directions to the mall. The attractive lady took the lead in offering help and direction. She sat very close to me navigating map on my phone. My eyes flopping between the phone screen and her busty cleavage - and she smelled great. The guy was also helping with directions with no hints of jealousy. We parted ways - and I felt good. Second experience - I head to a outdoor fair (rides, amusement stalls, food, etc) and walking through the parking lot, see a very big Honda Valkyrie motorcycle. Candy red and shiny. Had leather saddle bags. Within moments, a pretty, petite and very feminine woman (mid 20s) approaches the bike carrying a helmet and holding a 5 year old's hand (her son?). She gives me a genuine and warm smile. I smile back and regret not initiating a conversation - even if to simply appreciate her bike. That could have been a great adventure with a hot single mom!

In conclusion, Brazil should be on every strip-clubbers must-do list. Sex is great, Food is great and you won't break your bank.


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Avatar for Clackport

Thanks for the update. Brazil is definitely on my bucket list!

Avatar for londonguy

Better than FKK's ? I'm sceptical about that. One of the many good things about FKK's is you can fuck a girl from just about any part of the world, Asians, Latina's, EE, etc.

Thailand never appealed to me that much, skinny Asians with flat chests do nothing for me.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Personally enjoyed your article – thanks for taking the time to write in particular since many of us don't have much if any international experience.

Man – I've had my eye on Brazil since I was a teenage boy – I remember around 13 y/o (early 1980s) I saw a report on TV about Brazil (mainly Rio) and its beaches and the hot-ass bronzed women wearing micro-bikinis (which was very risque and not as common back in the early 80s).

I find Brazilian women very hot especially since I'm into dark women and many Brazilians have that sexy-ass natural bronze tan (along w/ black Brazilian women which there are a lot of and I like and as well as white European looking ones).

Brazil is also pretty open sexually and traditionally its women have been very feminine and somewhat submissive – although I'm sure that has changed over time especially in recent years as the economy vastly improved and women are more independent and have their own $$$.

But yeah – Brazil and its women and sexuality are legendary (e.g. look at their Carnivals) – it's def on my PL to-do list and I have put if off b/c I blow all my damn $$$ clubbing locally – but damn after reading this review I gotta make it a priority – I'm not getting any younger and tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

Avatar for shadowcat

I know one TUSCL member that visited Brazil a few years ago and he said that he didn't have to go any further than the hotel bar to hook up with a prostitute.

Brazil was on my bucket list 10 years ago but since then street crime has gotten out of hand and is not safe for tourists. Especially at night.

Avatar for nemesisk7

I want termas in the states

Avatar for nemesisk7

Venezuela, Ecuador, and Colombia I think is better

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ yeah – Venezuelan and Colombian women are fine as hell (curvy bods and nice faces); Ecuadorian women are also pretty good but I don't have as much experience w/ them.

Unfortunately crime in Venezuela seems to be off the charts these days (worst than ever) and Colombia used to be real bad in the past but seems to have gotten better.

Avatar for nemesisk7

Papi You'll be fine if you know Spanish , the whorehouses in Caracas Venezuela have model type incredible women for not that much , I think is worth it and then go to Medellin Colombia the women are so hot you'll wanna stay there

Avatar for rogertex


This guy seems to have visited both places Brazil and Colombia. Interesting report:


Avatar for nemesisk7

Medellin has some very good whorehouses

Avatar for Estafador

I'd expect women both whores and civilians to be fine, but I would think it's a waste of time, if you are only going there to fuck hookers. It's really fucked up how you pay more for a more European looking woman especially if you didn't come to Brazil for the Spaniard looking hoes. Honestly, if I ever fucked a girl in Brazil, it'd be because I visited the country for actual vacationing, not just lusting after big asses. Good heads up though,

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Strip clubs are always better than answering escort ads, backpage or otherwise. This is of course the genius of The System.

But it is not just the women's looks, it is being able to fraternize with them and see if you and she get along, and hopefully to let her see that you can come on to her and treat her like a civilian pickup and get very GFE with her before committing to the session.

AMPs and Lingerie Modeling don't offer this. Strip Clubs do.


Avatar for nemesisk7

Why is there no Venezuela clubs in this site ?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I believe that the TUSCL index is mostly correct for the US, and maybe Canada. But for everywhere else it only shows a small sampling. In most other countries they don't have anything like our strip clubs. The places are whorehouses first.

But what it really comes down to is people getting the clubs listed and making reviews. In Mexico the main form is either the "hooker bar", where you take the girl to an outside hotel. Or it is the "house of dates", more strictly a brothel as it has session rooms. People aren't getting those listed. Also, in Mexico, even in TJ's Zona, the "house of dates", brothel, or MP forms are technically illegal.



John Mayall


Avatar for rh48hr

Love South American women. If I could afford it I would love to take a vacation there and enjoy the sights and pleasures of the women there in a heartbeat.

Avatar for nemesisk7

What's the whorehouse j bieber went to in Rio de Janeiro ? He got an overnight whore ?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

“... Why is there no Venezuela clubs in this site ...”

It's up to the site users to add new clubs – I assume no one has bothered to add any Venezuelan clubs

Avatar for BigChas

... Why is there no Venezuela clubs in this site ...”

Venezuela dictatorship probably dictates it. They keep everybody on handouts.

Avatar for nemesisk7

Who cares there's some nice pussy there in Caracas

Avatar for nemesisk7

Girls in Caracas whorehouses look like Alicia machado

Avatar for saroya

I don't know if the OP meant for people to believe that he is he one who traveled to Brazil and wrote the article, but that info is outdated by several years. First of all, the Help Disco closed 2 - 3 years ago due to pressure to clean up Rio for the World Cup and the Summer Olympics. They've also been cracking down on escort sites and other obvious sex tourist venues for the same reason. With that said, some of the info in the article is still true, which is that Brazilian women make great sex partners. That's largely because they are very open and uninhibited about sex.

The info on termas is somewhat true, although you don't automatically get to take the girls home. I managed to find a very young girl who quickly agreed to going away on a wknd with me, and then used to come to my hotel for free, and another girl I met in Centaurus offered to meet me for a paid engagement outside the terma (that's the place where Bieber was photographed). For that to happen you should know some Portuguese. Many of the girls who know English charge a premium and will take you for all you're worth.

There are strip clubs where take out is the norm. Barbarella is the best one and also the most expensive. You pay a flat fee to get in, which includes something to drink (I used to get a bottle of wine), then you can negotiate with a girl to take out and pay an exit fee for that privilege. The girls in that club are at the high end of the price scale, but if you speak Portuguese and have some game, your negotiation will go easier.

The info on pricing in that article is outdated and makes generalizations that don't really exist. For instance, there are no set prices for all-nighters or for "European-looking" women. Besides, the currency fluctuates wildly in Brazil, so with current exchange rates, you can find girls for anywhere from USD$50 - you name it. I never paid more than BRL200 for anyone and I'm pretty picky. If you go to Villa Mimosa, which I've not personally done, you can have sex cheap, on a dirty bed, with the same favella girls that the locals can afford, and then you might find an attractive girl for practically nothing.

As for picking up civilians in Rio--yeah, right... Good luck with that if you don't speak conversational Portuguese and are older and a gringo. I mean, I was approached a couple of times, but that happens in the US, too. Notice the guy in the article (whoever that was), didn't score with anyone. Except for hookers, you will have a hard time finding attractive local girls who will want to be seen with a gringo, especially one who's older, because you'll be thought of as a paying customer and she'll be thought of as a hooker. There are some parts of Brazil where civilians are less jaded, like Fortaleza.

As for overall advice, I'd say that if you plan to go to Brazil, learn Portuguese first, then get your info from an up-to-date Brazil forum. And consider places other than Rio for the women, as that ship has sailed. Rio is still a beautiful city, with lots to do, but as a sex destination you can do better for less money, time, effort.

Avatar for rogertex

saroya - than you for the updates.

I saw strip clubs too in Brazil that proudly stated in their signage "American Style!".

With easy and plentiful sex - never thought of going into a strip club.

Never was sure whether those guys were taking a jab at our lame sex scene with the "american style" add on.

In my several trips I never saw anything good for US $50. Minimum $100 for the night.

Avatar for saroya

First of all, it's not helpful to discuss prices in USD in Brazil. Currency is Real (or BRL). I only mentioned $50 because the article did. At current exchange rates, $50 = just under 200BRL, which is very favorable to foreigners. When I first visited Brazil, they had the Real pegged to the dollar 1:1.

If you're paying $100 USD now, you're paying top dollar, which is what most tourists pay.

"American Bar" is commonly used throughout the world to describe a bar with either girls dancing on tables/stages or where there's lap dancing. It's a concept that we started. You go to a "strip club" almost anywhere else in the world and you take the girls home with you or they have rooms on site.

Avatar for rogertex

1:1 dollar to Real ? - that must have been a long time ago.

I started my trips when it was hovering around 1:2.

Yes 1:4 this recent trip sounded better but saw quite a bit of inflation everywhere including women.

Of course I speak no portuguez and not even spanish (which some in Brazil comprende) but made do with iBabylon.

Can't believe Help! is closed. That was an institution. Visited twice - had great times. And wanted to visit at least 10 more times.

Have to make a trip to Medelin now since papi and nemesis are vouching.

Avatar for Jascoi

definitely on my 'to do' list.

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