How to bag a stripper (part 2)

avatar for Clackport
This is part 2 to the classic part 1.…

In all seriousness, part 1 had some good points, but there were also some bad points. I wasn't nearly as experienced at bagging strippers as I am now. When I first started started strip clubbing I wasn't interested in trying to take a stripper home, I would just get dances and go home. However, I saw a lot on people on TUSCL saying bagging a stripper for free is pretty much impossible, and anyone that knows me knows I love challenges. So I challenged myself to pick up some strippers. As of now I have bagged somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-15 strippers for free. I obviously have struck out a whole bunch, but I've managed to hit home runs every now and then. I honestly feel like trying to bag a stripper is similar to trying take a girl home in the nightclub. I will tell you what has worked for me, this is not a manual of how to pick up strippers, this is just my approach.

I think the number one thing is looking good, just like trying to get girls in society, the stripper has to be attracted to you. In reality you pretty much have to be in your 20's or 30's. Although I know a 50 year old man currently dating a 25 year old stripper.

Another thing I've noticed is that strippers seem to be into black guys nowadays which helps me. I've been around a lot of strippers and their boyfriends, and a lot of their boyfriends were black. I'm talking white girls, Latina girls, Asian girls etc. I'm not sure what's attracting strippers to black guys, maybe hip hop has something to do with it, maybe it's the fact a lot of strippers grew up in tough conditions like a lot of blacks, maybe it's strippers and black peoples love for weed. Who knows? All I know is being black doesn't hurt. This is not saying that white people can't bag strippers.

My approach to trying to get a stripper starts with not trying on a Friday or Saturday night. On Fridays and Saturdays the hustle is at it's peak, and the dancers are just trying to make money off a customer and then move on to the next one. In my experience they don't really wanna have long conversations on a Friday or Saturday. So usually I'll go on a Thursday night when they're not as money hungry or something if I'm trying to get some stripper pussy. If I see a stripper I want I will tip her maybe like 8-10 bucks on stage, then I'll ask her to come join me at the bar. While at the bar of course but her drinks and make good conversation. Make her feel like a normal person. Don't ask her why she strips, when is she gonna stop stripping, or really anything about stripping. If you have good conversational skills it shouldn't be a problem. Be yourself, you can give her compliments, but don't be kissing her ass. If you're having good conversation she won't broach the wanna dance question quickly. If she finally asks about a dance, it's ok to do 1 but 2 at most. If you do VIP or a bunch of songs she'll look at you as a customer, and then you almost pretty much have no chance after that. With the dance don't immediately start grabbing and feeling her up all over. Strippers are so used to guys trying to finger their pussy, suck their tits, grab them everywhere etc. Be a gentlemen and treat her like a normal girl, let the dance flow. If she guides your hands to her body that's a good sign. Also depending on how big your dick is and how hard it is getting by the dance, some dancers (women in general) will get turned on by this and get a little horny. After the dance she might want to go start getting dances from other customers, of course let her do that because her job is to make money, but let her know she is welcome to join you for more drinks later on when she's done hustling for dances. Throughout the night keep tipping her generously on stage.

Depending on how good your conversation with her was, she might be back sharing drinks with you. Now the club is almost closing. You've been a nice guy, she finds you attractive, you respected her boundaries during the lap dance, there has been great conversation, you tipped her well on stage, there shouldn't be any reason why you won't get her number if you ask. I mean their phones are filled with people who treat them like shit, you are a breath of fresh air for her. If you bang her tonight it's time to seal the deal, maybe invite her back to your house for more drinks or whatever. Obviously some strippers won't give it up the first night (like women in the real world), but at least you have her number now. If you didn't hit it the first night continue to flirt with her through text or whatever until she is ready to give you that pussy. Me personally I don't insist on fucking her the first night, I want to show I'm a gentlemen, and I want her to want the sex even more, I want her to get anxious. Of course there have been some strippers that insisted I come over or they come over that same night, so of course I'm not going to argue with them :)

I have probably tried to get with around 40-50 strippers, and I only succeeded at getting 10-15 strippers, so the percentage ain't that great. With some of the strippers I tried to get, them already having boyfriends was the reason they wouldn't get with me but I ended up being friends with them, although I have gotten with a few that had boyfriends at the time. Sometimes I tried to work my game and I just got rejected, it happens. If you are trying to get strippers you can't be afraid to get rejected, because rejection is going to happen a LOT.

Also in my experience if you're trying to bag a stripper who fucks people for money, you pretty much have no chance at fucking her for free. She'll be glad to fuck you, but you're gonna have to pay up.

So once again be attractive, make good conversation, don't buy more than 2 dances from her, tip her well on stage, respect her during lap dances, treat her like a woman not a stripper. A couple of extra things that might help is being black and having a big dick.

Once you bag a stripper the next problem will be trying to get rid of her when you're tired of fucking her and wanna move on to the next girl, but that's a article for another day.


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Ran-I'm feeling everything that you've said, especially the conversation aspects. The only thing that I would add is to ask less data questions and ask more process questions-this goes for civies as well as strippers.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Ranukam, thanks for the advice on how to bag a stripper. I'm eagerly awaiting your follow-up article on how to become young and black.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
This is hilarious.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
For anyone who's read your discussion on confessing your undying love to a stripper, this is even more entertaining and comedic.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Jack-I'm currently writing an article on how to be a middle-age, multi-Latino, Latino.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Jackslash- you don't have to be black to bag a stripper, I just said it doesn't hurt to be black. But if there's enough people that want me to write how to be young and black, I will do it LMAO. Come to think of it Jack you gave me an idea for an article. "Being Young and Black"

Slickspic- Thanks Pimp

dancinggal- Yes I do try to bring entertainment to TUSCL, TUSCL should be entertainment, this ain't the state of the union or anything lol. What does bagging a stripper have to do with loving a stripper? To be honest with you I wasn't in love with any of the strippers I bagged, I pretty much just wanted to fuck them at the end of the day and be done with them.

To everyone else that will read this article, remember
1. TUSCL is entertainment, take this article for what it's worth.
2. This method of bagging strippers is just how I do things, it might not work for you.
3. Part 1 was mainly me having ideas, but not having too much experience in it. Part 2 was having the experience in doing it. As you can see a lot of things changed from part 1 to part 2.

avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
"Another thing I've noticed is that strippers seem to be into black guys nowadays which helps me"

That's interesting.

Personally, I think if you were to poll a bunch of strippers, the majority of them would be more likely to avoid black customers in the strip club- especially the young ones. And this is coming from someone who is young and black, just like you.

The reason I believe this is because generally black customers spend less. They're a lot more likely to just tip, drink and spend their time talking with the strippers, instead of buying dances. This is especially true in black clubs.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I assume this is an age thing, but it seems to me that the effort one has to put in to "bag" a stripper is exactly the same effort one has to put in to "bag" any hot woman. That being the case why go after a sex worker who likely has problems, when you can bag a hottie that works in high tech or as an accountant? I do like the article though Ranukam.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Thanks skibum, appreciate it. I guess I like the fact that it is more of a challenge trying to get a stripper. Plus pretty much all the strippers I've been with have been incredible in the bedroom. Also I like the fact that you can see the stripper's body and what she's working with right away. With civilians obviously they have their clothes on, and you might think they have a nice body, but sometimes when you finally get them in the bedroom, you see their body is a little underwhelming. With strippers you see everything right away.

@govikings- I will agree with you that quite a few strippers don't care for the black guys. However, I think if you ask TUSCL veterans like Motörhead, Jackslash etc, they will tell you with a lot of strippers they know, a lot of their boyfriends happen to be black. Once again though being black is not a main ingredient in being able to bag a stripper.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
Awesome. A look into your version of how it should go down.
avatar for trixxi
11 years ago
At my club there are a lot of young black guys who are typically trying to get the girls to "work" for them (as prostitutes) where they promise that there is far better $ than at the club. There are A FEW older black customers who do tip the dancers AND buy dances. The MAJORITY of paying customers are older white guys, so IME I see the older white guys getting most attention from dancers. As far as dancers dating customers: I HAVE'NT met 1 single dancer EVER it is guaranteed she already has another man in her life no matter what race he is.
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
this is funny. I have banged more strippers then you. That is a perk of working at a strip club. I get free sex form the strippers.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
bang69- yeah I should have put that in my article. Working at the strip club is the best way to bag a stripper you desire.

Trixxi- good points. I actually know a few black "pimps" that go to the strip clubs and they try to get the dancers work for them. I actually had a conversation with a dancer once, and she was telling me I should be a pimp and that the money would be good. I got the feeling she wanted to work for me, that was very weird.

Perhaps I put too much about being black in the article, that was not my intent. Like GoVikings said a lot of dancers (black dancers also) flat out ignore the black customers. I was just saying that with all the strippers I've known, most of their boyfriends happened to be black.

The main reason I wrote this article is that I noticed I hadn't written an article in a couple of years, so I just decided to write a part 2 to the article I wrote a couple of years ago. In all honesty if you want to bag a stripper it just has to be the right place and right time, just like with most things in life.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Sounds like a black version of “The System” :)

But I could see a good looking black guy getting some play from white chicks.

Ranukam lives in Portland where to the best of my knowledge blacks are fairly few? So it could be a “novelty/different” thing that some white girls like? It could also be that some/many strippers like living on the edge and they may see dating a black guy as somewhat risqué or “against the grain” (as stripping is)?

I recall a H.S. buddy of mine who joined the Army (or Navy?) after H.S. He was stationed somewhere in semi-rural Kansas and he would tell me the local white girls would come by the base and pick up and leave with the young black enlisted guys (my buddy was a white Hispanic guy).
avatar for wileycoyote
11 years ago
Thanks for everything. I'm gonna hit the tanning bed and buy one of those penis pumps.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
"Ranukam lives in Portland where to the best of my knowledge blacks are fairly few? So it could be a “novelty/different” thing that some white girls like?"

Yes, the population of black people in Portland is pretty low. Papi Chulo, I think you hit the nail on the head with what I quoted above. I believe the reason ranukam has had so much luck bagging strippers is because he's a black guy in an area with few blacks. Therefore, he's different from what the girls/strippers are accustomed to.

I don't doubt for one second that he's been able to hook up with strippers. Most strippers are in their twenties, so obviously the guys they date/hook up with/have sex with are going to be males within their own age range. The only part that I find extremely surprising me is HOW OFTEN ranukam has been able to pull this off.
avatar for magicrat
11 years ago
I have noticed lately numerous strippers being dropped off at the club by black guys. Seems to be a thing there for sure.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I'm with Vikings. Doesn't seem odd to me that strippers occasionally hook up with customers. Especially ones around their own age.
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Rancan versin ov bagin a striper is dey putz a bag on hiz hed so dey dont have 2 c how ugly he iz !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lol !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lolol !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Rancan got beet by fo ugle stickz !
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
All the times I've bagged it dated a stripper for free and fot real I was a very frequent custamer like i was their from 6am to 10 pm 3 to 4 times a week or more...I mean I was their so much everbody would just treat me like i was on staff.... This would cause some of the dancers to set with me while I had a few beers and before they got dressed for the night and because of like you said i was just a nice guy and easy to look at their would be a dancer that would want to hook up with me and it lead to a relationship...then word got around on how good i could fuck and when we broke up i would be damn if I didnt get a nother hook up that turned into a relationship...

Quick side not im a white boy that looks redkneck but acts black and i have a 3x5x7 Dick
And I'm basiclly 35 years of age with male pattern boldness

Boooom !
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Also I never bought a dance ot drinks for or from them...i only would tip at the stage
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Over all i really enjoyed both.articles and how it went from ideas to actions.....keep it coming
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Ranucan so uglee da stripers kall da dog catcha wen he shoz up at da club !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Rancan so uglee da stripers kall him shit happns !
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