Losing Favorites

avatar for azdd
On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix

I like having favorites at my regular clubs, which are primarily the HiLiter and Bourbon Street in Phoenix. The thrill of the hunt for new talent is still there, but I enjoy going in and spending time with my regular favorites and getting to know them over time. I think familiarity also builds trust which makes LDs seem more relaxed and intimate. I've learned in the past not to get too emotionally attached to dancers, but it's still tough when you lose a favorite and realize you will probably never see them again. I've learned to take the loss of a favorite from time to time in stride, but my experience over the last month has been worse than normal.

In June and July, I've lost four favorites for various reasons, two from Bourbon and two from the HL.

Favorite 1 got married and moved to Florida with her new hubby. She was one of the dayshift anchors at Bourbon St, and I've been getting dances from her for about 5 years. Fortunately I knew she was leaving and was able to go in and get some final dances on her last day. I'm really happy for her and it was a nice farewell, but I will definitely miss her.

Favorite 2, also of Bourbon St says she's burnt out and decided to quit. She runs another business and says she needs to give it her full attention. I suppose there's chance she will be back on the pole sometime in the future, but it might never happen. Have known her for probably 4 years, and have a lot of great memories with her.

Favorite 3 from the HiLiter is quitting in the next couple of weeks because she's pregnant. I first met her at another Phoenix club, and linked up with her again when she moved to HL, and have been getting dances from her regularly for about 4 years. Favorites 1,2,3 are actually all friends, and #3 is the one who told me about #1 leaving, so I was thankful for that. She seems happy about the kid, so I'm happy for her, but another favorite goes off the rotation. I could see her coming back in the future, but maybe not.

Favorite 4 - My ATF of the past 13 years is moving to LA, and I hate losing her the most. She moved away for a year a few years ago, and it did a number on me then. When she came back, I was thrilled to see her again but also told myself to keep a little more distance. Didn't work. I'm still crazy for her and going to the HL now just won't be the same without seeing her there (again). 13 years is like 113 years in stripper-years, and you get to know someone pretty well in that much time. I could see her coming back, and I could see going to visit her in LA, but somehow things feel a little more final this time.

So, it's been a tough month for an old strip club junkie that loves his favorites. The cupboard isn't completely bare as I still have several other faves, and a couple more in training, but I will really miss the four ladies described above. I know some of you have favorites like me, and others would prefer to never get a dance from the same girl twice. Losing favorites just goes with the territory, I just didn't like losing this many at once!


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avatar for Corvus
11 yrs ago

Its tough to loose a favorite but four at once in a very short time is extra tough. And if they were dancing at those landmark Phoenix clubs (which I favor too) they are surely smoking hot too.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 yrs ago

My first fave quit to join the Army. Second one left the club due to drama issues. I found her again at her new club thanks to a tip from another dancer. Eventually she quit dancing. Third fave just up and left. Club staff said she moved to Vegas. Other regulars of hers on SCL say she's quit dancing now. And my fourth fave packed up and left town with 2 other hotties from my fave club. All different stories, all painful to us PL regulars. Eventually a new favorite sneaks up on you. Can't wait to see how she will break my heart.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 yrs ago

I thought I lost a long term favorite recently. Suddenly lost contact. Not in the club when I went. Did not return texts. About 3 mo went by.

Made contact recently only to find out she had been out getting a bunch of cosmetic surgery. It worked too. She went from a solid 7 to a solid 8.5. I'm glad she's back.

Yea, its easy to get attached to these honeys.

avatar for DandyDan
11 yrs ago

I learned my last visit to my favorite club that my old #1 and #2 favorites there are gone. To go with the easy one first, #2 would probably be considered too old to be dancing, but she enjoyed it still and she still did well off of it. But she got married and then she got custody of her grandkid (which may, in a roundabout way, be her fault, since she apparently raised her daughter to be a criminal) and she decided at her age, she had to be there for him and retired from the business. #1 is having one of her periodic "I hate stripping and want to do something else even though all I got is a GED" phases. I was told secondhand she now works at the Wendy's at the interstate exit the next one north from where the club is at. I believe this means she has now worked McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway and Wendy's. She could show off her Nebraska roots and work at Runza next.

avatar for rockstar666
11 yrs ago

My ATF and I are friends OTC, so if/when she quits I hope that will continue. No way to tell until it happens! I would miss her terribly if she told me to get lost.

avatar for jestrite50
11 yrs ago

My ATF and I have dropped the Club relationship for an OTC relationship. She still dances at the same club but I never go in there anymore except to pick her up and drop her off or to pick her up and take her to my hotel room. I can't see giving money to the house if I can get something better at my hotel room.

avatar for runnoft
11 yrs ago

I know this does not apply to your situation, but sometimes I would go to a club to visit with a favorite and she is gone and no one knows what happened to her. So whenever I get a favorite, I try to get her phone number. That way I can call and find out the deal. It may be that she just moved to a different local club and we can hook up again. I agree that having regular favorites is nice because they know what you like. Also, without being too arrogant, I must say that I can be quite the charmer and after I have been with a girl many times I tend to get better mileage for less cash. Sometimes I would go to a club and meet with a regular and say, "Hey, I can only spend $100 today, can we go in the VIP for a quickie". This usually results in a full service encounter that leaves me completely satisfied. Most girls would rather satisfy your needs for a lower sum rather than you not come in because you feel you do not have enough cash to get good dances. Especially if she knows you and knows that you are a good guy who treats her well and is always freshly showered and brushed your teeth, etc.

avatar for rl27
11 yrs ago

I lost many favorites over the decades. The first favorite danced in several clubs for 5 years. During most of those years there wasn't much, if any, contact in Columbus clubs, but she did a good job of flirting the limits. She finally graduates college, with a fashion degree, the first of only three dancers I know of who actually graduated.

About a year before she quit, I found two other favorites, at a relatively new club. Both were smoking hot, and both were fitness trainers, one of whom was a fitness competitor. By now contact in Columbus improved, and both gave very good lap dances. I had a good two years before the better dancer of the two, soon left once alcohol serving clubs went topless.

This started a lull in which I found no new favorites, and once my one remaining favorite's training business picked up a year later, she left. It wouldn't be until three years after she quit that I found another new favorite.

Shortly after the clubs went topless, a lot of dancers quit, and a lot of new dancers started coming in from other cities. I had a lot of awesome lap dances during that four year period, but none of the good dancers lasted more than three months, either because of the increased competition, or many getting busted for breaking the rules.

I started visiting clubs in other cities, and found three new favorites a about an hours drive away. These were my first favorite at a club that overlooked extras, and she really pushed the boundaries. So much so that I rarely visited any other club during that time. The last year at the club of the favorites quit so I was down to one so I got almost all my dances from her. She also was the second dancer I ever met who said she was going to school and actually went to school and graduated. Thinking back I probably paid for a significant portion of her last two semesters during that last year.

By now local clubs had turned around and I soon found five favorites over a five year period, that lasted me well through the next 9 years. Two were local and two were farther away. The hottest quit a year ago, at the top of her game, and was also the last to graduate, in her case with a nursing degree.

For the others, things didn't go so well. One is my first favorite who quit being my favorite. She really declined the last few years in looks and attitude, and unfortunately still quits and has a bad attitude because she isn't making as much, kind of sad.

One got busted in the club offering sex to an undercover cop. One got busted for distributing drugs. One got fired for fighting with another dancer at two separate clubs.

I currently have three favorites, two of whom have been my favorite for over 4 years, the other is fairly new, and hopefully has at least five years in her.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

I've only had 1 ATF at any one time. Was lucky enough to happen on to 2 more in a row after #1 left. And then #2 retired. #3 committed an unforgivable act & was dropped quickly. None now & still looking.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 yrs ago

In my case, after ATF #4 left, I have been seeing 2 lovely AA spinners that both take great care of me. So much so, I'm concerned about drama between them developing. Initially, I was visiting "U" every 2 weeks, but lately I'm seeing "S" from time to time. What I want to do is alternate biweekly, doing VIP once a month with each one. "S" is down with that. Not so sure about "U". I'm seeing her tonight. So in the worst case, I'll only have one CF going forward. Good luck to me as I enter the Drama Zone tonite.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

I'd LOVE to have a lovely Black Spinner be taking care of me. :) :) LOL

avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 yrs ago

This club has 4-5 similar black spinners, any of which I'd love spending hours with. One I haven't danced with is "U"'s sister, a real knockout. I'd like to get to know her but that just seems to be a major Drama Event waiting to happen.

avatar for mtnboy49
11 yrs ago

I had several "favorites" at Christie's on 32nd St that I would visit for lunch and some hot dances. I moved to Mexico for a couple years and when I came back for a visit, they were all gone... replaced by younger less exciting dancers.

avatar for 3LeggedMan
11 yrs ago

Damn, I'm ticked. Looking at the club's website I notice "S" 's pictures missing. I call the club and I'm told she doesn't dance there any more. Sadly I don't have her digits. Could be another lost favorite. My new plan of action is this: take U's uber hottie sister "A" to VIP and ask her to give S (her BFF) my number and request S to call/text me. I'm thinking S will be open to OTC work. Don't know if A will go along, but I suspect that a proper amount of tip $$ should get the job done. With luck I'll be getting S in my hotel room and be out of the club except to see U who doesn't drive and is thus restricted to ITC activities.

avatar for JGoose
11 yrs ago

My ATF asked me for my number some time ago, and we've moved on to a better relationship.

If I lost her as a friend, well, to quote Beldar:

"If, for some reason your life functions ceased, my most precious one, I would collapse, I would draw the shades and I would live in the dark. I would never get out of my slar pad or clean myself. My fluids would coagulate, my cone would shrivel, and I would die, miserable and lonely. The stench would be great."

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

^^^ Hmm... :)

avatar for JGoose
11 yrs ago

And now she made it easy and I don't even concern myself with her, and I already have a new ATF.

Although I think I'm just going to move on to escorts.


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