Ohio Strip Club City Guide

avatar for samsung1
An overview of Ohio Strip club cities<br />
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1. Dayton - Military town with an air force base that provides the strip clubs with plenty of customers. Unfortunately there are also several ROBs who specifically go to work around military paydays. The clubs in the north dixie strip are urban with higher mileage. The southern dayton clubs are safer in suburbs but lower mileage. Also a lot of southern ohio folks from Cincinnati come up to southern dayton suburbs for clubbing and drive up the prices. Diamond&#39;s Cabaret is an upscale nude club that used to be ranked in the top 10 on TUSCL but has gone downhill over the years and no longer even on the top 100 list.<br />
Top 100 clubs: Living Room and Cheeks<br />
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2. Toledo - Only about 40 minutes away from Detroit area so it is pretty foolish to come clubbing here. The city is ranked as the worse with crime in Ohio. Alexis road is a popular road here with several strip clubs. There have been publicized busts by police at Platinum Showgirls and Monroe within the past year.<br />
Top 100 clubs: Scarlett&#39;s and Platinum Showgirls<br />
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3. Cleveland - Traditional prices of $10 lap dances but lately there has been a push by dancers to raise the prices to $15-20. Several clubs have nude stage shows before midnight. Brookpark road is the popular road here with several strip clubs and located right by the suburbs so it feels safe. If you go downtown in the flats the clubs get fancier but crime problems increase.<br />
Top 100 clubs: Christies and Amber&#39;s<br />
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4. Columbus - The state capital has strict rules and pasties are enforced. Route 161 (poor area) and the sawmill/bethel (rich area) are the two popular places for strip clubs. Several dives have been shut down over the years such as Rumor&#39;s and Blue Diamond. The downside to Columbus is no upscale nude clubs. Also most clubs have $30-50 lap dances although they run &quot;buy one get one free&quot; specials usually once per hour at most clubs.<br />
Top 100 clubs: Kahoots<br />
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5. Cincinnati - Only one strip club in this relatively large city and it is a strict no touch Deja Vu club. Most Cincinnati guys will take the 30-40 minute drive north to southern Dayton or visit clubs below the state border in Kentucky.<br />
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6. Bucyrus - Two strip clubs but one was recently busted and shut down (Enferno). Fantasyland West remains standing but is now a private membership club that requires you to give out your driver&#39;s license information to join. The clubs are in the middle of nowhere so be sure to have good directions or a GPS to help navigate you. The city is dry so no alcohol allowed in the strip clubs.<br />
Top 100 Clubs: Fantasyland West<br />
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7. Akron - Several clubs do not have stage shows but they do have $5 bar stool dances (bikini) that let you sample the dancers. The VIP (topless) is $15-20/song but there are no private rooms in Akron due to past problems with prostitution. The VIP is a shared common area so you might be in there with several other dancers and customers. The clubs here are not fancy and even their &quot;upscale&quot; club looks like a dump (Mars Mens Club).<br />
Top 100 clubs: Jen&#39;s Den.<br />


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Nice report. 9 clubs in the top 100 is good but I am still glad I do not live in Ohio and only have them to pick from.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
Samsung listed most, if not all, of the good clubs in the state. I haven't been to Cleveland for over 5 years, but I remember it having the best dances in the state. Be careful on Brookpark road, especially if you have to go through the city of Brookpark where the cops really patrol. Brookpark is basically a mini right wing Cincinnati stuck in the middle of liberal Cleveland. They don't like strip clubs and got several of them shut down when Brookpark and Cleveland swapped land for the Airport expansion, and the land included several strip clubs.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
Good report. Sounds about right from what all I know.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Thanks also forgot to mention club x in Columbus is another club that has been a regular before on the top 100.
avatar for jestrite50
14 years ago

Thanks Sam ! The info you and others share here saves us guys a lot of time and money !
avatar for Ghost_Bandit
14 years ago
Great reviews, but while in Dayton, it would be a shame to miss a visit to The Living Room. I travel to the Dayton area quite a bit on business and after several trips to Diamonds on past visits, a local cab driver convinced me to give it a try. If I ever run into that guy again, he's getting a great tip!
avatar for mjx01
14 years ago
Thanks Sam! I like what you did with this article. Hopefully more will follow suit for other cities.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Nice work Sam. You've outted us as a shitty state for SCs! LOL

Don't forget that there is also that mecca of SCs to the east...Zainsville. I've never been there...but I've never heard any reason to go their either.
avatar for Mark974
14 years ago
Thanks Samsung, I now live in the Pittsburgh area but go to Cleveland and C-bus on business trips. This list may get some use this year.
avatar for yndy
14 years ago
In Ytown...

For consistent eye-candy, Club 76 and lately Go Go

For value, Palace; honorable mention, Skippers (Warren)

To waste time: Babylon, Tiffany's, Arnold's
avatar for Ytown4Life
14 years ago
Forgive me for asking, but where is the top 100 Ohio list?
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Ytown4Life, there is no top 100 Ohio List. I mentioned the Ohio clubs that I have seen appear on the Top 100 TUSCL list over the past couple years.


Right now the clubs currently on the top 100 are Living Room, Christies Cleveland, Platinum Showgirls, Fantasyland West, and Cheeks. This top 100 list gets updated frequently though so clubs are constantly changing. At one time Cheeks was ranked #4 in the country but now is ranked #88.
avatar for yndy
14 years ago
according to http://www.tuscl.net/r.php?RID… Ohio only has a total of 126 clubs!
avatar for PHound
14 years ago
samsung1 - you didn't cover Canton, it's in better shape economically than Akron, I'll be going there in about 2 weeks. Anybody have experience in Canton?

According to TUCSL, Ohio has the 4th highest number of clubs in the 50 US states behind Florida, California and Texas. It's just that many suck or don't suck, if you get the drift. I certainly agree about Columbus, I've about given up except for Kahoots 2fers, and mileage has been disapointing recently.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
PHound, no I do not have any intel on Canton but I would consider Christies cabaret. Not the most exciting place but they usually have a few hot girls and serve food.
avatar for yndy
14 years ago
When I wrote ONLY 126, I was trying to point out the folly of a Top 100 list. Turns out that 126 is quite impressive. Perhaps even more impressive it that Ohio is 4th. The 3 states in front are either much larger or more populous, or both.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
The last time I clubbed in Dayton the Living Room wass not worth the cover. Diamond's in Miamisburg is worth the trip for the lookers but is pricey, low mileage, and is a membership club. Platinum Showgirls Toledo burned down and has been replaced recently by a club of a different name. Detroit has better clubs and believe it or not is safer. Cincy has only the one and Northern KY is devoid of clubs until you get to Lexington and Dayton is closer. I don't bother clubbing in Ohio anymore. Always remember that club rankings are based mostly on local reviews and if the clubs all suck sewage in your area it does not take much to get to top of the manure pile. Brads in Indy is an example. It is an ok topless low to medium one some times two way mileage club among low mileage topless clubs.
avatar for Nixur68
8 years ago
No idea how dead this thread is but any updates since then?
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