
RI AMPs (updated May 2010)

avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island



Harmony Spa

Located near the corner of Benefit Street, Broadway (US-1), and the George R. Bennett Hwy (the old "Industrial Hwy") in Pawtucket (401-725-4811) at 11 Benefit Street #A, which is in a small strip mall between a restaurant & a laundromat.  Take Exit 1 in MA off of I-95 South to Benefit Street & then take a Left.  This small establishment used to be called "National Spa" (and it used to be a carpet store!), and it's located across the street from a small, concrete park with street & limited strip mall parking available.  The neighborhood is a tad on the sketchy side, but the service was excellent...with everything up to and including CFS, prostate massage, DATY, rimming, and an excellent massage available for an upfront tip of around $150.  They've had a 10% off coupon in the Providence Phoenix before (see below), and the house fee is $50.

Pleasant Street Spa

Japan Spa

This place is located in a very seedy section of south Providence at 1021 Broad Street on the Second Floor (401-781-0899).  Take Exit 18 off of I-95 and go West until you reach Broad Street, then turn Left.  There was no outside signage that I could see...just look for the small door with the "1021" in neon above it (the door had some writing on it about a modeling agency inside the building somewhere).  They apparently have cameras located somewhere in the building, because when I eventually found a door that had a small sign next to it that said "Ring Bell"...the door immediately opened and I was greeted by a very young girl that looked even better than the provider that I saw here.  They also claim to have "private parking behind the building", but I didn't see any...just street parking available at your own risk.  This is an up to & including CFS, Japanese establishment that's basically one long corridor with rooms on either side...the TS & sauna rooms are on the left just after you enter.  They asked for a tip upfront after the nude TS/Body Slide/sauna was completed, but the original house fee was $60.  My 40-something Service Provider was very GFE here.

One Spa

This is a relatively new establishment located on Federal Hill in Providence at 55 Bradford Street on the Third Floor (401-274-1565).  Take I-95 South to Exit 21 and go West to Bradford Street on the immediate Right...the first two hours of street parking is usually free around there.  You'll need to look for the glass door opening with the "55" above it, as there is no other signage on the building.  Ascend the stairs to the 3rd floor, then take a quick Left onto that floor and a quick Right into the lobby area of this AMP.  There's a camera located just above that floor's elevator entrance as well.  Not sure if they have more than one TS/sauna area, but the one that I went to was located in the very back of this (Korean?) establishment.  The sauna was a tad on the lukewarm side, but expect to be accompanied in it by your provider as well.  The house fee is $60 here, and I even got a kind-of "dry" body slide during the massage.  Everything up to and including CFS is available here for the "right" tip amount.  The ladies that I saw here were very nice, mostly young, and pretty..."Eve" was an excellent Service Provider.  They've had a coupon for $10 off in the Providence Phoenix (see below).

Daily Spa

Located at 508 Armistice Boulevard (RI-15) in Pawtucket (401-721-9974) with a $60 house fee & parking located either on the street or diagonally across the street in a small parking lot.  This AMP is located in a storefront just West of the US-1 (Newport Avenue) & RI-15 intersection.  The TS area here was kind of dirty, and there was no sauna available here either.  The massage was just OK, but the provider was very young & pretty.  This place appears to have gone "legit" recently since the RI law change mentioned far above, since they had signs posted that asked for customers not to solicit for any "illicit or illegal acts".  As always, with several visits, YMMV.

North Main Street Spa

Located at 1185 North Main Street (US-1) in Providence (401-453-6677).  Take I-95 Exit 25 & go East down Smithfield Avenue (RI-126), then turn Right onto Nashua Street, Left onto Frost Street, and then Left again onto US-1 North.  There is both limited on & off-street parking available here along this divided street.  They've advertised for "outcalls by appointment" as well, and there's a very good (albeit expensive) Asian restaurant located right across the street from here.  The house fee was $60 here and was taken by the Papasan.  There is a good TS offered here but apparently no sauna.  The massage was good, but the providers (mine looked to be in her mid-30s but was likely a decade or more older) were clothed a lil too conservatively for my taste.  They have signs in the massage rooms that ask customers to not solicit for "sex", but a HJ only can apparently be had after the flip if you direct the provider on where to put her hands. 

Spa 81


Century Spa

Located in a brown, brick-faced building at 150 Warren Avenue in East Providence (401-688-8696) at the corner with South Phillips Street.  They've had a $10 off coupon in Providence Phoenix (see below).  Take Exit 6 off of I-195 West, then take a Left at the end of the ramp onto Broadway & then a quick Right onto Warren Avenue to get here.  The building appeared to be for sale or lease at the end of 2009, and there did not appear to be any other businesses in the building.

Far East

Located at 72 East Street in Pawtucket (401-725-0111) just West of the I-95 overpass.  Take Exit 30 off of I-95 South onto Middle Street, then make a Right onto East Street to get here quickly.  There's apparently a $60 house fee here, and they've had a $10 off coupon in the Providence Phoenix (see below).  This place used to be called "Far East Accupressure", but I'm not sure if it's still open as of early 2010.

JJ Tuina Bodywork

Sundance Inc. Spa

Heavenly Hands Spa

Located at 146 Admiral Street in Providence (401-688-9846), just Northwest of the Route 146 Exit for "Central Health".  House fee was apparently around $50, but this place appeared to be closed down as of early 2010.

Sunflower Spa

Located at 627 Douglas Avenue (RI-7) in Providence (401-744-7816) just North of Admiral Street & "Lily Spa" with apparent private parking & an entrance in the rear.

For good info on the Providence AMP scene, check out:

For great AMP listings with reviews & comments, check out:




last comment
avatar for turtle77
14 yrs ago

Thanks for the update! I experienced this AMP when I was stationed in Korea in the late 70's. Very fond memories. It's interesting how little the routine has changed. Everything you describe from the table shower to the flilp is exactly how I remember it from over thirty years and half a world away! I wonde how far back this goes. Do you think Ghengis Kahn enjoyed the same service?

avatar for MisterGuy
14 yrs ago

Well, most of these AMP places in RI are Korean in nature, so it's not surprising. 

This documentary does a good job of describing how these mostly Korean practices made their way over to RI in recent years:


I recommended it highly!

avatar for Dougster
14 yrs ago

Way too much time devoted to whores, MisterGay. Time for  you to get a life!

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

What's funny about the documentary is that there are two versions.  $19.99 for the personal version and $199.00 for the "educational" version for use in classroom setting lol.

avatar for MisterGuy
14 yrs ago

Not much new to add to the AMP summary from above, so I'll just do it here in the comments:

Stopped by One Spa on a Friday night last month, and the place was apparently packed with girls & customers.  Apparently, later at night they lock the outside door to the building that this spa is in, but they buzz you in pretty quick.  "Bonnie" had some great, large nips, but she wasn't a very good masseuse IMO.  This spa is quite large, but they weren't offering any sauna time...not that I needed it with it being so hot outside at the time.  She was nice enough to cool down the water for our TS though.  She didn't have much English skill, but she was quite talkative anyway.  One Spa always delivers, and the mamasans here are always a hoot!  

avatar for MisterGuy
14 yrs ago

Located at 72 East Street in Pawtucket (401-725-0111) just West of the I-95 overpass. Take Exit 30 off of I-95 South onto Middle Street,

then make a Right onto East Street to get here quickly. Went here around Thanksgiving and saw "Pink", who was very nice indeed. They have plenty of off-street parking available, and there's a set of double entrance doors to hide you from the busy intersection nearby. The spa is quite small with one main corridor with apparent administration areas up front, then some massage rooms on either side of the hall, then the TS & sauna rooms at the very back of the hall. The house fee was $60, and it was taken by your provider. I had one of the best & most thorough TS's that I've ever had here with a wet back massage included. After a quick trip to the sauna to dry

off, the rest of the massage was excellent as well with a large hot towel across the back & even back walking included. Only HJ, BLS, and LFK were available, but I think YMMV depending on how well they know you here. They've had a $10 off coupon in the Providence Phoenix before.

Formerly located at 204 Westminster Street in downtown Providence, which was around the corner from the main square near City Hall & near the corner with Eddy Street (401-274-3773 or 401-270-9008). This Korean place was closed down by the local politicians, but it is apparently operating under the same name & phone number at 417 Smithfield Avenue in Providence. They apparently have a TS & sauna, and they are located across from a gas station & a Burger King. Take I-95 Exit 25 & go West down Smithfield Avenue (RI-126) over the railroad tracks, then turn Right at the light.

avatar for MisterGuy
13 yrs ago

Went to the above Far East Accupressure for the second time at the beginning of this month & met the Korean "Ruby" ("like Ruby Tuesday" she said...lol...). Same $60 house fee taken after you get settled, and a great TS & sauna experience. Massage wasn't as great as last time, but there was some kneeling on the back over a hot towel, which was pretty good. Ruby had a great set of nipples & was very fun to play with. If you go here more than once, CFS/CBJ is almost guaranteed. They do treat first time customers or non-locals with kid gloves though. Standard tip for FS. I'd come back here in the future, but it might help to call ahead to make sure that there are enough girls to go around when you visit.

avatar for MisterGuy
13 yrs ago
avatar for MisterGuy
13 yrs ago

Oooopppsss...I guess my html coding skills are a lil rusty...sorry for the all bold print.

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